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Switched-on Ideas: Wellbeing, Curriculum Corporation © L Longaretti 20081 Each feeling you have can be strong, mild or somewhere in between. For each emotion.

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Presentation on theme: "Switched-on Ideas: Wellbeing, Curriculum Corporation © L Longaretti 20081 Each feeling you have can be strong, mild or somewhere in between. For each emotion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Switched-on Ideas: Wellbeing, Curriculum Corporation © L Longaretti 20081 Each feeling you have can be strong, mild or somewhere in between. For each emotion on slides 2-7, use the mood-o-meter to show your feelings. Use the blank mood-o-meters on slides 8-9 to register other feelings you have. Your mood-o-meter TLI 6 Name:Class:Date: NOTE: * Work through this activity in Normal View mode. This appears in the bottom left-hand corner. Click on the double down arrows on the scroll bar to move from slide to slide.

2 Switched-on Ideas: Wellbeing, Curriculum Corporation © L Longaretti 20082 Angry You are working on your term project when your computer crashes. You lose all your work. Im boiling over! I feel trouble coming! How annoying! Read the scenario in the thought bubble. How would you react? Click and drag the blocks onto the mood-o- meter to reach the statement that fits you.

3 Switched-on Ideas: Wellbeing, Curriculum Corporation © L Longaretti 20083 Im terrified! Double-click here to insert text. Afraid Click on the thought bubble and describe an occasion when you felt afraid. Click and drag the blocks onto the mood-o-meter to reach the statement that fits you. My stomach is all tied up. I feel uncomfortable.

4 Switched-on Ideas: Wellbeing, Curriculum Corporation © L Longaretti 20084 Happy Feels good. Double-click here to insert text. Click on the thought bubble and describe an occasion when you felt happy. Click and drag the blocks onto the mood-o-meter to reach the statement that fits you. Im ecstatic! Im getting excited!

5 Switched-on Ideas: Wellbeing, Curriculum Corporation © L Longaretti 20085 Disappointed Double-click here to insert text. Click on the thought bubble and describe an occasion when you felt disappointed. Click and drag the blocks onto the mood-o- meter to reach the statement that fits you. 1 2 3

6 Switched-on Ideas: Wellbeing, Curriculum Corporation © L Longaretti 20086 Excited Click on the thought bubble and describe an occasion when you felt excited. Click and drag the blocks onto the mood-o-meter to reach the statement that fits you. Double-click here to insert text. 1 2 3

7 Switched-on Ideas: Wellbeing, Curriculum Corporation © L Longaretti 20087 Embarrassed Double-click here to insert text. Click on the thought bubble and describe an occasion when you felt embarrassed. Click and drag the blocks onto the mood-o- meter to reach the statement that fits you. 1 2 3

8 Switched-on Ideas: Wellbeing, Curriculum Corporation © L Longaretti 20088 Emotion: Think of another emotion that you have experienced and type it in the space above. Type a scenario in the thought bubble and create three mood ratings to rate your feelings. Find and insert a picture of what the emotion looks like below the speech bubble. Double-click here to insert text. 1 2 3

9 Switched-on Ideas: Wellbeing, Curriculum Corporation © L Longaretti 20089 Emotion: Think of another emotion that you have experienced and type it in the space above. Type a scenario in the thought bubble and create three mood ratings to rate your feelings. Find and insert a picture of what the emotion looks like below the speech bubble. Double-click here to insert text. 1 2 3

10 Switched-on Ideas: Wellbeing, Curriculum Corporation © L Longaretti 200810 Print this activity as a handout. Rather than print individual pages and waste paper, print this activity as a handout with six slides on each page. That means the whole task will fit onto a few pages instead of many. INSTRUCTIONS Select Print from the File menu. (Mac: Pull down on the Copies & Pages menu and select Microsoft PowerPoint.) Within the Print Dialogue Box, click on the Print what pull down menu and select Handouts (6 slides per page). Click OK/Print. PRESTO!

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