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Workshop Overview Good Day. My name is Phil N. DeBlanc and I will be giving a brief overview on the MPAT program and TE-26. 02-10 April 2015
Agenda What is MPAT? TE-26 Overview TE-26 Deliverables
Multinational Force Standing Operating Procedures (MNF SOP) This is the agenda for today’s brief. Explain the Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT) program. Provide an overview of Tempest Express 26 (TE-26) Explain the deliverables for each working group in TE-26 Explain the Multinational Force Standing Operating Procedures (MNF SOP) to be used in TE-26.
MPAT Participants A cadre of military planners ...
From nations with Asia-Pacific interests Capable of rapidly augmenting a multinational force (MNF) headquarters (HQ) Established to plan and execute coalition operations at the OPERATIONAL LEVEL In response to military –operations-other-than-war (MOOTW) / small scale contingencies (SSC) The climate of cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region is very conducive to multilateral dialogue and the development of effective strategic, operational, and tactical planning and execution skills to meet on-going and emergent security challenges. Many of the necessary planning skills and personal relationships used to form effective multilateral partnerships can be found within the Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT) program. The MPAT is made up of a cadre of experienced military planners, capable of rapidly augmenting a multinational force headquarters (MNF HQ), to plan and execute coalition military operations primarily at the lower end of the spectrum of conflict. The primary focus of MPAT is to improve multinational interoperability at the operational level of command.
A Multinational Program
Maintains a cadre of MNF planners: Skilled in common crisis action planning procedures Available to rapidly augment a CTF HQ during a crisis Develops habitual relationships among MPAT cadre Meets periodically to: Share information & develop CTF HQ procedures (MNF SOP) Practice CTF HQ activation, formation, & planning processes Includes interested nations, International Organizations (IOs), Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), & United Nations (UN) agencies MPAT PROGRAM BELONGS TO ALL INTERESTED NATIONS MPAT is a rapidly maturing multinational program established in early MPAT was established to develop procedures to facilitate the rapid and effective establishment and/or augmentation of multinational coalition task force headquarters (CTF HQ). MPAT is not a program with formal participatory agreements. The key factor in program success to date has been the informal ad hoc nature of the program. Without memorandums of agreement, terms of reference, or other more formal arrangements, the program has been able to share information and all participants have been able to jointly develop concepts and procedures without formal policy constraints – a key inhibitor to multinational interoperability when working with other nations. The MPAT program includes military planners from all interested nations and also incorporates expertise from International & Non-governmental Organizations and the UN. The MPAT program belongs to all interested nations.
MPAT Objectives & Methods
Improve Speed of Multinational Crisis Response Improve Multinational Force Interoperability Increase CTF Mission Effectiveness Unity of Effort Develop and become familiar with common Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) for MNF HQ and similar documents Strengthen & Practice Common Crisis Action Planning Procedures The operational objectives of the MPAT program are: Increase speed of initial crisis response by a multinational force in the Asia-Pacific region. Improve the interoperability of coalition or combined forces, or multinational operations where nations work in parallel with each other. Improve overall Multinational Task Force Headquarters mission effectiveness. The two primary methods by which MPAT supports these objectives are by: Developing a cadre a skilled multinational military planners Developing a common set of procedures This program will ultimately save lives as we improve the multinational capability to rapidly and efficiently respond to a disaster, humanitarian crisis, or complex contingency.
MPAT Nations and Partners
Australia Bangladesh Brunei Cambodia Canada East Timor France Fiji Germany India Indonesia Italy Japan Korea Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Nepal New Zealand Papua New Guinea Philippines Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Thailand Tonga Tuvalu United Kingdom United States Vanuatu Vietnam TE-26 guest participating nation: Norway Expert mentors: CFE DMHA, CRF, ICRC, MCDC, MIC, SPC, UN OCHA, This is a list of current nations participating in the MPAT Program. Most are from the Asia & Pacific regions. The nations outside the region (Canada, France, Germany, Italy & the UK) participate in MPAT because they are also members (along with Australia & the US) in a multinational interoperability program called the Multinational Interoperability Council (MIC) which seeks to improve military interoperability at the strategic & policy level. By including MIC nations in MPAT, we help to ensure that interoperability at the strategic/policy level is being done in concert with interoperability efforts at the operational/planner level, and vice versa. MPAT program also invites leading civilian and humanitarian agencies to participate in MPAT events
MPAT Venues MPAT SOP Development Workshop : MPAT TEMPEST EXPRESS (TE):
Building Relationships
MPAT Program Building Relationships Building Capacity Military Unified Action Civil Government Humanitarians MPAT’s fundamental effort is to build relationships and capacity between militaries, other elements of government and the international humanitarian community to respond to sudden onset crisis in a unified fashion to achieve better results.
