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Mu2e Mu2e Status Andy Hocker, Technical Division All-Experimenters Meeting 8-JUN-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Mu2e Mu2e Status Andy Hocker, Technical Division All-Experimenters Meeting 8-JUN-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mu2e Mu2e Status Andy Hocker, Technical Division All-Experimenters Meeting 8-JUN-2015

2 Mu2e Project Highlights Received CD2/3b in March 2015 –CD3b green-lit civil construction for Mu2e building, Transport Solenoid coil module procurement CD3c in Spring 2016 A. Hocker, All-Experimenters Meeting28-JUN-2015

3 Mu2e Mu2e Groundbreaking: 18-APR-2015 A. Hocker, All-Experimenters Meeting38-JUN-2015

4 Mu2e Solenoids Contract for Production and Detector Solenoids placed with General Atomics in CA Commercial bids for Transport Solenoid modules under review Prototype TS module test at CHL delayed due to compressor failure –~1 month recovery, re-start cooldown 22-JUN –Successful test -> Production Readiness Review -> Place TS contract Seeking out alternatives to CHL for production module tests A. Hocker, All-Experimenters Meeting48-JUN-2015

5 Mu2e Cosmic Ray Veto (CRV) test beam run A. Hocker, All-Experimenters Meeting58-JUN-2015 3m long scintillator extrusions w/ embedded fibers, SiPM readout at both ends

6 Mu2e CRV test beam results A. Hocker, All-Experimenters Meeting68-JUN-2015 Scan at near end only Read out at both ends /MIP = 85 Exceeds requirement by a factor of 1.8 Detailed studies of detector response underway Thanks Mandy R. and FTBF staff Y. Oksuzian

7 Mu2e Other recent highlights Review of remote target handling in March –Focus now on air handling, contamination control, robot design Software/computing review in March Test of CsI (alternative) calorimeter prototype with 100 MeV e - beam at Frascati in April –Time resolution exceeds requirements, E resolution OK AlCap test beam (  +Al 23  X) at PSI –Optimize internal shielding, STM –Finalize p multiplicity, E spectrum studies now –Additional run in fall for n multiplicity studies Prototype straw tracker panel built –Leak checking now, vacuum testing next A. Hocker, All-Experimenters Meeting78-JUN-2015

8 Mu2e Summary Good progress since last AEM –Received CD2, cost/schedule/scope now baselined –Long lead items (CD3a, 3b) are go 77 km of superconducting cable starts to arrive this summer Solenoid fabrication starts next year Experimental hall construction started Next major milestone is CD3c in spring 2016 – Major simulation campaign underway (14M CPU-hrs) Running >10k jobs per day on OSG Excellent support from SCD –More design reviews, detector prototyping, beam tests A. Hocker, All-Experimenters Meeting88-JUN-2015

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