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Published byAugustine Watson Modified over 9 years ago
External Cooperation Window Call for proposals 35/08
2 Content EMECW: the programme EMECW CALL 35/08 Mobility actions starting in the academic year 2009/2010 Submitting a successful application
3 EMECW: the programme Programme complementary and built on other higher education initiatives, Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Asia Link, Alfa, Alban, Edu-link Structured institutional co-operation between EU HEIs end HEIs in specific geographical regions on variety of subjects/disciplines of common interest (consultations with Third-countries) Scholarships at all educational levels (undergraduate, master, doctorate, post-graduate and academic staff ) Special attention paid to socio-economically disadvantaged groups and populations in a vulnerable situation
4 EMECW: the programme Financial instruments ENPIEuropean Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument IPA Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance DCI Development Cooperation Instrument EDF European Development Fund
5 EMECW : the programme WINDOWS 2007 Neighbourhood East-Europe + Russia Western Balkan Central Asia Middle-East Neighbourhood Mediterranean countries Asia India Pacific Africa Caribbean Latin America (Brazil, Chile, Mexico) WINDOWS 2008 WINDOWS 2009 and China (L.A. Regional, Brazil and Argentina)
6 EMECW : the programme Selected partnerships Individual mobility Total Budget 286 EU HEIs 315 Third countries HEIs 5735 Incoming mobility 1290 Outgoing mobility
7 EMECW CALL 35/08 Mobility actions starting in the academic year 2009/2010
8 EMECW CALL 35/08 Objectives to promote institutional based cooperation in the field of higher education between EU and Third countries to improve transparency and mutual recognition of studies and qualifications for study periods abroad to enhance the EU and Third-countries academic staff and students capacities and employability
9 EMECW CALL 35/08 Geographical windows Indicative Amount MobilityLots Partnerships Yemen Iran Iraq 3110 11 Central Asian Republics 5160 12 Western Balkans 8.5560 12 Asia Region: Asia Regional 20 664 24 India 19580 14 China 26875 15 Latin America Region: Brazil 9.3495 13 Argentina 2.180 11 Latin America Regional 41.61813 5 13 Total 163.5 65352143 412 491 South Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Russia 3 417 707 4
10 EMECW CALL 35/08 Who can participate? Higher education institutions and organisations active in the field of higher education The applicant institution submits the application on behalf of the partnership of participating organisations The final beneficiaries Students, doctoral candidates, teachers, researchers and other academic staff Each applicant address the application directly to the selected HEIs in accordance with the application conditions defined by the partnership
11 EMECW CALL 35/08 Who can participate? Applicants European HEIs holding an Erasmus Charter Partners European → HEIs holding an Erasmus Charter Third-countries → recognised HEIs registered in one of the country of the Call Associates Any type of organisation in the eligible countries whose involvement can contribute to the implementation of the mobility scheme
12 EMECW CALL 35/08 Partnership (general rule): Minimum size: 5 EU HEIs from at least 3 EU countries + at least one HEI from each country in the corresponding geographical/country lot Maximum size: 20 eligible partners (incl. the applicant); each applicant may submit only one proposal for any specific lot and the same European partnership may submit proposals to a maximum of 4 geographical lots A Memorandum of Understanding needs to be drawn up among the partners in order to reach a sound management
13 EMECW CALL 35/08 Target Group Target beneficiariesTypes of mobility Eligible countries TG 1Students and academic staff registered in one of the universities member of the partnership. undergraduate master doctorate post-doctorate academic staff Third-countries of the geographical lot concerned and European Countries TG 2Nationals not registered in a higher education institution of countries included in the partnership master doctorate post-doctorate Only Third- countries of the geographical lot concerned TG 3Nationals of the Third-countries concerned by the geographical lot who are in particularly vulnerable situations, for political or economic reasons or because of physical disabilities. undergraduate master doctorate post-doctorate Only Third- countries of the geographical lot concerned Final beneficiaries → Students and academic staff
14 EMECW CALL 35/08 Overall requirements Target Group 1 must represent at least 50% of the individual mobility covered by the project Third-country students need to represent at least 70% of the individual mobility covered by the project European students and academic staff cannot exceed 30% of the individual mobility flows covered by the project
15 EMECW CALL 35/08 Specific requirements per each geographical windows Partnership composition (participation of institutions located in specific provinces/regions within the geographical windows) Budgets and minimum mobility flows Types of mobility + indicative distribution Identification of thematic fields of study on the basis of regional and country needs (the list of thematic fields of studies is indicative)
16 EMECW CALL 35/08 Type of mobility and indicative distribution Undergraduates 35% Masters 25% Doctorates20% Post-doctorate fellowships 10% Academic staff 10% The distribution of the mobility can vary according to the geographical windows