TEMPEST EXPRESS 26 Overview of Tempest Express 26
TE-26 End State Improved MPAT nations’ forces’ capabilities for planning for: Support to disaster response operations, Support to pandemic response operations, Non-combatant evacuation operations, Stability operations, and Maritime security / counter-piracy operations. Testing and refinement of relevant portions of the Multinational Force Standing Operating Procedures (MNF SOP) Overall goals and end states for TE-26: Improved MPAT nations’ forces’ capabilities for: Military support to civilian-led disaster response operations; Military support to civilian-led pandemic response operations; Non-combatant evacuation operations; Stability operations; and Maritime security & counter-piracy operations. Testing and refinement of relevant portions of the Multinational Force Standing Operating Procedures. 10
TE-26 Objectives Objective 1: Enhance MPAT Nations’ mission planning for military support to civilian-led disaster and pandemic responses. Objective 2: Enhance multinational military capabilities for planning small scale contingency operations. Objective 3: Improve multinational military speed of response, interoperability, mission effectiveness and unity of effort for disaster response, pandemic response, non-combatant evacuation, stability and maritime security operations. TE-26 Objectives: Enhance MPAT Nations’ mission planning for military support to civilian-led disaster and pandemic responses. Enhance multinational military capabilities for planning small scale contingency operations. Improve multinational military speed of response, interoperability, mission effectiveness and unity of effort for disaster response, pandemic response, non-combatant evacuation, stability and maritime security operations.
Humanitarian Community Total estimated number of participants 100-120
TE-26 Participants Nations Humanitarian Community Australia Bangladesh Brunei Cambodia Canada France Germany India Indonesia Italy Japan Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Nepal New Zealand Norway Philippines Singapore Sri Lanka Tonga Tuvalu United Kingdom United States Vanuatu Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Affairs (CFE-DMHA) Croix-Rouge française International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Secretariat of the pacific Community Public Health UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Total estimated number of participants TE-26 Participants: Participating 26 nations: Australia Bangladesh Brunei Cambodia Canada France Germany India Indonesia Italy Japan Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Nepal New Zealand Norway Philippines Singapore Sri Lanka Timor Leste Tonga Tuvalu United Kingdom United States Vanuatu Vietnam Humanitarian Community Center for Excellence DMHA Croix-Rouge francaise International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Secretariat of the Pacific Community UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Total estimated number of participants 26 nations
TE-26 Exercise Format Event Dates: 02-10 April 2015.
Location: SPC and Chateau Royal Hotel, Nouméa. Operational-level, multinational planning activities. Format: Academics followed by planning in syndicate groups ending with out briefs to senior officers. Schedule: Academics: April (1½ days) Planning Group Sessions: 04 & April (5 days) Mission Analysis: 04 & 06 April (1½ days) Mission Planning: April (3½ days) Out briefs to Senior Officials: 10 April (½ day) Subject Matter Experts will circulate through all groups. Event Dates: April 2015. Location: SPC and Chateau Royal Hotel, Noumea. Operational-level, multinational planning activities. Format: Academics followed by planning in syndicate groups ending with out briefs to senior officers. Schedule: Academics: April (1½ days) Planning Group Sessions: 04 & April (5 days) Mission Analysis: 04 & 06 April (1½ days) Mission Planning: April (3½ days) Out briefs to Senior Officials: 10 April (½ day) Subject Matter Experts will circulate through all groups. 13
Event Daily Start / Stop Times: 08:00 to 17:00
TE-26 Schedule Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 July 1 Arrivals Local Orientation Opening & Academics Academics ½ day Mission Planning Training Holiday Mission Planning Mission Planning Mission Planning Mission Planning Out briefs & Closing RE DEPLOY Schedule: 31 March - Arrivals 1 April Registration Supplies run to local supermarket 2 SPC Opening Academics FANC Officer’s Club 3 SPC Academics (1/2 day) ½ day off 4 Chateau Royale Working Groups Mission analysis CAO development 5 April – Easter – Day off Church services available Outing to Isle aux Canards 6-9 Chateau Royale Working Groups – continued COA development 10 Chateau Royale Working group briefings to senior officials Closing Ceremony 11 April - Departure Event Daily Start / Stop Times: 08:00 to 17:00 Lunch from 12:00-13:00
TE-26 Academics 2 April 2015 3 April 2015 New Caledonia overview
FANC Overview Regional Issues Overview MPAT/MNF SOP Overview & TE-26 Deliverables Humanitarian Community Overview Civil-Military Coordination in Disaster Relief & Complex Emergencies Pandemic Operations Overview Maritime Security Overview Stability Operations Military Decision Making Process – Multinational (MDMP-M) Multinational Coordination Center (MNCC) FRANZ Agreement Coalition Building Guide Scenario Operational Intelligence Preparation of the Environment (OIPE) Academics: 2 April 2015 New Caledonia overview FANC Overview Regional Issues Overview MPAT/MNF SOP Overview & TE-26 Deliverables Humanitarian Community Overview Civil-Military Coordination in Disaster Relief & Complex Emergencies Pandemic Operations Overview Maritime Security Overview 3 April 2015 Stability Operations Military Decision Making Process – Multinational (MDMP-M) Multinational Coordination Center (MNCC) FRANZ Agreement Coalition Building Guide Scenario Operational Intelligence Preparation of the Environment (OIPE)
TE-26 Mission Planning Deliverables
TE-26 Working Groups TE-26 Mission Planning Deliverables TE-26 Deliverables
Group 1(HA/DR) Disaster Response to Vanuatu Cyclone
TE-26 Working Groups Group 1(HA/DR) Disaster Response to Vanuatu Cyclone Group 1 – Post-cyclone Disaster Response to Vanuatu.
