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Alabama Professional Education Personnel Evaluation Program Field Test of Library/Media Specialist Evaluation System July 2000.

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1 Alabama Professional Education Personnel Evaluation Program Field Test of Library/Media Specialist Evaluation System July 2000

2 Provides feedback from those who are being evaluated and those who are evaluators  Provides data for setting standards  Alabama Library Media Specialist Evaluation System Field Test Provides a sense of how well the instruments and procedures are working  Provides information on what areas of the evaluation system need changing  Alabama Department of Education Library Media Specialist Field Test Evaluation

3 Library Standards Competencies address the nine American Library Association Literacy Standards  The evaluation system incorporates Literacy Partners guidelines from Alabama State Department of Education  Information literacy Independent learning Social responsibility The evaluation system incorporates the various principles of school library media programs as identified by the American Library Association  Learning and teaching principles Information access and delivery principles Program administration principles Alabama Library Media Specialist Evaluation System Alabama Department of Education Library Media Specialist Field Test Evaluation

4 Eight Competencies: Structure parallels other evaluation systems 1.0Preparation for Delivery of Services 2.0Delivery of Services that Support the Instructional Program 3.0Evaluation of Library Media Services and Student Progress 4.0Management of the Library Media Program and Services 5.0Promotion of a Positive Library Media Center Climate 6.0Communication 7.0Professional Development and Leadership 8.0Performance of Professional Responsibility Competencies Alabama Library Media Specialist Evaluation System Alabama Department of Education Library Media Specialist Field Test Evaluation

5 Self-Assessment Interview (oral or written) Library Media Center Management Observation Supervisor Review Form Teacher and Student Surveys Data Collection Instruments/Forms Instructional Observation Professional Development Plan (generates Professional Development/Leadership Competency score during next cycle) Alabama Library Media Specialist Evaluation System Alabama Department of Education Library Media Specialist Field Test Evaluation Evaluation Summary Report

6  Generates data for all competency areas  Optionally used by the library media specialist and shared with evaluator only if specialist agrees  Used by the library media specialist to: 1)Identify areas that need improvement 2)Compare the specialist’s perceptions of performance with the results of the evaluation 3)Determine areas for professional growth activities to be included in a professional development plan Self Assessment Alabama Library Media Specialist Evaluation System Alabama Department of Education Library Media Specialist Field Test Evaluation

7  Two types of interviews:  A Structured Interview with 5 questions commonly asked of all library media specialists (oral and written options)  A Clarifying Interview with probing questions focused on clarifying or bringing understanding to the written interview (questions differ from specialist to specialist)  Clarifying Interview conducted after the evaluator analyzes the written interview  Modified scripting is used to record responses in oral option The Interview Alabama Library Media Specialist Evaluation System Alabama Department of Education Library Media Specialist Field Test Evaluation

8  Surveys are being field tested to determine whether they can be used in the Interview and Supervisor’s Review Form as part of the holistic scoring process  Surveys are provided for teachers and students  Questions address the Competencies and Indicators The Survey  Library Media specialist will distribute, collect, and analyze the surveys Alabama Library Media Specialist Evaluation System Alabama Department of Education Library Media Specialist Field Test Evaluation

9 The Observations  Management Observation  Instructional Observation The evaluator spends one period or a set amount of time observing what is occurring in the library (student activities, library media specialist activities, activities of others, how library media center is organized, bulletin boards, procedures, interactions, etc.) The evaluator spends one period or a set amount of time observing the library media specialist in an instructional setting (whole group or one-on-one.) Alabama Library Media Specialist Evaluation System Alabama Department of Education Library Media Specialist Field Test Evaluation

10  Generates data for competencies in Management, Communication, and Professional Responsibilities  Provides data where a supervisor should have objective, experiential information Supervisor’s Review Form Alabama Library Media Specialist Evaluation System Alabama Department of Education Library Media Specialist Field Test Evaluation

11  Used to present the scores developed from each of the instruments  To complete the ESR, the evaluator: 1.Completes demographic information requested 2.Records the scores from each instrument 3.Writes comments, explanations, or justifications in the space provided that support the score for the specific area 4.Identifies 1 - 2 areas for focus in planning professional development for the coming year(s) Evaluation Summary Report Alabama Library Media Specialist Evaluation System Alabama Department of Education Library Media Specialist Field Test Evaluation

12  Activities focus on areas of improvement as identified in the Evaluation Summary Report  Activities focus on the improvement of student achievement Professional Development Plan  Used to evaluate Competency 7: Professional Development and Leadership after first year of evaluation Professional Development Plan Alabama Library Media Specialist Evaluation System Alabama Department of Education Library Media Specialist Field Test Evaluation

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