17 EMECW CALL 35/08 Indicative duration of the mobility Undergraduates 1 sem. to 1 acad year (3 acad years TG3) Masters 1 sem. to 2 acad years Doctorates 6 - 34 months Post-doctorate 6 - 10 months Academic staff 1 - 3 months (only TG1) Scholarship duration can vary according to the geographical windows, the Target Group and the grantee's nationality
18 EMECW CALL 35/08 Lump sum for organisation of the mobility (Flat rate of 10.000€ per eligible participating institution) Unit costs to cover the implementation of the mobility –Travel costs (in accordance with distance : from 250 to 2,500 €) –Monthly allowance (from 1,000 to 2,500 €) –Tuition fees (from « fee waiver » to 5,000 € / academic year) –Insurance costs (75 € / month abroad) Financial information
19 EMECW CALL 35/08 Project Grant : duration and payments For projects with total mobility up to 24 months : 1st pre-fin. = 70% 2nd pre-fin. = 30% For projects with total mobility over 24 months (up to 45 months) : 1st pre-fin. = 50% 2nd pre-fin. = 30% 3rd pre-fin. = 20%
20 EMECW CALL 35/08 Activities The project will be composed of two main parts: The partnership activities for the organisation of mobility and the transfer of know-how and best practices The implementation of individual mobility for students and academic staff
21 EMECW CALL 35/08 Memorandum of Understanding The memorandum of understanding is a document describing the multilateral agreement between the partners. It expresses a convergence of will between the partners, indicating an intended common line of action. role and involvement of partners specific academic arrangements procedures for selection of candidates Organisation of mobility
22 EMECW CALL 35/08 Visibility and communication strategy Solid networking strategy, reaching as many HEIs in Third- countries and Europe concerned as possible and vulnerable groups Identification of Target Groups Identification of appropriate measures, inside and outside the partnership, to attract potential candidates Organisation of mobility
23 EMECW CALL 35/08 Transparent and fair selection mechanisms Respecting: Equal opportunities Academic merit Gender-balance Participation of disadvantaged groups (disabled and economically disadvantaged people) Providing: Selection timing, guidelines for selection of students, documents to be submitted, admission criteria Organisation of mobility
24 EMECW CALL 35/08 Academic recognition Full academic recognition by the home university for the study period spent in the host university (including examinations or other assessments) Diplomas and degree recognition Diploma Supplement Credit transfer (ECTS) or other compatible system Organisation of mobility
25 EMECW CALL 35/08 Sustainability strategy Exchanges should favour the creation of durable links with Third-countries and respond to the social, economical and political needs of Third-countries concerned Impact on target groups Multiplier effects and capitalisation of project results and dissemination activities Strategy for brain drain prevention Organisation of mobility
26 The implementation refers to the students/acad. staff individual mobility. It coincides with the period spent at the hosting universities in order to undertake the foreseen studies and to follow the academic planning. Latest possible start: 1st September 2010 EMECW CALL 35/08 Implementation of the individual mobility
27 EMECW CALL 35/08 Mobility actions starting in the academic year 2009/2010 Submitting a successful application
28 EMECW CALL 35/08 Am I eligible as applicant? Does my partnership respect general and specific (lot) eligibility criteria? Do I and my partners have technical expertise? Do I have the financial capacity? How many documents to provide? What shall I bear in mind during the preparation of my application form? How is my project going to be evaluated? BIG CHALLENGE!! Submitting an application by the deadline 13th March ‘09
29 EMECW CALL 35/08 The evaluation of your application submitted under this call will undergo the following procedure: Administrative eligibility check and eligibility of applicants and partners Selection Criteria Assessment of the applications following the Award Criteria
30 EMECW CALL 35/08 The deadline has been respected If the deadline has not been respected the proposal will automatically be rejected The Application Form satisfies all the criteria mentioned in the Checklist duration of project estimated maximum grant partnership statement completed and signed minimum mobility flows respected declaration by the Applicant Administrative eligibility check You succeeded the first phase
31 EMECW CALL 35/08 Selection criteria Financial capacity Stable and sufficient sources of finance to maintain the activity throughout the period during which the action is being carried out and, where appropriate, to participate in its funding Technical capacity Management capacity, professional competencies and qualifications required to successfully complete the proposed action. This also applies to any partner of the partnership You succeeded the second phase
32 EMECW CALL 35/08 Award Criteria The award criteria allow evaluating the quality of the proposal submitted in relation to the objectives and priorities of the Call Operational capacity and expertise Relevance Methodology to manage the partnership and implement of the mobility activities Sustainability
33 EMECW CALL 35/08 Award Criteria → Operational capacity Technical expertise and management capacity to implement the eligible activities (organisation of mobility, experience with higher education institutions in Third countries, implementation of recognition mechanisms…) Experience in the management of international cooperation projects