Humanitarian Assistance / Disaster Response (HA/DR):
TE-26 Group 1 Scenario Humanitarian Assistance / Disaster Response (HA/DR): Cyclone Sophia generates near Tuvalu, builds strength as it turns south. Cyclone passes over Vanuatu and Port Vila causing extensive damage. Cyclone passes over New Caledonia causing minor damage. Vanuatu consents to international assistance; damage to New Caledonia does not require international assistance. MPAT Nations convene in Nouméa to prepare course of action for military support to the disaster response. Group 1 plans a French-led military portion of international disaster response operation in support of Vanuatu government. Port Vila Nouméa Cyclone Sophia generates near Tuvalu, strengthening as turns south. Cyclone passes over Vanuatu and Port Vila, causing extensive damage. Cyclone continues south, but weakening before passing over New Caledonia, causing minor damage Vanuatu has consented to international disaster response assistance. New Caledonia does not require international disaster response assistance. Group 1 shall develop a course of action for multinational military disaster response support to the Government of Vanuatu and other civilian responders in Vanuatu.
Group 2 (Pandemic) Regional Pandemic Response
TE-26 Working Groups Group 2 (Pandemic) Regional Pandemic Response Group 2 – Regional Pandemic Response
Regional Pandemic Response
TE-26 Group 2 Scenario Regional Pandemic Response Fijian UN Peacekeepers return to Viti Levu from PKO Mission in Africa, asymptomatic with Ebola. Peacekeepers disperse home on leave. Some Peacekeepers beginning to show symptoms, locals exposed. Fijian health care system overwhelmed, asks for assistance. Concern that exposed individuals will travel, spreading the virus within the region. MPAT Nations convene in Nouméa to plan support to response in Fiji. Group 2 plans military portion of pandemic response to support treatment of patients, quarantine / security in Fiji and stop the spread of disease in the region. Fijian Peacekeepers return to Fiji from African PKO mission asymptomatic with Ebola. Peacekeepers disperse home on leave. Some Peacekeepers begin to show symptoms of Ebola after having contact with local populations. Numbers of persons in Fiji symptomatic with Ebola begins to rise. Reports in other countries of persons with symptoms of Ebola after traveling to Fiji. Fijian health care system overwhelmed; virus spreads throughout region. Fijian and regional government requests assistance in containing and treating pandemic. Group 2 to develop a course of action on how militaries can support regional governments and civilian responders in containing the pandemic.
Groups 3, 4 & 5 Multinational Force Isla del Sol Operations
TE-26 Working Groups Groups 3, 4 & 5 Multinational Force Isla del Sol Operations Group 3 – Multinational Non-combatant Evacuation Operation.
