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Teacher Quality and Professional Development : THIALAND Showcase

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Quality and Professional Development : THIALAND Showcase"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Quality and Professional Development : THIALAND Showcase
By Dr. Charuaypon TORRANIN Permanent Secretary for Education In the World Teachers Day Conference November 21,2007 at 9:00 -12:00 A.M. IMPACT Convention Hall

2 Presentation Outline 1. Global Trends in Education
2. Thailand Education Crisis & Roadmap Year 3. Thailand Teachers Crisis 4. Thailand Strategies for Teacher Training & HRD 5. Proposals for Future Teachers Trends & Development

3 Key Global Trends & Issues in Education
Schooling of the Future (Newly Designed Classrooms, Technology in Schools, Students Personalized Learning) Demand-Driven Education (Supply-Driven Education Policy, Response to Consumerism) Major Curriculum Reviews (Industrial Era Designed, Need for Balance between Industrial &Knowledge Economy) Quality Across the System (Efficiency& Accountability, ICT) Network/Broader Partnerships (Networks of Innovation, Best Practices Sharing, Meaningful Sharing) First of all, may I point out the new global trends and issues in education. The first trend is the schooling of the future, new way of learning through ICT. The supply driven education policy to meet the students needs. The curriculum are being being changed to meet the need of industrial and knowledge economy balance. The quality assurance is being focused. We see also the new trend of networking and broader partnership in education, the network of innovations and best practice sharing.

4 Networks/Partnerships of Learning:
Global Trends in Education Networks/Partnerships of Learning: demand for public accountability horizontal partnership democratic exchange mutual stimulation motivation The trends of education networks reflect a move towards public participation, more horizontal partnership, with all stakeholders involved in the decision-making process and thus sharing responsibility as well as ownership of network initiatives. 4

5 Thailand 2007 Education Crisis
1.Unsatisfied National Educational Competencies as compared to Asian & Asean countries. 2. Low achievement level in Math & Science 3. University graduates do not meet the market needs. 4. Low interest by the public for life- long learning

6 1 6 2 3 5 4 Quality Education Road Map Year 2007 to 2010 6 Strategies
Students performance 1 ICT for Teaching & Learning Participatory & Partnership 6 2 Good Governance Administration 3 Teachers Quality 5 4 Smart School MOE Thailand

7 Teacher Education Reform Urgent Measures for quick win-win solutions
4 Strategies for Teachers Quality and Professional Development Social Recognition for Teaching Profession Teacher Education Reform 1 2 3 4 Strengthening HRD system Urgent Measures for quick win-win solutions MOE Thailand

8 Teacher Quality Strategy1: Social Recognition for Teaching Profession
1. Standardize teachers professional qualifications. 2. Develop teacher career path & strengthen personnel administration for both public and private school teachers

9 Strategy1: Social Recognition for Teaching Profession
3. Set up an effective teachers Pay ( Salary) and professional ranking specifications and social welfare. 4. Install Awards for best teachers in teaching, research and best practices. 5.Life-long training for school teachers by providing adequate time for school teachers’ self learning & Improvement.

10 Strategy2: Teacher Education Reform
1. Strengthening teacher education and professional development services at schools of educaion, particularly at the 41 Rachabhat Universities. 2. Reform teacher education system and place more emphasis on practice teaching.(4+1 Year Program)

11 Strategy2: Teacher Education Reform
3. Emphasis on Math, Science & Technology Pedagogy majors at undergraduate & graduate levels. 4. Pedagogical training for other professionals who enter teaching profession. 5. Welcome various local experts to teach at schools as invited resource persons.

12 Strategy3: Strengthening HRD system for Teachers & School Personnel Administration
1. Set up National HRD system for teachers and school personnel administration . 2. Teachers retraining for those who teach without adequate background. 3.Establish strong teachers qualifications systems.

13 Strategy 3: Strengthening HRD
4. Facilitating teachers to engage in action research & knowledge management skills. 5. Set up Teachers Professional Development Fund to provide soft-loan for teachers to pursue further education and training.

14 Strategy 4 : Urgent Measures for Quick Win-Win Solution
1. Find quick solution to solve the most serious problem : shortage of teachers both in quantity and quality. 2. Reengineering the Institute for Teachers Human Resource Development and to set up a new system for Teacher Professional Development.

15 Strategy 4 : Urgent Measures for Teachers Quality Improvement
3. Retraining Math & Science Teachers. 4. Appropriate assistance for the 12,000 small- size schools to upgrade their education administration quality. 5. E_ education Reform

16 Quality E_Education as a National Agenda
Technology driven Community-based (Sharing) Content Management Content Distribution Regulations Registration Local link Alive Animated Dynamic Interactive Learning Environment Learning Management Evaluation Assessment Global outreach Quality E_Education Learning Process Contents Research-Based Self education/ Learner centered Learning-by-doing (Constructionism) 24 hr. learning (Anytime/Anywhere/Anyone) Industrial-school link Brain-Based Problem based Project-Based Blended learning (Traditional + E-learning) Professional Development Learning Objects Self creation Compatibility/ open standards Customizable Knowledge management Curriculum/ Instruction e-Library

17 Thank you SWASDEE KA

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