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NSF Workshop on Power and Energy Education Breakout Group 2 Reporters:Brian Johnson, University of Idaho Dagmar Niebur, Drexel University.

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Presentation on theme: "NSF Workshop on Power and Energy Education Breakout Group 2 Reporters:Brian Johnson, University of Idaho Dagmar Niebur, Drexel University."— Presentation transcript:

1 NSF Workshop on Power and Energy Education Breakout Group 2 Reporters:Brian Johnson, University of Idaho Dagmar Niebur, Drexel University

2 Integration of Renewables Challenges of large-scale integration of renewables on the equipment side or HV side: voltage fluctuation, frequency issues, wind forecasting Risk and policy issues: Educational modules related to integration for various levels and audiences, as for example investment bankers versus power engineers

3 Microgrid Resiliency Attracts interest of DOE and DOD Economic incentives for utilities are less clear Policies may require utilities to buy back intermittent power In the extreme, utilities serve as backup power only Curriculum aspects include Control including distributed and hybrid control Market and pricing models Forecasting of intermittent resources Storage

4 Cyber Security Idaho National Labs – GridGame competition with microgrids operated by EE/CS student teams responding to hacking by a team of by CS students to be conducted at the IEEE International Symposium on Resilient Control Systems, August 2014 => Develop similar labs or organize summer schools Collaborative Modules

5 Integration of CPS Aspects in the Power and Energy Curriculum Control Center SCADA Hardware Labs for integration of cyber data and physical data Team-teaching CS and EE students should mentor each other (NCSU terminology “each one mentor one.”) Develop communities of learners (also outside the class room)

6 Curriculum using MOOCs or other On-line Education Key issues: Content Ideas – Discussed on remaining slides Format – Majority favored modules Delivery methods – Need to involve Instructional support Education specialists Delivery methods – Requires Institutional support Recognition of effort Archiving and maintenance Need of educational module clearing house Need of long-term commitment to maintain and update course modules

7 Other R&E Issues Green Power Management of Data Centers Electrification of Transportation Synergy of Petroleum Engineering and Electric Power and Energy Public Education in Energy Efficiency and Demand Response Development of new degrees or minors in smart grids, potentially as a BS of Arts instead of Science

8 Other General Issues Need for leveling the NSF “playing field” by including smaller universities Scalability of NSF Programs Equal partnering of smaller and bigger schools Challenges of multi-disciplinary teams Tribal languages of disciplines, PE, CS, Econ etc. Engineering cultures Opportunities of multi-disciplinary teams Communities of learners Cross-disciplinary mentoring

9 General Issues - Industry Need for engaging industry more systematically and more closely in curricular matter Ex.: Australian Power Institute (API) industry survey outlines requirements 4 week long modules, courses and labs Developed by some universities, deployed by others, Funded by the Commonwealth Accreditation Structural Reform Program at a level of ca 4$M/year and matched by industry contributions to API (see objectives next slide). API offers bursaries, laboratory, partial faculty support.

10 The Australian Power Institute - A Model for Advancing Power Engineering Careers Key objectives : Students view power engineering as an exciting whole of working life career choice University undergraduate teaching and learning provides sustainable industry skills Continuing professional development programs and coordinated, concerted research are value adding to industry API is positioned as a vibrant, nationally respected organization by industry, universities and government

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