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August 2007 Power of 10 First-run Syndication Strategy Confidential Draft.

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Presentation on theme: "August 2007 Power of 10 First-run Syndication Strategy Confidential Draft."— Presentation transcript:

1 August 2007 Power of 10 First-run Syndication Strategy Confidential Draft

2 1 Power of 10 Strategy Highlights Conduct detailed research on the show’s audience and performance to tailor the sales message and focus on the most likely buyers Support the show through a comprehensive program of marketing and publicity, including and estimated $5-7MM of marketing spend Provide the best sales tools to effectively showcase The Power of 10 Generate $XMM in revenues from syndication Generate $XMM in revenues from ad sales and product placement Extend the brand to digital platforms, increasing exposure and driving $XMM in revenues

3 2 Research and Sales Support Continuously conduct local and national ratings research to develop expertise on the product and the relevant marketplace Identify an overall picture of the market and most likely partners through market reconnaissance –Current customer and potential demos for expansion –Strengths & weaknesses of the show from a viewer and partner standpoint –Available timeslots, markets, network interest Develop Product and Market Expertise Draft the message in the sales book with guidance from the sales and marketing teams Assist marketing/publicity efforts by creating buzz in the marketplace through emails sent to potential partners/affiliates Provide polling assistance to garner consumer feedback Develop Sales Tools

4 3 Marketing Plan Provide Resources for Superior Sales Effort Marketing Support to Reach Core Audience Creative materials A collaborative effort across sales, marketing, research and PR to provide necessary tools for the sales team to syndicate –Sales Book –Customized sales books tailored to specific markets based on pre-qualification research –Marketing Tape –Marketing materials (photos, behind-the-scenes interviews, on- set video) already being generated –Trade Ads–~3-4 week run in specific markets identified during planning Marketing EffortComments Broad Media Campaign The full weight of SPT resources along with outside partners (e.g., Universal McCann) to create buzz and identity –National Media–Full media mix e.g., on-air (network/cable), print, radio, trades –Local Media –Co-op/shared media with local stations to ensure support (local print/radio and out-of-home ads (billboards/bus shelters) –Online/New Media –A dedicated site with immersive environment linked to the syndicated show experience –Keywords on Google (e.g., Power, Drew, Millionaire, etc.) –Other–Local polls, special events, mall appearances, etc. SPT has traditionally budgeted $5-7MM to launch a show of this caliber

5 4 Publicity Ratings announcements continue to be strong Drew Carey publicity/support continues Anticipate trade ads when CBS picks-up the show Syndication PR Builds on Network Success Timing/Targeting for Trade Stories for Syndication Message for Syndication Announce after syndication partners are locked Announce broadly with specific outreach to stations and Hollywood trades Highlight launch partner and time slots POWER OF 10 brought out by SPT, the studio responsible for the #1 and #2 games show of all time Call out POWER OF 10 strong performance on network Promote new host for syndication Highlight success of SPT’s other recently launched gamer shows Identify companion shows (e.g., Cross Words, if applicable)

6 5 Syndication Strategy Timing of release: Considerations: What else is coming out to market? What open slots are available? Who’s interested? When is the market timing right? Implications for avails? Roll-out considerations (slow roll-out to “top-tier” affiliates; or “blow-out” right away” Launch DateRate Card “Pre-Qualify” Likely Buyers Rates How rates are derived (potential buyers’ program spending as a % of revenue) License fee versus barter Target likely partners based on available time-slots in ’08 – ’09 season –SPT has relationships with the major players (e.g., ABC, NBC, CBS) Identify partners’ ratings by day-part, current demographics, long-term strategy/programming goals, etc. to create appropriate sales strategy $XXMM Potential Syndication Opportunity

7 6 Ad Sales Strategy Discuss with Amy Carney Identify brands that SPT can sell :30 and :10 spots to based on research data Identify any product placement opportunities for the syndicated show Evaluate appropriate online ad sales strategy $XXMM Potential Ad Sales Opportunity

8 7 Digital Strategy [What we intend to include] Development of mobile game Mobile personalization products – wallpapers, ring-tones, etc. SMS related activities inside the show – text answer to 4Sony during the show MobileOnline Game Development of online game PC play, online web versions and downloadable versions for the PS3 and Xbox Use Crackle syndicated player to syndicate show Full ability to put episodes – full and clips – online and mobile Additional digital rights including DST/VOD Online PlayerCrackle Allow users to suggest questions Air episodes or clips or Minisodes Use online game $XXMM Potential Digital Opportunity

9 8 Development (Does SPT mobile do it? Use Java Ground?) Carriers (Exclusive 1 month w/ Verizon to get marketing commit? Then broad?) Pricing and unit expectations; total dollar expectations Mobile GameOnline Game “For sale game” -- Speaking to Jeff Weiss about ability to create “for sale” game; speak with SOE about development responsibilities “Promotional game” Re-skin CBS version?Promote at POWER OF 10 website? And affiliate websites? And Crackle? Potential to reach XXMM unique users Syndicate to all affiliate pages? XXMM viewer reach DST/VOD potential? Online PlayerCrackle Allow users to suggest questions? Air Minisodes? Use online game Digital Strategy [Issues we’ve asked Sean’s team to address]

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