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.. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support.

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Presentation on theme: ".. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support

2 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Distance Learning Student Response Profile and Totals Host Site Responses Receive Site Responses Section A

3 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 1. My class in DL had a variety of learning activities and was beneficial. Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Receive Site Responses Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses

4 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 2. The teacher gave the same amount of attention to host site and remote site(s). Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Receive Site Responses Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses

5 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 3. I was able to get extra help from the teacher when necessary. Receive Site Responses Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Not Applicable Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses

6 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 4. I feel I learned as much in a DL class as I would have in a regular classroom. Receive Site Responses Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses

7 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 5. Class materials such as tests, homework, assignments, etc. arrived on time. Receive Site Responses Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses

8 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Host Site Responses 6. I felt comfortable using room equipment (Elmo, VCR, copier/fax, etc.) when necessary. Receive Site Responses Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Not Applicable Section B Overall Responses

9 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 7. I was able to clearly hear and understand teachers/aides/students at other sites. Receive Site Responses Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses

10 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 8. If I had to make up a missed class, it was easy to do so. Receive Site Responses Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Not Applicable Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses

11 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 9. Given the opportunity, I would take another DL course. Receive Site Responses Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses

12 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support 10. I would recommend others take a distance learning course. Receive Site Responses Agree / Strongly Agree Disagree / Strongly Disagree Uncertain Section B Overall Responses Host Site Responses

13 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments

14 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments 1. I took Distance Learning because: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ I wanted to take Veterinarian Science. - I am very interested in psychology, I like hearing the opinions of people I don't know. I didn't take this class because of the DL room, I took the class because I wanted to learn about [computer programming in] Java. It was the only place that I could learn American Sign Language, which should be given in all schools as a foreign language, I want to work with handicapped people so I took the course here. BC Calc and American History through Music and Film were only offered through DL. I wanted to take this opportunity for a new experience. - I thought it would be an enjoyable experience and add excitement to my school day and learning experience. It gave me an opportunity to interact with other schools, and I wanted to take a challenging course. I was interested in getting AP credits and taking an interesting class like World History. Section C

15 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments Section C Students most frequently said they took Distance Learning because: They wanted that particular subject. The subject they wanted was only offered in DL. They needed that course. They were interested in the technology. They wanted a challenge, AP or college credit. They were interested in meeting new students. They wanted to try something different.

16 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments 2. What did you like about Distance Learning? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ I liked getting the different perspectives on the material from other schools. I also liked meeting new people. I was able to meet other schools and see the differences in our communities. I have been able to take what I learned and apply it to my life. The whole experience, chairs that are comfortable, the equipment, a different environment, and meeting new people. It was different than any other class I've taken and I really liked the environment. Plus I liked only having 5 kids in the class. Classes are offered that would not be offered otherwise due to a small population. I liked how when you miss a class it can be taped so that you are able to find out what you missed. - Using the TV & microphones to communicate with others from different schools. First of all the teacher was awesome and so were the activities that helped us learn the material. Section C

17 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments Section C Most frequently noted as liked by DL students: Meeting and interacting with different students, teachers and schools. The interesting and comfortable learning environment. The opportunity to work and learn with technology. The subject or course material. The opportunity to try something different. The teacher or teaching assistant.

18 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments 3. What didn’t you like about Distance Learning? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ If you missed a class sometimes it was hard to catch up. Also communication was hard because you are not able to talk to the teachers outside of class. I didn't like how it seemed she favored her class over us. I didn't like how sometimes there were minor malfunctions with the computers (loud cracking noise), but it got resolved. I had difficulty hearing the teacher as well as students at times. Sometimes the technology caused interruptions and the difference in class periods interfered with my other classes. The schedules were off so we had to accommodate the time difference. I didn’t like all the talking that went on at one of the other schools. It was very disruptive. It was hard to hear if everyone was talking at once. Section C

19 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Section C Student Comments Most frequently noted as disliked by DL students: Not dealing effectively with bell schedule or school calendar differences. The teacher’s lack of organization or ineffective use of the equipment. Technical problems with audio or poor student/microphone positioning. Lack of interaction with or lack of attention from teacher or other students. Disruptive students or lack of discipline.

