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INSTRUCTIONAL AND COUNSELOR WORKSHOP 2014 Bridges Career Academies and Workplace Connection Program.

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Presentation on theme: "INSTRUCTIONAL AND COUNSELOR WORKSHOP 2014 Bridges Career Academies and Workplace Connection Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 INSTRUCTIONAL AND COUNSELOR WORKSHOP 2014 Bridges Career Academies and Workplace Connection Program

2 PARTNERS Brainerd Lakes Chamber Central Lakes College Central Lakes Perkins Consortium High Schools ; Aitkin Bertha-Hewitt Brainerd Browerville Crosby -Ironton Henning Isle Little Falls Nay Ah Shing Pequot Lakes Pierz-Healy Pillager Pine River-Backus Staples-Motley Sebeka Swanville Upsala

3 2013 12 High Schools 48 Teachers 67 Academies 2014 17 High Schools 72 Teachers 97 Academies BRIDGES ACADEMIES Huge growth!

4 2013 125 Completers 3.1 Average G.P.A. 106/125 College 2014 215 Completers 3.3 Average G.P.A. 195/215 College STUDENT SURVEY DATA Boy, the teachers and students were working hard.

5 2013 89% Stated Academies helped to determine and/or select a career. 67% Stated Workplace Connection made a difference in selecting their career. 2014 91% Stated Academies helped them determine and/or select a career. 89% Stated Workplace Connection made a difference in selecting their career. STUDENT SURVEY DATA Loved that business experience!

6 Minnesota Career Wheel

7 WHAT CAREERS DID STUDENTS CHOOSE? Cluster Number of Completers Continued in Cluster Health Science2096% Architecture and Construction1281% Hospitality4635% Agriculture4083% Science and Technology 394% Transportation1388%

8 Cluster Number of Completers Continued in Cluster Human Services1391% Information Technology 686% Manufacturing 689% Business/Finance3791% Arts/Technology 694% Entrepreneur1388%

9 Overall Percent of Students Continuing in Cluster 84% Percent of Students Continuing in Cluster Without Hospitality Cluster 89% Career Academies Work!

10 MINI GRANTS NUMBER OF GRANTS 10 Grants $6750.00 TYPES OF GRANTS Equipment Creation of Habitats Business Tours College Tours Educational Materials Animal Supplies

11 NEW OPPORTUNITIES Academy Grant Options: Service Learning Activities Special Student Project/Contest Instructional Grants Academy Students in Action: Classroom/Lab Photos Immersion Camp Development: Teachers in Career Cluster Interested In Developing a Immersion Camp Model Count Me In.


13 CONTACTS Workplace Connection: Mary Gottsch Career Academies Judy Richer


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