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Published byEmily Bird Modified over 11 years ago
Workshop 2: Conflict Resolution Minutes & meeting procedures
Clubs Association Workshop 2: Conflict Resolution Minutes & meeting procedures Introduce myself. Introduce Janet Penhall. Explain session is generic in nature – based on research, contacts and resources. Janet will interject along the way with specific Clubs Association information. Each topic will be presented individually. Short break at end between session – time for toilet break and cups of teas. Housekeeping Toilet location. Tea, coffee, biscuits available. Feel free to help yourself throughout the session. Introductions. Explain my background. Ask participants to introduce themselves, the club they come from, what they want to get out of the session.
Introductions Please share the following with the group: Your name
Club you belong to & position (if applicable) What level of experience you have in clubs committees
Conflict resolution This topic will cover: Recognising conflict
Conflict resolution techniques Strategies for creating win-win situations
Recognising conflict In a club, you don’t need to always agree, but you do need to find a way to get along. Conflict often arises due to poor communication or different interpretations of facts. Or from people feeling their needs aren’t important as others. Conflict often occurs in the workplace when different staff members have different roles and different priorities
Recognising conflict Conflict is a natural part of being human.
When handled well it can be resolved and the parties can move forward productively Many people fear conflict. View it as a “I win, you lose” or “You win, I lose” scenario. Doesn’t have to be like that. Conflict is an opportunity to resolve and clarify different ideas. View opinions with respect and an opportunity to see beyond your own ideas to create a win-win situation.
Recognising conflict If it is not recognised and addressed, conflict can escalate. In most cases it’s better to acknowledge, rather than try to ignore, conflict. You may need to work to recognise when others are not comfortable, and to offer others an opportunity to speak. It is important to be able to recognise signs of conflict early and to deal with before they become a crisis situation. Discomfort is usually the feeling that something’s not quite right. Could be puzzled looks by someone or a look of confusion. Incidents is usually when things aren’t too uncomfortable. Usually words or non-verbal messages have been exchanged which indicate some disharmony. Misunderstanding is when things have escalated slightly and when the previous two stages haven’t been dealt with. Tension is when the involved parties find it difficult to talk to each other. Emotions are running high. Crisis an escalation of all the above situation.s It’s very important to be able to recognise these situations and know what you can do about it. Try to make clear in your mind what the difficulty is. Think about Who is having the difficulty What the difficulties are about What the circumstances When and why they have happened.
Whose responsible for resolving conflict?
Should it be between the two parties or should someone else get involved? Generally – start with the parties themselves.
Process of resolving conflict
If the conflict is more serious and cannot be resolved, a third person (or group) should become involved. If this is not successful, you should seek advice from the Clubs Association on what other avenues are available to you – e.g. You may have the issue referred to the grievance committee.
Encouraging points of view
If you have the responsibility for resolving conflict, it is important you encourage those concerned to give their point of view. You need to accept their point of view and treat it with respect, even if you don’t agree. REMAIN POLITE at all times! The reason you are in conflict with another person may be the fact that their point of view is different. This can make it difficult for you to encourage, accept and treat their point of view with respect. However difficult it is, open your mind and listen to what they have to say and they have to do the same. You can then work together to try and reach common ground through compromise to resolve the conflict. Remember, there are always two sides to a story and making sure all points of view are encouraged is vital in finding a solution.
Communication Communication is key to resolving conflict and is a two-way process. Strategies that aid conflict resolution: Stick to the issues at hand Don’t get personal Always work towards a solution Strategies that hinder communication: Blaming Withdrawing or ignoring the problem Bullying / patronising Communication involves sending & receiving messages. Clear communication ensure your message is sent and received as you intended.
Handling difficult people
Often difficult people just want someone to listen to them. When you listen you should be: Calm Caring Supportive Reassuring Ask the person to explain what they are upset about. If the person is angry, remove them from the situation. Remember to listen and not take things personally. Once they have explained their situation you can help to find a solution. It is important you stay calm. When people are angry they often say things they don’t mean. This takes practice. But remember that more often than not, the problem isn’t about you.
Conflict resolution techniques
Conflict resolution means that conflict is solved by focussing, identifying and satisfying people’s needs. People with different personalities respond in different ways. Different ways of reacting aren’t right or wrong, but it helps to be aware of your way own approach.