20 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments 4. What changes would you suggest for the Distance Learning classes? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Section C One change I would suggest would be to add more technology to make transferring work easier. I would like the technology to work everyday so we never miss class. I suggest that we should have computers. I think there should be better compensation for the difference in time periods. I would like to get to know the students at other sites better. Every once in a while the host teacher should teach at the other school so that the other school gets a chance to be taught in person. More one-on-one time for extra help. Make it a little easier to ask individual questions. I would suggest more interaction between teacher and students form other schools. I suggest introducing all the kids to one another and having them talk into the microphones.

21 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Section C Student Comments Most frequently suggested changes: Visits by teachers to remote classes and or combined class field trips. Better discipline, particularly re: loud talking and class disruptions. Teachers should use the equipment more effectively and be better organized. Schedule one-on-one sessions when needed for extra help. Technical improvements and better student/microphone/camera positioning. More balanced attention to classes and better interaction. Deal more effectively with bell schedule and school calendar differences.

22 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ That it existed! I found this class fascinating. It felt like a normal class, interaction with the other class was easy. I got used to it quickly. It becomes very natural and comfortable being on camera and learning through TV's. It was easy to learn how to use the equipment. How much I actually liked it. I didn't think I would like being in front of cameras and not having a teacher in the room…I was surprised by how well it worked. How much more beneficial it was than a regular class and how good the teacher was. I was surprised that the teacher was really involved in our class. It was so different than anything I've done before. The technology is incredible. The system worked much better this year than in years past. We received new equipment this year which is cool, I was surprised at how reliable and fast it is. When interacting with the other schools I tended to forget that we did so through the camera. I was surprised that we could interact with the class as much as we did. It felt like they were part of our school. Student Comments 5. What surprised you about Distance Learning? Section C

23 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support That it is unexpectedly easy to become comfortable with the system. The environment is comfortable and enjoyable. It worked so well. Student Comments Most frequently noted as surprising about distance learning: An appreciation for the advanced technology. Interaction with remote teachers and students was easy. Section C

24 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments I didn’t feel there were any limitations. Yes, the teacher did make effort(s) to compensate for limitations in the DL system. No, the teacher did not make an effort to compensate for limitations in the DL system. 6. Did you feel the teacher made an effort to compensate for any limitations in the DL system? Host SitesReceive Sites Section C

25 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments (If you answered “ No”) Please describe what you wish your teacher could have done. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ I wish he paid more attention to raised hands and interacted with the schools equally. At least know everyone in the classes name and be able to recognize them. The fact that he still hadn't learned our names by March is a pretty good indicator of what he needs to work on. I wish she gave us back work and updates on grades and kept all students on the same page, instead of moving on when a majority are absent. I wish he had checked his e-mail more often so we could communicate outside of class. It would take weeks to get a reply. I wish she had more patience with technology. If something was wrong it was "our systems" fault without the teacher attempting to fix it herself. Sometimes the instructor just turned off the system when it wasn't working right and failed to call in to NERIC or any other teacher in our school for technical help. I wish our teacher could have visited and taught from our site or tried harder to reach out to us with more internet communication. Section C

26 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Section C Students most frequently wished that the teacher would: Make a greater effort to include receive site students in discussions, Pay equal attention to them and get to know them. Visit remote sites at least once and offer some extra help. Be more organized and prepared. Receive site students that feel the teacher did not make an effort to compensate

27 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Student Comments (If you answered “ Yes”) Please describe the efforts the teacher made to compensate. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ The teacher always included our class in discussions, he pays the same attention to every class. The schedules were different for schools so he would go over material for our benefit. She addressed us quite often…she tried to create an equal learning environment. If a student was out he would tape the class for the student or help them if they were absent. She makes things interesting and makes everyone pay attention. When audio was down between the sites we used paper and pencil to communicate. He called the [helpdesk] and had people come and check out the problem. He enabled us to e-mail him anytime and answered us frequently. Our teacher used e-mail, fax, and an online learning system called Blackboard. Assignments (projects w/colored drawing etc..) were not faxed [but sent] so as to not lose the quality of projects. Section C

28 .. CRB/FEH Distance Learning Project Student Survey 2005 – 2006 School Year BOCES Distance Learning Program Quality Access Support Section C Most frequently recognized DL teacher efforts Students that feel the teacher did make an effort to compensate Provided extra help and review sessions. Visited receive sites and got to know the students. Promoted interaction and participation. Used BlackBoard, made e-mail or phone contact available.

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