34 EMECW CALL 35/08 “All partner universities, Third-country as well as European, have extensive expertise and experience in external academic cooperation, including student and staff mobility. To address the increasing demand for flexibility in academic degree programmes, a number of partners have entered into educational partnerships with reputable qualified educational organisations within and outside Europe” Operational capacity Example of good practices
35 EMECW CALL 35/08 objectives of the Call needs and constraints of the geographical window and target groups thematic needs and “cross-cutting” principles geographical spread of the partners Award Criteria → Relevance
36 EMECW CALL 35/08 “ The main need is identified as education, in order to build up and/or modernise the country, educating a young population (the demographic structure of Iran, Iraq and Yemen is the inverse of Europe), a growing need and interest to access ‘Train the trainer’ programmes to increase the number and quality of trainers and instructors. There is a strong need for better governance and sustainable development…” Relevance Example of good practices
37 EMECW CALL 35/08 Sound methodology and solid internal management of the partnership Partners' level of involvement and distribution of the mobility activities among the partners Compliance with quantitative requirements, balanced mobility flows inside the partnership and thematic expertise of the partners Mechanisms for students examination and study credits recognition and transfer (ECTS, Diploma Supplement or other compatible system) Academic quality control Award Criteria → Methodology
38 EMECW CALL 35/08 Monitoring activities to ensure academic quality Visibility, awareness raising, promotion of the mobility scheme Guarantee an impartial and transparent selection process based on merit and equal treatment Cross-cutting principles: equal opportunities, gender-balance, and encouraging participation of disabled and economically disadvantaged people or indigenous population Practical arrangements as in assistance for obtaining visa, administrative support, housing facilities, languages courses, support for visa/ residence permit Award Criteria → Methodology
39 EMECW CALL 35/08 “Participation of partners is ensured both in the management structure, the selection process and the mobility activities. In the management structure each partner has two representatives (academic and administrative)… Partners steer the selection process both by agreeing on the common criteria and procedures and also by participating in the local selection of their students and in evaluating in more detail incoming PhD students. A partnership agreement will be signed, covering the responsibilities, procedures and methodology stated in this application…” Methodology Example of good practices
40 EMECW CALL 35/08 Impact on the target groups and institutional cooperation Multiplier effects and plan for capitalisation of the project results and dissemination activities Brain-drain prevention Award Criteria → Sustainability
41 EMECW CALL 35/08 “The international networking capacity mainly of the Brazilian partners will be substantially strengthened. The partners as a whole will gain visibility and better reputation towards other universities. The partners will gain experience in using the ECTS as transfer and accumulation system and will share the necessary information to maintain the necessary mutual understanding to keep the cooperation going in a sustainable way…” Sustainability Example of good practices
42 EMECW CALL 35/08 You passed through all the evaluation process! Your application is successful…. Here your proposal becomes a project and the partnership starts its life!!!
43 EMECW CALL 35/08 1 → Application Form The Call is published in 5 languages (EN, FR, DE, ES and PT): to facilitate the selection process you are invited to submit the application in EN. Application must be submitted using the specific Application Form available on-line at: Use the checklist in section III of the Application Form in order to reassure you have respected and included all the expected documents Procedure for the submission of proposals
44 EMECW CALL 35/08 2 → Where and how to send (I) Applications must be complete and duly signed by the Legal Representative of the applicant institution Applications must be submitted in 1 original and 2 copies All the Annexes must be filled in and submitted Annex A: Budget Annex B: Summary sheet Annex C: Legal Entity form Annex D: Financial Identification form Annex E: List of thematic fields of study Applications must be sent by registered mail or private courier service Procedure for the submission of proposals
45 EMECW CALL 35/08 2 → Where and how to send (II) The complete Application Form and the Annexes must be submitted to the following address: Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Call for proposals "Erasmus Mundus - External Cooperation Window" Unit P4 Avenue du Bourget 1 (BOUR 00/37) B - 1040 Brussels The complete Application Form including a scanned copy of the Declaration of the Applicant and the Annexes must also be submitted electronically to the following address: Procedure for the submission of proposals
46 EMECW CALL 35/08 Deadline for submission of proposals13 March 2009 Start of eligible activities15th July 2009 List of individuals selected for mobility before the mobility starts and at latest by 1st April 2010 Submission of a Report of activities1st April 2010 Latest possible start of the individual mobility 1st September 2010 Timetable
47 EMECW CALL 35/08 Further information concerning the Call for proposals, the Application Form together with the Annexes and any other supporting documents can be found at the following website : For assistance : FAQ: Mailbox :
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