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Thursday December 6, 2012 (Continue Project – Plate Tectonics)

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday December 6, 2012 (Continue Project – Plate Tectonics)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday December 6, 2012 (Continue Project – Plate Tectonics)

2 The Launch Pad Thursday, 12/6/12 What is a convergent plate boundary? What is a divergent plate boundary? What is a transform plate boundary? an actively deforming region where two (or more) tectonic plates or fragments of lithosphere move toward one another and collide. a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other. a plate boundary where two plates are moving alongside each other either in different directions or at different speeds


4 Announcements Remember that we will not have a Quiz tomorrow. It will be next Wednesday, Dec. 12 th. I will not be available after school today due to a faculty meeting.

5 Assignment Currently Open Summative or Formative? Date IssuedDate Due Date Into GradeSpeed Final Day Quiz 11S111/9 11/3012/14 Quiz 12S211/16 11/3012/14 WS - The Phanerozoic Eon: The Mesozoic Era – The Age of Reptiles F611/2812/7 WS - The Phanerozoic Eon: The Cenozoic Era – The Rise of Mammals and Flowering Plants F711/2912/7 Quiz 13S311/30 12/21 WS - Introduction to Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics F812/312/712/12 Video WS - Plate Tectonics, Volcanism, and Earthquakes F912/412/712/12 Project – Plate Tectonics F10,11,1212/512/712/11

6 Recent Events in Science Scientists Find Oldest Dinosaur -- Or Closest Relative Yet Artist rendering of Nyasasaurus parringtoni, either the earliest dinosaur or the closest dinosaur relative yet discovered. Nyasasaurus parringtoni was up to 10 feet long, weighed perhaps 135 pounds and is depicted near plant-eating reptiles of the genus Stenaulorhynchus. (Credit: © Natural History Museum, London/Mark Witton) Read All About It! 21205084421.htm Researchers have discovered what may be the earliest dinosaur, a creature the size of a Labrador retriever. It had a five foot-long tail and walked the Earth about 10 million years before more familiar dinosaurs like the small, swift- footed Eoraptor and Herrerasaurus. The findings mean that the dinosaur lineage appeared 10 million to 15 million years earlier than fossils previously showed, originating in the Middle Triassic rather than in the Late Triassic period.

7 Continue Project Plate Tectonics

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