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Improve Achievement for EACH PreK-12 Student 2008-09 Areas of Focus Preview GREENWICH PUBLIC SCHOOLS October 11, 2007.

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1 Improve Achievement for EACH PreK-12 Student 2008-09 Areas of Focus Preview GREENWICH PUBLIC SCHOOLS October 11, 2007


3 IMPROVE ACHIEVEMENT FOR EACH PreK-12 STUDENT I. Improve learning accelerate growth and close gaps for EACH learner II. Improve teaching and instruction transform classroom practices III. Improve alignment of adults and resource management align resources with instructional priorities

4 IMPROVE LEARNING Accelerate growth and close gaps for EACH learner

5 Provide Rigorous Curriculum Review/modify K-12 science Refine implementation of K-12 math Refine implementation of K-8 literacy (reading and writing) Implement new Curriculum Review Cycle

6 Provide Comprehensive Program Offerings Review Secondary (grades 6-12) Education –Ensure rigorous, engaging, 21 st century content –Examine curriculum offerings, school community, climate & culture, structures including scheduling & start time, suspension & expulsion practices, attendance, articulation across grade levels Review program options for Advanced Learners –Honors, UCONN, IB, AP, ALP

7 Provide Comprehensive Program Offerings (continued) Review/implement Magnet/Choice programs –Monitor/evaluate achievement, program content, facility utilization, stakeholder satisfaction, racial balance, efficiency & application process Refine implementation of Supplemental programs –Refine extended school day, week & year programs

8 Provide Comprehensive Program Offerings (continued) Review Preschool program –Monitor/evaluate selection process, curriculum, instructional strategies, assessment, articulation across grade levels Refine/expand Early Intervention programs –Ensure consistency and alignment of student assistance team procedures –Sharing best practices in early intervention procedures through activities funded by CT early intervention grant

9 Infuse 21 st Century Knowledge and Skills Across All Curricular and Program Areas Incorporate 21st Century Skill components in curriculum review cycle –Review/modify K-12 Science to incorporate innovation and creativity, critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration and cooperation Refine implementation of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) –Ensure alignment with 21st century skills framework and Board policy on whole student development –Establish baseline data using student rubrics

10 Infuse 21 st Century Knowledge and Skills Across All Curricular and Program Areas (continued) Refine implementation of BOE approved district Technology Plan –Refine model of 21st Century classroom in relation to information technology tools Classroom desktop computers, wireless laptop carts, smartboard systems, access to web-based applications and high quality digital resources –Begin equitable distribution of smartboards in grades 3-12 over a four-year period –Provide teacher/administrative training

11 IMPROVE TEACHING AND INSTRUCTION Transform classroom practices

12 Provide Professional Learning & Leadership Development for Teachers and Administrators Implement integrated Classroom Walks Refocus elementary Coaching activities –Training for math/science focus Review and refine Professional Learning Plan Protocol –Ensure balance among competing needs: district (diversity, TEPD), program (Science), school (SIT goals) & individual (professional objectives) Refine Best Practices for delivering instruction –Consistency in implementation of curriculum and instructional best practices Understanding by Design (UBD) Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Breakthrough Coach Benchmark & Formative Assessments

13 Provide High Quality Supervision Implement training for revised Teacher Evaluation and Professional Development (TEPD) plan District-wide leadership training District-wide teacher training

14 Align Assessments to Instruction Implementation of revised K-5 Report Card district-wide Refine implementation of Technology assessments - TechLiteracy 5th, 8th; ICT 11th Explore International Benchmarking (PISA) Implement and refine benchmark assessments for Reading Implement and refine benchmark assessments for Science

15 Enhance Data-Driven Decision-Making Plan and implement Data Teams at district and building level Refine implementation of Tools for Data Decision-Making –data dashboard –portal Refine implementation of Student Intervention Plans –Individual Student Instructional Plans (ISIPs) –Individual Education Plans (IEPs) –Student Assistance Teams (SATs)

16 Improve Alignment of Adults and Resource Management Align resources with instructional priorities

17 Clarify Roles and Responsibilities Refine implementation of Policy Governance System Refine implementation of revised Vision, Mission & Strategic Directions Refine implementation of Modes of Communication with stakeholder groups –Harris survey follow up –Linkage/focus groups –Electronic media –Print communication (including translations)

18 Use Resources Effectively and Efficiently Restructure Time to teach, collaborate & plan Ensure Safe and Secure Learning Environments –School Resource Officer –Uniform standards and equipment for internal and external security systems –Continue to maintain facilities through 15 year capital plan Implement programs/strategies to address Enrollment, Building Utilization, Class Size & Racial Balance Monitor/maximize Energy Efficiency

19 Attract and Retain High Quality Staff Explore Housing opportunities for staff Refine implementation of Transportation assistance program Implement Childcare program for certified staff Continuous development of high quality Professional Learning and Evaluation systems

20 Budget Implications Will be delivered within BET guidelines developed in cooperation with board of education and district administration Will reflect a shift of focus areas that will require a redirection of resources Will improve coordination between centralized and decentralized budgets to more efficiently and effectively direct resources toward focus areas Will reflect a distribution of resources that will result in improved achievement for EACH PreK-12 student in the GPS

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