Common Background for Scenarios 3, 4, 5
TE-26 Groups 3-5 Scenarios Common Background for Scenarios 3, 4, 5 Isla del Sol (IDS) is a newly independent nation in the South Pacific. Sons of Isla del Sol (SIS) is an insurgent terrorist group in IDS. SIS attacks IDS government officials and civilians, and engages in piracy in IDS waters. IDS government unable to stop insurgency, protect civilians & commerce. Violence reaches level requiring international action to restore stability and rule of law, protect civilians and end piracy. UNSC Resolutions 2275 and 2282 authorize Multinational Force Isla del Sol (MNF IDS). MNF IDS has 3 CTF components: Non-combatant Evacuation Operation; Stability Operation; and Maritime Security / Counter-Piracy Operation. France offers Nouméa as regional location for MNF IDS planning. Insurgent group Sons of Isla del Sol (SIS) overwhelming Isla del Sol security forces. SIS strategy includes attacks Isla del Sol government offices, attacks on civilians, attacks on foreign economic interests and attacks on foreign workers. SIS also begins large-scale robbery at sea and piracy operations around Isla del Sol waters to finance insurgency. Mohajerani Criminal Gangs (MCG) begin piracy operations as part of criminal enterprise. Isla del Sol government unable to stop insurgency, counter piracy and protect civilians. UN Security Council determines insurgency and piracy are threats to global peace and security, passes 2 Resolutions for international assistance to restore rule of law. France offers Noumea as planning and staging location for international stability operation. Group 4 to plan a course of action for a multinational force, in support of the government of Isla del Sol, to restore stability and rule of law in Isla del Sol.
TE-26 Working Groups Group 3 (NEO) Multinational Non-combatant Evacuation Operation from a fictional Pacific Nation Group 3 – Multinational Non-combatant Evacuation Operation.
Non-combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO):
TE-26 Group 3 Scenario Non-combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO): SIS insurgents / terrorists intentionally targeting foreign civilians and businesses within IDS. IDS government unable to provide effective security for foreign civilians. A non-combatant evacuation operation of foreign civilians is required. France offers Nouméa as operations staging / reception area for multinational non-combatant evacuation operation. Evacuees either evacuated directly home or transit through Nouméa. As part of MNF IDS, Group 3 plans coordinated, multinational, non-combatant evacuation operations from Isla del Sol using a CTF structure. Newly independent South Pacific island nation of Isla del Sol. Insurgency ongoing within Isla del Sol destabilizing the government. As part of insurgency strategy, insurgents being targeting foreign economic interests and foreign workers. Isla del Sol security forces overwhelmed, unable to provide security to foreign workers, requiring a non-combatant evacuation of foreign workers. Affected nations request MPAT nations’ militaries assistance in planning evacuation operation from Isla del Sol. France offers Noumea as an operational planning and staging base for evacuation operation. France also offers Noumea as intermediary transit point for evacuees who cannot fly directly from Isla del Sol to their home country. Group 3 shall plan a course of action for a non-combatant evacuation operation from Isla del Sol.
TE-26 Working Groups Group 4 (PEO) Multinational Stability Operation in a fictional Pacific Nation Group 4 – Multinational Stability Operation
TE-26 Group 4 Scenario Stability Operations
SIS insurgents engage in terrorist acts against IDS and foreign nationals and businesses. IDS government unable to stop insurgency, protect civilians and businesses. Violence reaches level requiring regional and international action to restore stability and rule of law. UNSC Resolution 2275 authorizes , as part of MNF IDS, a STABOPS CTF for stability operations to restore stability and rule of law, and protect civilians in IDS. France offers Nouméa as regional location for multinational stability operations planning. As part of MNF IDS, Group 4 plans multinational stability operations in IDS to end violence, restore law and order, and protect civilians. Insurgent group Sons of Isla del Sol (SIS) overwhelming Isla del Sol security forces. SIS strategy includes attacks Isla del Sol government offices, attacks on civilians, attacks on foreign economic interests and attacks on foreign workers. SIS also begins large-scale robbery at sea and piracy operations around Isla del Sol waters to finance insurgency. Mohajerani Criminal Gangs (MCG) begin piracy operations as part of criminal enterprise. Isla del Sol government unable to stop insurgency, counter piracy and protect civilians. UN Security Council determines insurgency and piracy are threats to global peace and security, passes 2 Resolutions for international assistance to restore rule of law. France offers Noumea as planning and staging location for international stability operation. Group 4 to plan a course of action for a multinational force, in support of the government of Isla del Sol, to restore stability and rule of law in Isla del Sol.
TE-26 Working Groups Group 5 (MARSEC) Multinational Maritime Security Operation in a fictional Pacific Nation Group 5 – Maritime Security / Counter-piracy operation.
