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Designing Learning Competency Modeling Focus on learner Focus on learner Identify and validate performance objectives Identify and validate performance.

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2 Designing Learning


4 Competency Modeling Focus on learner Focus on learner Identify and validate performance objectives Identify and validate performance objectives Establish performance criteria Establish performance criteria Develop individual learning plan Develop individual learning plan Measure competency Measure competency

5 Session Topics Theory of Rapid Instructional Design (RID) Theory of Rapid Instructional Design (RID) Key differences among ISD models Key differences among ISD models Gagne’s Nine Instructional Events Gagne’s Nine Instructional Events Bloom’s Taxonomy and how it relates to writing learning objectives Bloom’s Taxonomy and how it relates to writing learning objectives Components of learning objectives Components of learning objectives

6 Session Topics Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Individual characteristics of learning Individual characteristics of learning Learning Brain Model Learning Brain Model Neurolinguistic Programming Neurolinguistic Programming Cognition and Adult Learning Theory Cognition and Adult Learning Theory

7 Take it Away! You have 10 minutes

8 Be ready in 8 minutes

9 We’ll debrief in 6 minutes

10 Four minutes and counting..

11 Two minutes to go

12 Let’s come back together!

13 Rapid Instructional Design Analysis DesignDevelopment Implementation Evaluation AKA “Rapid Prototyping” AKA “Rapid Prototyping” Involves “trade-offs” Involves “trade-offs” Processes – parallel and iterative until agreement is reached Processes – parallel and iterative until agreement is reached

14 Dick and Carey Model Analyzing learners and contexts Analyzing learners and contexts

15 Seels and Glasgow

16 Smith and Ragan Three Phases Three Phases Test items are written immediately after tasks are analyzed Test items are written immediately after tasks are analyzed

17 Gagne’s 9 Instructional Events Tell them what you’re going to teach them Tell them what you’re going to teach them 1. Gain learner attention 2. Share session objectives 3. Recall prior knowledge

18 Gagne’s 9 Instructional Events Teach them Teach them 4. Deliver content 5. Use methods to enhance understanding 6. Provide an opportunity to practice 7. Provide feedback 8. Assess performance

19 Gagne’s 9 Instructional Events Tell them what you taught them Tell them what you taught them 9. Provide job aids and/or references to ensure transfer of learning

20 Bloom’s Taxonomy Behavioral Levels Skills Knowledge Define, list, name, repeat info Comprehension Translate/explain in own words Application Demonstrate in new situations Analysis Break knowledge into parts Synthesis Prepare a new whole from parts Evaluation Score info based on knowledge

21 Writing Learning Objectives Learning environment Learning environment Desired outcomes Desired outcomes Four components: ABCD Four components: ABCD Audience Audience Behavior Behavior Condition Condition Degree Degree

22 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs





27 What is the difference? Pedagogy Pedagogy Dependent Dependent Related to age Related to age Didactic model Didactic model “Art of teaching children” “Art of teaching children” Andragogy Andragogy Self-directed Learn from life experience “Art of teaching adults”

28 Malcolm Knowles Self-concept of the learner Self-concept of the learner Prior experience of the learner Prior experience of the learner Readiness to learn Readiness to learn Orientation to learning Orientation to learning Motivation to learn Motivation to learn

29 Learning Brain Model Left BrainRight Brain Time Orientation Sequential Processing Language Logic Mathematics Analysis Cause/effect Timelessness Intuition Visual-spatial Music Art/imagery/pattern Synthesis Simultaneous processing Emotion Divergent

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