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Updates on Office of International Programs Presentation to the Faculty Senate November 8 th, 2012 Prema Arasu Professor & Vice Provost International Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Updates on Office of International Programs Presentation to the Faculty Senate November 8 th, 2012 Prema Arasu Professor & Vice Provost International Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Updates on Office of International Programs Presentation to the Faculty Senate November 8 th, 2012 Prema Arasu Professor & Vice Provost International Programs

2 WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Strategic Goals 2008-2013 INTERNATIONALIZATION at WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Our Strategic Goals 2008-2013 Goal 1 Achieve national and international preeminence in innovation, discovery, and creativity. Goal 2 Provide a premier education and transformative experience that prepares students to excel in a global society. Goal 3 Lead in relevant local, national, and global outreach and engagement. Goal 4 Embrace an environment of diversity, integrity, and transparency.

3 Comprehensive Internationalization A CKNOWLEDGMENT NAFSA, I NTERNATIONAL E DUCATORS A SSOCIATION : P ROFESSOR JOHN K. HUDZIK AND D R. JOANN MCCARTHY COMPREHENSIVE INTERNATIONALIZATION integrate international, global and comparative content and perspective throughout the teaching, research and service missions of higher education Engages All institutional missions All students and majors All faculty and staff No “best” model, no “checklist” -- The best model is the one that fits an institution’s missions and circumstances NAFSA—Houston--2012

4 Comprehensive Internationalization International office President and Provost Individual Faculty Campus support and service units Academic deans and chairs Key Players 4 NAFSA—Houston--2012

5 Research – Education – Engagement – Economic Development Students – Staff – Faculty Community – Global Partners Leading, Championing, Serving IP:3 cross-functional departments  Global Learning  Global Services  International Research & Engagement + WSU Global Operations Council + WSU GOLD (non-profit) + Faculty advisory and other Ad Hoc/Cross-campus teams WSU Office of INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS

6 IP priorities – Increase number, diversity and integration of international students and visiting scholars with domestic community at WSU – Provide quality, timely service on visa/immigration matters – Expand global learning opportunities Study abroad (~3% of undergrads); internships, service learning Emphasis on “at home” and abroad opportunities, learning outcomes & assessment Global Studies Minor, Global Leadership certificate, Global Case Competition Other curricular and co-curricular programming (through International Center, etc.) – Enhance international research and strategic partnerships Coordinate interdisciplinary collaborations, workshops Identify funding opportunities Agreements and contracts – Coordination of activities in partnership with WSU colleges/units A bold goal: Every student at WSU will graduate with international/global/intercultural competencies Other e.g. Fulbright Academy, American Council on Education (ACE “At Home in the World” initiative), USAID Indonesia grant *New website Research – Teaching/Learning – Engagement – Economic Development WSU Office of INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS



9 Education Abroad at WSU /statistics/home.html This URL also provides data for each College

10 istics/home.html This URL provides a link to data for the last 5 years for (1) all visa types, (2) undergraduate and (3) graduate students

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