Maritime Security / Counter Piracy
TE-26 Group 5 Scenario Maritime Security / Counter Piracy SIS terrorists engage in piracy in and near IDS waters to fund their insurgency in IDS. SIS attacks against IDS and foreign flagged vessels. IDS Gendarmerie and Coast Guard unable to stop piracy. UNSC Resolution 2282 authorizes, as part of MNF IDS, a CTF to end piracy, protect global commerce in and around IDS waters. France offers Nouméa as regional location for multinational maritime security / counter-piracy operations planning. As part of MNF IDS, Group 5 plans multinational maritime security / counter-piracy operations to end piracy, arrest perpetrators, protect shipping and restore freedom of navigation. As part of insurgency, SIS begins large-scale robbery at sea, kidnapping at sea, hijacking and piracy operations in and around Isla del Sol waters. Acts of piracy including attacks on foreign-flagged vessels in international waters, threatening freedom of navigation and international commerce. MCG criminals join in on piracy operations as part of criminal enterprise. Isla del Sol security forces unable to stop insurgency or acts of piracy. UN Security Council determines that insurgency and piracy are threats to global peace, security and commerce, pass 2 resolutions authorizing international assistance to counter piracy. France offers Noumea as regional location for planning and staging of counter-piracy operation. Group 5 is to plan a course of action for a maritime security and counter-piracy operation in and around the waters of Isla del Sol.
Multinational Force Standing Operating Procedures (MNF SOP)
TE-26 MNF SOP Overview Multinational Force Standing Operating Procedures (MNF SOP) Overview of MNF SOP.
MNF SOP Overview Agreed-upon procedures required to improve multinational crisis response and capabilities by MPAT nations Not prescriptive, binding or directive Document left “unsigned” intentionally Serves as a “guide” (start point) A multinational document Contributions from 31 nations, UN, civil government and humanitarian organizations Primary focus: Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) Designed to support a full range of small scale contingencies (SSCs) Used for all USPACOM Multinational Operations Used for Joint Task Force Certification in ADF Use for planning guide at TE 26 The MNF SOP supports the MPAT program and is its (MPAT) central planning and execution document. The SOP’s focus is on improving “multinational crisis response capabilities within the 31 MPAT nations. To date, we have had 16 dedicated MNF SOP Workshop to date. The next MNF SOP Workshop is scheduled in Sri Lanka in June 2013.
The Foundation for Unity of Effort
MNF SOP Key Principles Operational Start Points Predetermined “start points” prior to a crisis will improve MNF speed of initial response / effectiveness Clear Understanding & Communications It is critical to “agree” or “agree to disagree” based upon a common set of terms & processes Common Planning Process MNF planning structure must provide for an “integrated and managed process” for the development & execution of plans The Foundation for Unity of Effort Shown here are the MNF SOP key principles. They are three fold as outlined. I’ll give you a moment to read them. (NOTE: describe each as required – are CRITICAL for the MNF SOP)
MNF SOP Missions in TE-26 MNF SOP - Operational Focus
Major Conflict (War) Large scale offensive & defensive combat ops MNF SOP - Operational Focus Hostilities will occur PEO Small-Scale- Contingency Counter Piracy Combating Terrorism Hostilities may occur Counterinsurgency Protection of Shipping Counterdrug Ops Counterterrorism Disarmament, Demobilization & Reintegration Anti-Piracy Consequence Management Hostilities unlikely, but possible PKO NEO Anti-Terrorism Show of Force Disaster Relief Humanitarian Assistance Freedom of Navigation Domestic Support Personnel Recovery Ops CBRNE-TIM (biological) Areas within the MNF SOP addressed in TE-26. TE-26 missions
MNF SOP Framework and Organization
Framework – SOP based on “military context & perspective” SOP Organization: Parts A & B: MNF SOP Foundations and Overview: Conceptual foundation and operational “Start Points” for MNF Operations Part C: Multinational HQ Procedures: Hqs staff organization, procedures, processes and functions Part D: Range of Military Operations and MNF Missions: Missions within the scope of MNF SOP with planning factors, considerations, checklists and other information Parts E: Multinational Reference Library: Glossary, abbreviations, acronyms, reports formats, and reference documents Parts F: Supporting Documents: Templates, Tables, Reports and Formats Shown here is the framework and organization of the MNF SOP. (Note: discuss as required)
MULTINATIONAL FORCE STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES (MNF SOP) Version: 2.9a December 2014 Event Links SOP Workshop MPAT TE Develop Procedures Test Procedures Exercises & Operations This graphically depicts the concept for continuous improvement by MPAT nations. Procedures agreed upon are developed for the MNF SOP. Those procedures are tested and validated in MPAT TEMPEST EXPRESS Staff Planning Workshops (like table top exercises) and in large multinational military exercises like COBRA GOLD in Thailand, BALIKATAN in the Philippines or TALISMAN SABER in Australia. Validate Procedures
Tempest Express 26 Questions? Questions?
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