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Sistah Circular V olume 1, Issue 5 Editor: Lorie McEachin Enjoy! May 2006 Celebration of Peace Achieving your Place of Solace, by maintaining your “Peace.

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Presentation on theme: "Sistah Circular V olume 1, Issue 5 Editor: Lorie McEachin Enjoy! May 2006 Celebration of Peace Achieving your Place of Solace, by maintaining your “Peace."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sistah Circular V olume 1, Issue 5 Editor: Lorie McEachin Enjoy! May 2006 Celebration of Peace Achieving your Place of Solace, by maintaining your “Peace Of Mind!” Favorite Scripture: "Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I will wait all day long". John 14:1-6 - Contributed by Wanda Toodle, Manassas, VA Favorite Quote: The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. by Hans Hoffman -Contributed by Brenda Mayo Middletown, DE “Sistah Quote” “May Your Vision Be Clear, Your Voice Be Heard and Your Steps Be Ordered.” - Lorie "I change or transform my life" This Adinkra West African symbol, which means Sesa Woruban, combines two separate Adinkra symbols, the "Morning Star" which can mean a new start to the day, placed inside the wheel, representing rotation or independent movement. “I can do bad all by myself”… We have all said these words at one point in our lives. Usually, during times of turmoil and recognition. Sometimes we are so caught up that we do not see the signs written on the wall. We are blinded by fallacies because we want what is offered. We buy into the ideas of exploring the unknown. It would be wonderful if we could see what others are thinking. I often wonder if we could see it clearly, would we really respond differently? I want to believe that past misjudgments would not creep back into my selection process. However, it would explain why I have found myself attracted to the same type of people redundantly. I had to change my way of thinking. After all, you change the way you think and you will change your life. I began to focus on my own desires and what I was seeking. I placed little concentration on who I wanted, but more importantly what I needed. In this process, I found that what was most important to me was “Peace of Mind”. As a result, the ability to alter my state of mind became difficult. I refused to become privy of fitting in to someone else’s scope. My lifestyle reflected that of one who is not afraid to think outside the box. Therefore, conforming to someone’s circle was not my desire. I was determined to accept the things I could not change – this included others and the way they think. I realized that I have choices, many of them. I do not have to settle for anything or anyone that would be detrimental to my well-being. Happiness is a learned behavior and once you learn how to achieve it for yourself, it is not easily disturbed. There will always be someone that will try to take you out of your zone. It’s up to you to maintain your safe haven. Positive people are much more conducive to maintaining your peace of mind. It is essential that you take care of yourself by protecting your mind, body and soul. We are Sistahs in a new era and taking control of our own wants, needs and desires has become so commonplace. We no longer reach out to someone else to fulfill us. We have grown into positive, loving, caring, strong-minded individuals who have made a mark in this world. We are strong enough to realize that our weaknesses are just preconceived strengths. We don’t wallow in self-pity; we bring about change. We are meek enough to allow others to voice their opinions and boisterous enough to let the world know that we have a voice. In a day, when Sistahs are doing it for themselves, some of us find that being single, may sometime convert to being sane. There are so many things to contend with in our current state of affairs. It is not easy to determine, who’s who, where they’re going, or where they’ve been. It is a daily struggle to press forward and keep your balance. Maintain your balance, don’t tip the scales! You must weigh out your options. Be mindful of what you want. Every situation comes with good and bad. It is up to you to differentiate between what you are willing to compromise on and if you are willing to compromise yourself. Your belief system should remain in tact. Once you decide that you are worthy, your expectations will increase. It is key to understand that your desires of fulfillment should not outweigh self-fulfillment. In all honesty, I am not sure I would really like to know what brothers are thinking. The wave of prominent women is drowning men in their quest to conquer. As women become more empowered, they gain strength, not to endure but to move on. We are stepping high and proud, sleek and sound making fashionable entrances in great stride. Yes, we can do bad all by ourselves, but in all actuality, we can do well all by ourselves too! “Make It Do What It Do, Baby!” Finding and building on your purpose is key. Strive to find your strengths. Learn to use your weaknesses as stepping stones. Embark upon all that you have ever desired and continue to make your mark. Stress the importance of positivism to those who insist on being in your life. Don’t let others dictate where your future lies. As for those who want to suppress you with negativity - You all know from whence you’ve come, so you don’t need reminders on where you’ve been or where you come from. Look forward to where you are going. Set your standards high and don’t settle for less than that. After all we are not “high maintenance, we just maintain that we are held in the highest regards.” - Your editor Lorie McEachin

