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Our founders and associates International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IIMCB) Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS (IBB) Nencki Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "Our founders and associates International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IIMCB) Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS (IBB) Nencki Institute."— Presentation transcript:


2 Our founders and associates International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IIMCB) Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS (IBB) Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS (NIEB) Warsaw Science Festival (SF) Warsaw Agricultural University

3 The main aims: Conducting educational activities popularizing biology in Poland (by organizing open lectures, workshops for students and all interested people, courses for biology teachers, and exhibitions) Improving biology education and awareness of biology in society

4 What we have The office...... lab and equipment SFS is located at International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw

5 Sponsors Biotechnology firms supply with chemicals and laboratory equipment: 50% of all costs cover the Institutes Projects and grants

6 Activity: Open lectures Open lectures given by polish top-scientists every two weeks One –day symposia for biology teachers

7 Young discoverers Workshops in laboratory for interested persons (mainly students aged 14-18) and lessons for children in primary schools Activity:Workshops

8 Workshops and courses for high-school biology teachers at our laboratory and outdoors Activity: For teachers...

9 “human” DNA helix during Science Picnic 2003: Science Picnics and Warsaw Science Festivals, International Brain’s Week or 50th Anniversary of the DNA Structure Discovery... Public events popularising biology

10 Gazeta Wyborcza – the biggest daily newspaper publishes up-to-date information about SFS, Akademia Szkoły z Klasą Local Teachers Education Centres, Polish Biology Olympiad EU Centres of Excellence at NIEB and IIMCB, Students’ Associations from Warsaw University and Warsaw Agricultural University, various laboratories and scientists... Cooperation

11 Our nearest future: Continuing regular activity (workshops for interested people, courses for teachers, open lectures) UNESCO grant: Science of Modern Biology – Exploratory Resources for Biology Teachers and Students. Developing materials and practical kits for performing simple experiments in schools VOLVOX

12 BioEducation Foundation has been established in 2004 – to help in financing SFS activities. We have common statutes aims. Developing of comprehensive molecular biology and related resources in Polish internet (Molecular Biology in the Internet project) Creating educational equipment for schools and curricula (UE projects) Our future:

13 T hank you Contact us: Science Festival School 4, Trojdena street | 02-109 Warsaw POLAND Tel. (+48 22) 597-07-68 | Fax (+48 22) 597-07-15 |

14 SFS’ people Programme Committee – professors from Founders Institutes Joanna Lilpop – head Jarek Bryk, Anna Lorenc – originators Students and PhD students and PhDs from Universities and Institutes Volunteers: first year students of UW and 21. Warsaw scouting troop

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