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12 January 2015 Ministry of Interior 2015: ROADMAP OF THE REFORMS Veselin VUCHKOV, Minister of Interior.

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Presentation on theme: "12 January 2015 Ministry of Interior 2015: ROADMAP OF THE REFORMS Veselin VUCHKOV, Minister of Interior."— Presentation transcript:

1 12 January 2015 Ministry of Interior 2015: ROADMAP OF THE REFORMS Veselin VUCHKOV, Minister of Interior

2 STATE OF HUMAN RESOURCES MoI: 2010 – 2014 Staff positions

3 MoI: 2010 – 2014 STATE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Level of leaving staff

4 MoI: 31 December 2014 STATE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Level of leaving staff December 2014

5 MoI: 31 December 2014 STATE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Actually occupied positions 47 134 Employees who left in December 716 Employees appointed in December 92

6 MoI: 2010 – 2014 FINANCIAL STATE Actually spent money for five consecutive years Draft Budget for 2015 Total budget 2015 – 1 031 760 000 leva

7 FUNCTIONAL REFORM MoI 2015 : Amendments to the MoI Act: Deadline for amendments: February 2015 Competitive start for career development; A balancing role of the President; CD „National Police“; CD „Combating Organised Crime“.

8 MoI 2015: ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM І. Differentiation of the civil service in the MoI  First category of labour: only for staff working in the toughest conditions (fire fighters, uniformed staff, investigating officers, operative staff…)  All other staff: service relationship under the CIVIL SERVANT ACT or employment relationship under the LABOUR CODE

9 MoI 2015: ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM Scope of the Civil Servant Act:  Administrative directorates: accounting, international affairs, legal affairs, human resources etc. (central as well as local);  Other units: 112 Directorate, Bulgarian Identity Documents Directorate, hospital of the MoI, property management (logistics), IT- Directorate (CIS), Press Centre and Public Relations, Special Courier Service, international projects ….

10 MoI December 2014: ADMINISTRATIVE SITUATION Actually occupied: 47 134 officers Allocated positions: 49 500 officers

11 POLITICAL MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT (Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General) RDMoI CD NP (Criminal and Security) CD BPCD FSCP occupied - 24 669 Others occupied - 2 665 occupied - 6 748 occupied - 5 351 occupied - 7 701 MoI December 2014: ADMINISTRATIVE SITUATION - SCS; - BID; - 112; - Inspectorate; - Security -.....

12 MoI December 2014: ADMINISTRATIVE SITUATION Total: 47 134 31 Dec 2014 AdministrationSpecific activities Other staff (with police and fire fighter powers) 6 6684 93535 531 Actually occupied: - With police powers – 28 781 - Fire fighters – 6 750

13 MoI 2015: ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM ІІ. Differentiation of the civil service – imperative conditions:  Covering also: SANS, SATO, MJ (CD Security and CD Prisons), other structures of the Security sector;  CSA will act only for newly appointed staff in the respective structures (MoI and others).

14 ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM CIVIL SERVANT ACT - POSITIVE EFFECTS: „Mobility“ of the civil servants; Beneficial effects for the pension and insurance system; Strict financial-administrative discipline in the MoI. Deadline for amendments: February 2015 – amendment to the laws; April 2015 – actual action. MoI 2015:

15 MoI 2015 (second half): PRIORITIES:  Quality of collecting evidence under PPC;  More uniformed staff;  Stable border control. POLITICAL MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT (Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General) 28 RDMoI Chief Directorate “National Police” CD BPCD COC CD FSCP 180 RPD

16 MoI 2015: ROADMAP OF REFORMS Public supportPolitical support Intra- institutional support - Unions; - Other staff.


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