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January 30-February 1, 2013 Kingston, Jam aica The Statistical Institute of Jamaica.

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1 January 30-February 1, 2013 Kingston, Jam aica The Statistical Institute of Jamaica

2 The Labour Force Survey is a household survey which has been consistently conducted in Jamaica since its inception in1968. The survey targets members of the civilian, non-institutional households who are 14 years and older living in Jamaica. The survey is conducted on a quarterly basis and provides detail information on a variety of issues related to the labour market

3 Some of the topics covered include: Demographics characteristics Age, sex, relationship to household head, educational attainment Main labour related characteristics Employment, unemployment underemployment, hours of work. Other labour related characteristics Industry, occupation, status in employment, size of establishment, duration of employment, duration of unemployment, reason for not being in the labour force, employment in the informal sector etc.

4 Sample size: Over 8,000 dwellings in 508 EDs are visited during each labour force survey. The survey uses the concepts and definitions developed by the ILO in its entirety. The reference period for the survey is usually the last working week preceding the start of the survey. Main mode of data collection is face-to-face interview

5 PERIODICITY OF SURVEY: Four quarterly surveys are conducted each year in January, April, July and October GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE: Whole country All parish (urban and rural) POPULATION COVERAGE: Whole population excluding the following groups: Armed forces living in barracks and foreigners. Persons living in institutions such as prisons, place of safety and hospitals

6 Sample Design The Labour Force Survey design is a two stage stratified sample design: First stage is a selection of areas called enumeration districts (EDs). Second stage is a selection of dwellings within the selected EDs

7 Classification used: Industry – Jamaica Industrial Classification JIC(2005) linked to the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) Rev.3 Occupation – Jamaica Standard Occupational Classification (JSOC) 1991 Status in Employment (Linked to international classifications: ICSE – 1993)

8 The Survey of Living Condition is a household survey which has been conducted annually since its inception in1988. It collects household data from a subset of the sample covered by the Labour Force survey. The survey collects data on: Demographic characteristics Household consumption

9 Education Health Housing Special module on a special topic The data collected from the SLC is used to: Identify and profile poverty Monitor the levels of poverty over time. Monitor the impact of Jamaicas Human Resources Development Programme on Health, Education and Nutrition

10 Thank you!

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