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Presentation on theme: "DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION OF FOSSIL TURTLES: MODELING BEAK MORPHOLOGY OF EXTANT TAXA USING A MEDICAL CT SCANNER Nicholas E. Smith Department of Biological."— Presentation transcript:

1 DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION OF FOSSIL TURTLES: MODELING BEAK MORPHOLOGY OF EXTANT TAXA USING A MEDICAL CT SCANNER Nicholas E. Smith Department of Biological Sciences, Marshall University, Huntington, WV 25755 Abstract Cranial and dental morphology of mammals serve as dietary predictors, and paleontologists use comparative morphology to reconstruct the diet of extinct species. In turtles, however, phylogeny has traditionally been the basis for dietary predictions. The goal of this study was to apply functional morphological techniques from mammalian studies to the beaks of turtles, and assess the use of a medical CT scanner for this application. By establishing dietary cranial characters among extant feeding strategists, it may then be possible to more accurately predict what fossil taxa may have eaten. Turtles lack teeth, and therefore their shearing surfaces are formed via a keratinized beak, the rhamphotheca. Unfortunately, these keratinous sheaths do not fossilize, and the difficulty in this experiment was matching structures seen on the rhamphotheca to those of the maxillae and mandible. To assess this fit, a Computed Tomography (CT) scanner was used to generate models of preserved specimens, which were imported into a 3-D quality control program. The taxa examined are endemic to West Virginia, and were chosen based upon feeding strategies: Apalone s. spinifera (carnivore); Pseudemys c. concinna (herbivore); Chelydra s. serpentina (omnivore); Graptemys geographica, (molluscivore); Graptemys p. ouachitensis (insectivore). One representative adult male was digitized per group, using a GE Lightspeed CT scanner at Cabell Huntington Hospital (CHH). The skulls were scanned at a slice thickness of 0.49 mm using a bone algorithm, and the DICOM file was imported into 3D-Doctor for image processing. In this program, the rhamphotheca were isolated from the underlying bone and soft tissue using differences in pixel intensity. Three-dimensional surface files were then exported into Geomagic Qualify, where the rhamphotheca was superimposed with the cranium, and a 3-D comparison was made. Morphometric analyses were performed in 3D-Doctor, and bone densities were taken using Voxtool 3.0.04v at CHH. Not only did CT scanning provide a means of acquiring data inaccessible via other forms of microscopy, collaboration with CHH and the Marshall University School of Medicine afforded an opportunity to examine the feeding apparatuses of these taxa without dissecting the specimens. It was determined that the resolution of the medical CT scanner was insufficient for modeling microstructures, however, the internal structures and density measurements proved invaluable. Even on this small sample, trends in cranial morphology are apparent among the dietary groups, and warrant further investigation. Coupled with a higher resolution instrument, like a Micro-CT scanner, this technique yields tremendous possibilities for functional morphological applications. Objectives Generate 3D models of feeding apparatuses from turtle specimens using a CT scanner Isolate rhamphotheca from underlying bone Because keratin does not readily fossilize, it is necessary to assess variation between rhamphotheca and ossified beak If underlying bone adequately represents the beak, it is then possible to test for form/function relationship between feeding strategies and bony morphology Materials & Methods Five museum specimens were selected and scanned based on feeding strategy: - Apalone s. spinifera (carnivore) - Chelydra s. serpentina (omnivore) - Pseudemys c. concinna (herbivore) - Graptemys geographica (carnivore) - Graptemys p. ouachitensis (carnivore) GE Lightspeed Pro 16 CT Scanner (Cabell Huntington Hospital MUSOM) -slice thickness: 0.625 mm -voxel volume: 0.218 mm 3 –standard algorithm Slice data rendered into 3D surface models using 3D-Doctor STL file imported into Geomagic Studio for 3D comparison Linear and area measurements taken in ImageJ Rhamphotheca Tomial ridge Labial ridge Triturating surface Dietary Reconstruction of Fossil Vertebrates Previous studies have shown a direct correlation between skull morphology and diet of aquatic turtles (Claude et al., 2004; Herrel et al., 2002) However, these techniques have never been applied to fossil taxa Feeding strategies of fossil taxa are based primarily on phylogeny References Anthony, M. 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Bot. 22:17-48.Acknowledgments Suzanne Strait, David Neff, Michael Norton advise and review Thomas Pauley loaning museum specimens Pamela Haun and Carolyn Holschuh (CHH) CT scanning assistance Carnivore 10 cm Apalone s. spinifera MU-3971 (dorsal view) Omnivore 10 cm Chelydra s. serpentina MU-4121 (dorsal view) Herbivore 10 cm Pseudemys c. concinna MU-3965 (dorsal view) Carnivore 10 cm Graptemys geographica MU-3761 (dorsal view) Carnivore 10 cm Graptemys p. ouachitensis MU-1922 (dorsal view) Apalone s. spinifera MU-3971 (dorsal view) Osteological model Chelydra s. serpentina MU-4121 (dorsal view) Osteological model Pseudemys c. concinna MU-3965 (dorsal view) Osteological model Graptemys geographica MU-3761 (dorsal view) Osteological model Graptemys p. ouachitensis MU-1922 (dorsal view) Osteological model Apalone s. spinifera MU-3971 (lateral view) Soft-tissue:green Bone: off-white Chelydra s. serpentina MU-4121 (lateral view) Soft-tissue:green Bone: off-white Graptemys geographica MU-3761 (lateral view) Soft-tissue:green Bone: off-white Graptemys p. ouachitensis MU-1922 (lateral view) Soft-tissue: green Bone: off-white Apalone s. spinifera MU-3971 (ventral view) Variation in millimeters Chelydra s. serpentina MU-4121 (ventral view) Variation in millimeters Pseudemys c. concinna MU-3965 (ventral view) Variation in millimeters Graptemys geographica MU-3761 (ventral view) Variation in millimeters Graptemys p. ouachitensis MU-1922 (ventral view) Conclusions Even with low resolution, CT permits cranial analyses previously unattainable Rhamphotheca can be isolated and compared to underlying bone Ossified beak is a “cast” of rhamphotheca with little variation Gross cranial morphology is indicative of feeding strategy Future work with a High-Resolution Micro-CT scanner appears promising Pseudemys c. concinna MU-3965 (lateral view) Soft-tissue: green Bone: off-white Carnivores Omnivore Herbivore Concurrent with previous studies, skull morphology is indicative of feeding strategy.


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