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Measuring China's Progress: Research on Monitoring the Advancement of Building a Xiaokang Society Dr. Shi Fengdan Research Institute of Statistical Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring China's Progress: Research on Monitoring the Advancement of Building a Xiaokang Society Dr. Shi Fengdan Research Institute of Statistical Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring China's Progress: Research on Monitoring the Advancement of Building a Xiaokang Society Dr. Shi Fengdan Research Institute of Statistical Sciences National Bureau of Statistics of China 25 February, 2013 High-Level Forum on Official Statistics Response to the Rio+20 Mandate for Broader Measures of Progress

2 What is a Xiaokang society? The System of Xiaokang Indicators Monitoring results of Chinas Progress in Building a Xiaokang Society 2 Outlines

3 What is a Xiaokang society? Xiaokang : well-off and moderate prosperity Goals of Building a Xiaokang Society of China –by 1990 end food and clothing shortages –by 2000 a Xiaokang society at a preliminary stage –by 2020 a Xiaokang society in all aspects 3

4 What is a Xiaokang society? Goal of building a Xiaokang society in all aspects: to build a moderately prosperous society for the entire Chinese population that features: –accelerated economic development, –enhanced democracy, –advanced science and education, –prosperous culture, –harmonious society, –higher living standard, –more efficient use of resources and friendly environment. 4

5 System of Xiaokang Indicators The System of Xiaokang Indicators I: Economic Development (5) II: Society Harmony (5) III: Quality of Life (5) IV: Democracy and Law (2) V: Culture and Education (3) VI: Resource and Environment (3) 23 Indicators 5

6 System of Xiaokang Indicators : Economic Development Per capita GDP Share of R&D expenses in GDP Share of value-added of the tertiary industry in GDP Proportion of urban population Urban unemployment rate 6 Demographic structure Technical innovation : Economic Development Per capita GDP Share of R&D expenses in GDP Share of value-added of the tertiary industry in GDP Proportion of urban population Urban unemployment rate Employment Economic growth Industrial structure

7 System of Xiaokang Indicators I Economic Development 1.Per capita GDP –It is a comprehensive, aggregate and representative indicator. –Economic development forms the basis of social progress. 2.Share of R&D expenses in GDP –Reflects the input in technology. 3.Share of value-added of the tertiary industry in GDP –Reflects the economic structure. 7

8 System of Xiaokang Indicators I Economic Development 4.Proportion of urban population –Urbanization is the inevitable outcome of industrialization and modernization. –The proportion of urban population directly reflects a countrys urbanization level. 5.Urban unemployment rate –Unemployment rate is one of the most important indicators to reflect the status of economic development. 8

9 System of Xiaokang Indicators II: Social Harmony Gini Coefficient Urban-rural resident income ratio Regional economic development disparity coefficient Basic social security coverage Gender disparity coefficient of senior high school graduates 9 Social security Urban-rural divide Gender disparity Income gap Regional divide

10 System of Xiaokang Indicators II Social Harmony 6.Gini Coefficient –It is a classical indicator commonly recognized and widely used in the world. –Reflects the gap of income distribution. 7.Urban-rural resident income ratio –Reflects the gap of urban and rural incomes. –Estimates the imbalance of Chinas economic development. 10

11 System of Xiaokang Indicators II Social Harmony 8.Regional economic development disparity coefficient –Dispersion coefficient of per capita GDP of n regions. –Reflects the gap of regional economic development. –Formula Of which n : number of regions within a certain area : per capita GDP of region i : mean of per capita GDP of n regions : Regional economic development disparity coefficient 11

12 System of Xiaokang Indicators II Social Harmony 9.Basic social security coverage –Basic endowment insurance and medical insurance are selected to reflect the conditions of social security. Basic social security coverage = Number of people covered by basic endowment insurance × 50%+ Number of people covered by basic medical insurance × 50% Number of people that should be covered by basic endowment insurance Number of people that should be covered by basic medical insurance 12

13 System of Xiaokang Indicators II Social Harmony 10. Gender disparity coefficient of senior high school graduates –Reflects the gap of gender. –Formula: Gender Disparity Coefficient of Senior High School Graduates = Sex ratio of senior high school graduates × 100% Sex ratio of population of the same age group 13

14 System of Xiaokang Indicators III: Quality of Life Per capita disposable income Engels coefficient Per capita usable floor space Under-five mortality rate Life expectancy 14 Health care Consumption structure Health conditions Income level Housing conditions

15 System of Xiaokang Indicators III Quality of Life 11.Per capita disposable income –It reflects peoples living level. –Different from per capita GDP. 12.Engels coefficient –The proportion of food expenditure in total spending. –Reflects households total consumption and its structure. 13.Per capita usable floor space –It is an important indicator that measures peoples living standard. 15