Activity Take some time and think about how you react in controversial situations. Be honest, no one is going to read or see this.
Conflict Resolution Tips
Define the conflict – communicate very clearly about what you each want to achieve Think about compromises you may be willing to make Discuss possible solutions Agree on the solution and implement it If that solution doesn’t work, go back to step 3
Top tips Respect other people’s right to an opinion.
Don’t let personality get in the way – stay objective. Listen and ask questions to understand, and communicate clearly to make yourself understood
Meetings & minute taking
Topic will cover: Determining need for meeting Advising meeting participants Preparing agenda Following meeting procedures Recording minutes
Determining need for meeting
Every meeting should fulfil at least one of the following: Give information Obtain and share information Make decisions
Different types of meetings
Formal meetings Informal meetings Regular meetings AGM / IGM Board meetings Committee meetings SGM (to elect, or to change constitution) The sytle of meeting required will depend on the meeting purpose, occasion and participants.
Meeting objectives Critical to have clear meeting objectives.
These objectives determine who should be involved and invited to attend. Don’t have a meeting for the sake of it!
Advising participants of meeting
Attendees should be given plenty of notice – usually 2 weeks. Note that this is minimum required for SGM/IGM, and these must be in academic term time Attendees should be notified of the date, time, place, type of meeting and the business to be discussed. It is important this information is provided early to give participants enough time to read and think about the issues that will be discussed and to prepare information that is useful to the discussion.
Meeting agenda An agenda is a blueprint for what the meeting will be about and the order of items to be discussed. Helps to keep discussion on track. Agendas should be clear and concise Should be distributed beforehand or at least request any items for inclusion Agendas need to be distributed along with the notification of the meeting in plenty of time.
Agenda items Agendas should include: Club name Date and time Purpose
Name of chairperson Apologies Minutes of previous meeting Business arising from last meeting Agenda items Other business Date of next meeting Close of meeting
Consider resources Identify the requirements of the meeting so that resources and bookings can be organised. Use a checklist to ensure that everything has been prepared before the meeting. Every meeting will have different requirements – so be prepared. Using a meeting checklist will help ensure you are organised. Will also assist others to know what you have organised.
Authority of chairperson
Chairperson has authority to take control of proceedings – will usually be the President. The Chair’s role is to facilitate the meeting, not to dominate it. They are in charge of the meeting and making sure it runs smoothly. The role of the chairperson is to: Ensure a quorum is present Ensure previous minutes are accepted Take business in correct agenda order Maintain order Ensure the meeting stays on track Know the constitution Put motions to vote and declare the results Bring the meeting to a close This person has the highest authority in a meeting and have been chosen because they are trusted and respected to do a good job.
Procedures at meetings
Open meeting/welcome Ensure quorum is present (consttution may set a time limit) Record attendance Acceptance of apologies Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting Discuss arising from previous meeting Presentation of reports General business Other business Close the meeting
Conducting motions Member of the meeting calls for a motion
Chairperson calls for a seconder Mover then speaks to the motion Questions should be directed through the chair Chairperson decides when there’s been sufficient debate and calls for the motion to be put to vote. If motion passes, it is “carried” If not passed, it is “lost” or “defeated” RECORD THE OUTCOME!!
Other terms relating to motions
If a motion isn’t seconded it lapses If the voting is equal, the chairperson usually has an extra vote which decides the matter (check your club’s constitution). Voting is usually by show of hands, but secret ballot for elections
Minute Taking It’s impossible to write everything down word for word – don’t bother trying. Only the main points of discussion and decisions need to be recorded. Notes of meetings aren’t final copy of the minutes. You don’t have to write words out in full or write in complete sentences. In contrast, when recording a motion, the wording needs to be recorded exactly as is agreed to. The chairperson should ask the mover to speak slowly and ask you to repeat it. It’s ok to ask the chairperson to clarify an issue you are not sure about or to have something repeated.
What should be recorded
Minutes should be written in past tense and in sentence form. The final minutes should adhere to: Name and type of meeting Date, time, place Names of those attending/present Apologies Name of chairperson Confirmation of previous minutes Agenda items A record of motions and names of movers and seconders Any actions Date, time and place of next meeting Time of closure. Edit the template to suit YOUR meeting
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