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Otis Fulton Senior Vice President MetaMetrics, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Otis Fulton Senior Vice President MetaMetrics, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Otis Fulton Senior Vice President MetaMetrics, Inc.

2 Topics  Lexile Development  Lexiles Today  Lexile Overview and Theory  Communicating with Parents  Matching Readers and Text   searching for titles  analyzing text

3 Lexile Development

4 State of the Union - Yesterday Founded in 1984 R&D firm focused on integrating assessment and instruction Research funded by five grants from National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Commercialized The Lexile Framework for Reading in 1997

5 MetaMetrics SBIR Grants Awarding Agency: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

6 The Lexile Framework™ for Reading An educational tool that links text and readers under a common metric-- Lexiles Characterizes reader with a measure and text with a measure Allows educators to forecast the level of comprehension a reader is expected to experience with a particular text

7 Lexiles Today

8 All major norm reference tests are linked Over 19-million students will get a Lexile measure from a linked test in 2004-05 Over 450 book publishers have titles with Lexile measures Nearly 50,000* books to search at Over 70 million Lexiled articles through database-services partners State of the Union - Today

9 Test Publishers NWEA: MAPS, Achievement Level Tests Harcourt: SAT-10, SAT-9, MAT-8, SDRT-4, Aprenda Riverside: The Iowa Tests (ITBS, ITED), GMRT-4 CTB/McGraw-Hill: TerraNova Assessment Series Scholastic: SRI, SRI-Interactive, Reading Counts!, Read180, iRead State of the Union - Today

10 State of the Union - Today 3 National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) studies "Lexiles provide a more accurate measure of grade appropriateness" (Binkley, 13) "Assessing the Lexile Framework: Results of a Panel Meeting," White, S. April 2001, "A Content Comparison of the NAEP and PIRLS Fourth-Grade Reading Assessments," Binkley, M. April 2003, “International Comparisons in Fourth-Grade Reading Literacy: Findings from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) of 2001,” Ogle L. April 2003,

11 State Adoptions California (6.1M students, STAR) Texas (4.1M students, TAKS) North Carolina (1.3M students, NCEOG) Utah (500K students, UCA) Idaho (246K students, ISAT) Hawaii (185K students, SAT-9, SAT-10) Wyoming (90K students, WyCAS) Oregon (250 K via Reading First grant) Florida: 90% of districts, including Duval, Broward, Miami-Dade and Pinellas Other states get optional Lexile reports State of the Union - Today

12 Database Services Allow educators to supplement textbook instruction and reading with periodicals, newspapers, reference books & transcripts EBSCO: 8M Lexiled at Bigchalk: 60M Lexiled at Follett Library Services: Library MARC records can be updated with Lexile measures, info at State of the Union - Today

13 A non-proprietary standard Many ways (linking technologies) to place a student on the scale Many publishers have adopted the standard “Connects the year-to-year with the day-to-day.”

14 The Unification of Reading Reading Motivation EBSCO Online Reader Hooked on Phonics HOSTS Scholastic Read180 Scholastic Reading Counts! Success for All Periodical Databases Bigchalk/ProQuest EBSCO NoveList Pearson Scholastic Rand McNally Rigby Rosen SRA/McGraw-Hill Book Distributors & Databases Baker & Taylor The Book Source Follett Library Services Follett Software Co. Ingram RRBowker Sundance Test Publishers School/Public Libraries Follett Software Company Follett Library Services Mackin Library Media Prebinders The Booksource DEMCO Econoclad Permabound Bound-to-Stay Bound Textbook Publishers Addison-Wesley Britannica Globe-Fearon Holt Rinehart & Winston Houghton Mifflin Prentice Hall Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Hampton-Brown Harcourt School Publishers SRA/McGraw-Hill Scott Foresman Steck-Vaughn The Wright Group Trade Book Publishers Modern Curriculum Scott Foresman Crabtree Dominee DK Publishing Lee & Low Globe-Fearon Hampton Brown Harcourt Holt Leapfrog Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Educational Testing Services (ETS) Harcourt Educational Measurement North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Northwest Evaluation Association Riverside Publishing Texas Education Agency Utah State Office of Education CTB/McGraw-Hill

15 Lexile Overview and Theory

16 Three Important Concepts Reading Ability The cognitive set students use to construct meaning from text, as measured on tests Readability The difficulty of reading materials, based on dimensions or characteristics of the text Reading Comprehension The construction of meaning, from local text

17 Lexile Framework Components The Lexile MapThe Lexile Analyzer Linking Technology Test of Reading Development

18 Determining text difficulty Syntactic Complexity the number of words per sentence longer sentences are more complex and require more short-term memory to process Semantic Difficulty the frequency of the words in a corpus of written text corpus has over 650-million words

19 Placing texts on the map


21 John Grisham titles The Pelican Brief660 The Firm680 The Client730 The Testament770 A Time to Kill770 A Painted House780 The Partner790 The Street Lawyer790 The Brethren810 The Chamber810 The Rainmaker830 The Runaway Jury930

22 Michael Crichton titles Rising Sun540 Disclosure590 Sphere610 Timeline620 Airframe640 A Case of Need650 The Lost World670 The Terminal Man690 Jurassic Park710 The Andromeda Strain840 Congo940 The Great Train Robbery1060 Eaters of the Dead1090

23 Lexiles and Newspapers Reuters (1440L) NY Times (1380L) Washington Post (1350L) Wall Street Journal (1320L) Chicago Tribune (1310L) Associated Press (1310L) USA Today (1200L)

24 Lexile Calculator Forecasted Comprehension The relationship between a reader and a text. How well the reader will comprehend the material in the text. Can perform the following calculations: The rate at which a student is expected to comprehend of the text. The reading ability a reader is expected to need in order to comprehend the text at a specific level.

25 Lexile Calculator

26 Lexile Calculator Forecasted comprehension rates: Reader measure – text calibration = O Lexiles, 75% comprehension Reader measure – text calibration = - -250 Lexiles, 50% comprehension Reader measure – text calibration = +250 Lexiles, 90% comprehension

27 Lexile Calculator Can help you better deliver instruction by knowing in advance which students: are likely to need extra help with a lesson will understand the material on their own

28 Placing readers on the map Harcourt EducationalSAT-9 and SAT-8 [SAT-10, 2004] MeasurementSDRT MAT-8 CTB/McGraw-HillTerraNova Assessment Series Riverside Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test Iowa Tests of Basic Skills [Fall, 2003] ScholasticSRI and SRI-Interactive, iRead NWEAAchievement Level Tests (ALT) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) North CarolinaNorth Carolina End-of-Grade Test OregonState Assessment of Reading/Literature UtahCore Assessment Series, Basic Skills Test TexasTexas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) Wyoming[under development]

29 Communicating with Parents

30 Communicating with Parents Don’t get too focused on numbers – ranges are important. Give examples of books and other text materials. Talk about where the student is now, but also where they are going!

31 Communicating with Parents Emphasize that the Lexile Framework does not address: interest, age appropriateness, text support, or text quality. It looks only at text difficulty – books should always be previewed.

32 Matching Readers and Text

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