16 System of Xiaokang Indicators III Quality of Life 14.Under-five mortality rate –Indirectly reflects the health care conditions of a society. 15.Life expectancy –The improvement of life expectancy is the result of improved quality of life and enhanced medical and health care. 16

17 System of Xiaokang Indicators IV: Democracy and Law Citizens satisfaction of democratic rights Social safety index 17

18 System of Xiaokang Indicators IV Democracy and Law 16.Citizens satisfaction of democratic rights –The satisfaction of citizens about whether their political, economic and cultural rights and interests are respected and guaranteed. 17.Social safety index –Involving the overall changes of the major aspects of social order( public security, traffic security, living safety, and publication safety) within a certain period. Social safety index = Criminals in 10,000 persons in 2000 × 40% + Traffic deaths in 10,000 persons in 2000 × 20% + Criminals in 10,000 persons in the current year Traffic deaths in 10,000 persons in the current year Fire deaths in 10,000 persons in 2000 ×20%+ Work injury deaths in 10,000 persons in 2000 × 20% Fire deaths in 10,000 persons in the current year Work injury deaths in 10,000 persons in the current year 18

19 System of Xiaokang Indicators V: Culture and Education Share of value-added of cultural industry in GDP Share of households expenses on cultural, educational and recreational services in total expenses Average years of education 19 Education Culture industry Social service

20 System of Xiaokang Indicators V Culture and Education 18. Share of value-added of cultural industry in GDP –Reflects the prosperity and development of a countrys cultural industry. 19.Share of households expenses on cultural, educational and recreational services in total expenses –Reflects the diversity of the peoples spiritual life and improvement of their education. 20.Average years of education – Reflects the education level of the entire population. 20

21 System of Xiaokang Indicators VI: Resources and Environment Per unit GDP energy consumption Arable land area index Environmental quality index 21 Environment Utilization efficiency Resource protection

22 System of Xiaokang Indicators VI Resources and Environment 21.Per unit GDP energy consumption –Reflects the efficiency of resources utilization. 22.Arable land area index –Reflects the protection of arable land. Arable land area index= Arable land area in the reporting period × 100% Arable land area of the base period (2000) 22

23 System of Xiaokang Indicators VI Resources and Environment 23.Environmental quality index Environmental quality index = Urban air quality conformity rate × 40%+ Surface water conformity rate × 40%+ Land greening conformity rate × 20% 23

24 System of Xiaokang Indicators AspectIndicatorWeightTarget Economic Development (29) 1. Per capita GDP 1231400RMB 2. Share of R&D expenses in GDP42.5% 3. Share of value-added of the tertiary industry in GDP 450% 4. Proportion of urban population560% 5. Urban unemployment rate46% Social Harmony (15) 6. Gini Coefficient20.4 7. Urban-rural resident income ratio22.80 8. Regional economic development disparity coefficient 260% 9. Basic social security coverage690% 10. Gender disparity coefficient of senior high school graduates 3=100% Per capita GDP is calculated use constant prices in 2000 24

25 System of Xiaokang Indicators Per capita disposable Income is calculated use constant prices in 2000 AspectIndicatorWeightTarget Quality of Life (19) 11. Per capita disposable income 615000RMB 12. Engels coefficient340% 13. Per capita usable floor space527m 2 14. Under-five mortality rate212 15. Life expectancy375 years old Democracy and Law (11) 16. Citizens satisfaction of democratic rights 590% 17. Social safety index6100% 25

26 System of Xiaokang Indicators Per unit GDP is calculated use constant prices in 2000 AspectIndicatorWeightTarget Culture and Education (14) 18. Share of value-added of cultural industry in GDP 65% 19. Share of households expenses on cultural, educational and recreational services in total expenses 216% 20. Average years of education610.5 years Resources and Environment (12) 21. Per unit GDP energy consumption 4 0.84 tons of SCE per 10,000 RMB 22. Arable land area index294% 23. Environmental quality index6=100% 26

27 27

28 Monitoring results of Chinas Progress in Building a Xiaokang Society 20102000 2010 vs. 2000 Annualized growth Economic Development 76.1%50.3%25.8%2.58% Social Harmony 82.5%57.5%25.0%2.50% Quality of Life 86.4%58.3%28.1%2.81% Democracy and Law 93.6% 84.8% 8.8% 0.88% Culture and Education 68.0%58.5%9.7%0.97% Resources and Environment 78.2%65.4%12.8%1.28% Total 80.1%59.6%20.5%2.05% 28

29 29 >90% 70%-80% 60%-70% 80%-90% Not monitoring SD FJ TWTW GD GX HAIN YN JX HUN GZ Z J AH JS HUB SC CQ XZ QH GS XJ SHX HN SX HB BJ NX NMG LN JL HLJ B SHH TJ Monitoring results of Chinas Progress in Building a Xiaokang Society(2010)

30 Thank you for your attention! 30 E-mail:

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