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Lord, I aspire throughout this new-born year Hymn 241.

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Presentation on theme: "Lord, I aspire throughout this new-born year Hymn 241."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lord, I aspire throughout this new-born year Hymn 241

2 1 Lord, I aspire throughout this new-born year, my days in holy love and fear to spend, in love to you, my God, for ever dear, in fear of all that would your will offend.

3 2 Lord, I aspire to break the chains of sin, to still its inner tumult and its strife; help me, O Lord, the duty to begin, and guide me to a purer, holier life.

4 3 Lord, I aspire to love my fellow man, to feel his sympathy, and give him mine; without your help, O Lord, I never can; grant to me, Lord, your gracious aid divine.

5 4 Lord, I aspire to be your willing child, trusting in you whatever may betide; O make me humble, teachable, and mild, and be my Saviour, counsellor, and guide.

6 5 Lord, I aspire to reach that home above, where you alone are worshipped and adored, the God of mercy, purity, and love, Jehovah, Jesus, Father, King, and Lord! Joseph Deans 1845-1922

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