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Natural Habitat By: Alex, Maria, Katie, Rachel, Karlie, Katie, Grace, Ashley, Claire, Lisa, Jordin, Mary, Annie.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Habitat By: Alex, Maria, Katie, Rachel, Karlie, Katie, Grace, Ashley, Claire, Lisa, Jordin, Mary, Annie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Habitat By: Alex, Maria, Katie, Rachel, Karlie, Katie, Grace, Ashley, Claire, Lisa, Jordin, Mary, Annie

2 What? Our plan is to make a natural habitat behind the garden. This habitat will include: - rabbits -birds - owls - bats - butterflies -turtles - fish - indigenous plant species

3 Where? The natural habitat will be located behind the school garden and in front of the trees

4 When? The natural habitat we hope we can start building depending on funding, is around spring or summer.

5 How? How we are planning to do this is to raise money at the preview and we sell leftover things at school like at lunch, or at the school store. We achieved this goal and we are planning to figure out the cost of the items and seeing how we are going to combine the peace garden and the natural habitat together.

6 Why? This is really important because we want to improve the eco-system of our school

7 Pictures of Group

8 Why do we want it in this area? We want the natural habitat in this area because there will be more ecosystems and life. It will have places to hold plants and trees etc. where we are putting it is quiet and serene, so that is why we chose this spot so we could make it more alive.

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