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VASFAA Spring Conference 2012VASFAA Spring Conference 2012 Realigning Resources to Better Recruit and Retain a Diverse Student Body May 23rd, 2012 Norfolk,

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Presentation on theme: "VASFAA Spring Conference 2012VASFAA Spring Conference 2012 Realigning Resources to Better Recruit and Retain a Diverse Student Body May 23rd, 2012 Norfolk,"— Presentation transcript:

1 VASFAA Spring Conference 2012VASFAA Spring Conference 2012 Realigning Resources to Better Recruit and Retain a Diverse Student Body May 23rd, 2012 Norfolk, VA Presented by: Mike O’Grady, Financial Aid Services

2 Definitions  Non-Traditional  First Generation  Veterans  Disabilities  Other

3 The New PipelineThe New Pipeline Source: Lumina Foundation  Non-Hispanic white population will increase by 10.2 million by 2020  African-American population will increase by 9.5 million by 2020  Hispanic population will increase by 24.1 million 31.1 % 12.6 % 17.6 % % that have a college degree

4 Perfect Storm  Decreasing traditional college bound population  Worst economy since the Depression  Budget freezes on all levels  One out of four homeowners is in a negative equity position or no equity position  Filling seats from a new demographic

5 Iceberg Cometh-No Global Warming in Higher Education Unknown Resources Known Resources Unknown FISAP Reported Certified Loans Home equity Savings/Stocks/410K’s Other Resources

6 Traditional Recruitment Funnel award letter FAFSA Early Funnel Early Funnel Mid Funnel Mid Funnel Late Funnel Late Funnel Entering Class Entering Class PRE-FUNNELPRE-FUNNEL PRE-FUNNELPRE-FUNNEL Application trends affect conversions rates

7 PIPELINEPIPELINE PIPELINEPIPELINE Recruitment Funnels and Filters Multifarious Momentums Early Funnel Early Funnel Mid Funnel Mid Funnel Late Funnel Late Funnel “Other” Early Funnel Early Funnel Mid Funnel Mid Funnel Late Funnel Multicultural Early Funnel Early Funnel Mid Funnel Mid Funnel Late Funnel Late Funnel Traditional Melt ENROLLEDENROLLED ENROLLEDENROLLED GRADUATEGRADUATE GRADUATEGRADUATE

8 Retention Funnel ADMITTEDADMITTED ADMITTEDADMITTED Recruiting students that don’t matriculate is extremely expensive and is a “lose-lose” proposition. GRADUATESGRADUATES GRADUATESGRADUATES ALUMNIALUMNI ALUMNIALUMNI Freshmen Sophomores JuniorsSeniors

9  Students are terribly misinformed about their future debt obligations and income potential.  Institutional default rate management is most effective when schools still have control over their students post-graduate plans.  The future of delinquency management is going to be pre-emptive. Managing Default RatesManaging Default Rates

10 Model of Communication SenderEncoder Decoder Receiver

11 Secret Sauce- Leveraging TechnologySecret Sauce- Leveraging Technology  Transfer work-load to where interpersonal skills are needed  Reduce rote tasks  24/7  Institution can become bilingual  Consistent brand management  Mitigates budget cuts  Go Green  Use analytics as your GPS for default management

12 “The Medium is the Message”…“The Medium is the Message”… Marshal McLuhan  E-Mail  Facebook  My Space  Twitter  Net Price Calculator  Snail Mail  Direct Mail  Phone  Internet  Campus Visits

13 Staying AfloatStaying Afloat  Diversify your staff - age, sex, and ethnicity  Technology, Technology, Technology  Leverage resources from the Department of Ed  Benchmark with your peers constantly  Acquire cross-cultural training

14 Staying AfloatStaying Afloat  Get a new hat rack—you will be wearing many hats  Set your sights on moving up the food chain  You are the admissions office and student affairs  Co-source or outsource routine tasks  America’s core competency depends on you

15 College “Culture Shock” & Veteran’s PTSD/I Awareness  Introduced by 1954 by Kalvervo Oberg  Normally a student blames his or her “financial aid” as the reason for leaving school.  Difficulty in assimilating to new culture and environment  Anxiety, disorientation, uncertainty, confusion  Phases: Honeymoon Phase-Negotiation Phase--Adjustment Phase (things become “normal”)-Reverse Culture Shock

16  One in five veterans will experience re-entry issues or possibly PTSD/I  Approximately 200,000 women served in Afghanistan and Iraq  23% to 33% of women veterans report experiencing “MST” of which 42% will acquire PTSD

17  Re-entry issues for veterans often result in alcohol abuse, drug abuse, family or marital problems or suicide  Symptoms of PTSD may include anger and irritability, “spacey stare,” short attention span, confusion, trouble sleeping, and “self-medicating.”  What is your SAP policy regarding PTSD?

18 Internal Champions/Task ForceInternal Champions/Task Force Admissions Financial Aid Financial Aid Multicultural Affairs Multicultural Affairs Veterans Affairs Student Accounts Student Accounts Psychological Services Psychological Services

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