2 2006 Events: The Color Purple - Musical From the classic Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Alice Walker, and the moving film by Steven Spielberg, comes a soul- stirring new musical and landmark Broadway event. The Color Purple is an inspiring family saga that tells the unforgettable story of a woman who - through love - finds the strength to triumph over adversity and discover her unique voice in the world. Set to a joyous score featuring jazz, ragtime, gospel, and blues, The Color Purple is a story of hope, a testament to the healing power of love and a celebration of life. Venue: Broadway Theatre 1681 Broadway (Between West 52nd and 53rd Streets) New York NY 10019 Tickets: May 1 – May 31 Saturday 2pm/8pm Orchestra: $111.25 Front Mezzanine: $111.25 Rear Mezzanine (Rows A-C): 111.25 Rear Mezzanine (Rows D-J): $86.25 Rear Mezzanine (Rows K-P): $66.25 Rear Mezzanine (Rows Q-R): $26.25 BOOK OF THE MONTH: “Mama's Boyz: As American Sweet Potato Pie! Author Jerry Craft -contributed by Madilyn Nieves Newark, DE SONG OF THE MONTH: “Order My Steps” Order my steps in Your word dear Lord. Lead me, guide me, everyday Send Your anointing, Father, Humbly I ask Thee, teach me Your will. While You are working, help me be still. Though Satan is busy, God is real. Order my steps in Your word. Bridle my tongue, let my words edify. Let the words of my mouth be acceptable in Thy sight, Take charge of my thoughts, both day and night I want to walk worthy, my calling to fulfill. Please order my steps, Lord, and I'll do Your blessed will. The world is ever changing, but You are still the same. If You order my steps, I'll praise Your name.. “People Come Into Your Life For A Reason” People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on. Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season! LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant. - contributed by Stephanie Rainwater, Huntington Beach, CA A Positive Start........ Energize your life by starting each day with gratitude. When you wake up, before you do anything else stop and count your blessings. Then find something special about each day for which you can be thankful. It’s a great way to get each day started on a positive note, and it can make a major difference throughout the day. Actively practicing gratitude on a regular basis will keep you in touch with the very best of your possibilities. It will enable you to see opportunities and utilize resources which may otherwise have remained hidden or forgotten. Maintaining an attitude of gratitude will keep you connected to the things of value in your life. So in a very real sense it will add value to each moment of the day. There are many good things in your life. It makes sense to fully appreciate and enjoy them. When you do, those positive things will grow even stronger. Begin each day by counting your many blessings. By doing so, you’ll attract many more. Favorite Motivational Message -Contributed by Tarrel Hunter, Savannah, GA “Character Building……” Understanding and Acknowledging our unique qualities. There are many aspects of life that shape our moral fiber. Family, friends, religion, careers, etc. are all examples of where we receive most of our structure. What most people don’t recognize is that we all possess instinctive powers that help build our own character. If we take ownership of the who, what, when, where and why in our lives; our prototype changes. Character building does not have to be viewed as just lessons learned. It is actually a continuous life process. As we delve into life experiences we find ourselves in preparation for the next phase. Thereby, defining the old adage’, “What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger”. It is not by chance that we have been given the ability to overcome and move beyond circumstance. There is no question that we are fierce when determined. That is why our energies must remain in a positive mode. If we could rearrange our lives to fit our scope of understanding; it would probably not be too progressive. Truth be told, many of us get so content in our current situations, that it almost takes a natural disaster to bring about change. We need to become visionaries and look into our future, by means of our present state. Building always begins with a plan of action and a foundation to build upon. Your life, dreams, character and strengths are similar. In order to see where you are going, you must have a plan of action, start with your current foundation and lay the ground work. You must exert effort and energy in any foreseen process or you will find yourself in recurring or stagnant situations. Don’t settle with where you are, live today as if it were your last. Pray, Plan, Process, Proceed = the formula to achieving ultimate success and fulfilling your Purpose. Make a declaration to set your expectations high for yourself and others that are an intricate part of your life. If you want to build your character be steadfast, determined, immovable and always abounding and you will achieve a Renewed and Rebuilt You! - Lorie

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