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Principles of Internet Marketing Chapter 2 Types of Web Sites.

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1 Principles of Internet Marketing Chapter 2 Types of Web Sites

2 Objectives In this chapter you will learn about: The roles and responsibilities behind the development of a Web site The different types of sites that make up the Web, how each differs from the other, and how marketers can take advantage of each type of site 2Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

3 3 The People Behind a Web Site Web sites are usually built by a team of people who each play their own, important role in development Owners –Own the company or organization the site is for –Have the initial idea for the site –Organize team –Typically are strong motivators and communicators Venture capitalists –Provide seed money to fund the site Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

4 4 The People Behind a Web Site (continued) Creative directors –Work with site owners to understand purpose and specific site requirements –Responsible for creative vision and concept Look and feel Layout Mood and message –Convey concept to other team members –Develop site schematic to organize content 4Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

5 5 Account and project managers –Oversee entire development process –Manage timelines and deadlines –Handle all quality control issues –Interface with internal team and outside vendors The People Behind a Web Site (continued) 5Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

6 6 Programmers –People who bring the site to life –Need to understand site as envisioned by owner and creative director –Need to determine how site can be built, what can be done, and what can’t be done –Help put together development timeline with account and project managers –Build the site –Test the site The People Behind a Web Site (continued) Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

7 7 Graphic designers –Responsible for artistically interpreting the creative directors concept –Work closely with programmers to provide correct graphics and in proper formats Copywriters –Responsible for writing content for site –Work with creative directors to interpret message –Work with graphic designers and programmers to understand how much copy is needed The People Behind a Web Site (continued) 7 Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

8 8 Marketers –Run campaigns and various efforts to increase site exposure –Responsible for driving traffic to the site The People Behind a Web Site (continued) 8Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

9 9 Types of Web Sites Web Portals –Help users locate information dispersed throughout the Web –Typically, portals use search engines to locate sites based on keywords that users enter into text field –Thousands of sites may be returned, so being among first sites shown is valuable to marketers –Portals provide information on other sites (not just their own) Google is a Web portal Amazon is not Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

10 10 Types of Web Sites (continued) Web Portals (continuned) –Portals are often a starting point for users –Because they act as frequent starting points, portals often offer other services or info (such as e-mail or news headlines) 10Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

11 11 Types of Web Sites (continued) Figure 2-2: Google is a portal that offers other services along with search 11Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

12 12 Types of Web Sites (continued) Web Portals (continuned) –“Distributed portals” pull info from other sites based on central theme such as employment –“Niche portals” concentrate on a specific topic, but largely return info from their own site along with outside links 12Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

13 13 Types of Web Sites (continued) Figure 2-4: is a distributed portal that returns information from around the Web about job opportunities 13Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

14 14 Types of Web Sites (continued) B2B (Business to Business) –Business don’t always sell directly to consumers, some businesses sell to other businesses –B2B sales may take longer More emphasis on relationships between buyer and sales person Longer sales cycle 14Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

15 15 Types of Web Sites (continued) B2B (Business to Business) (continued) –B2B sites have specific goals: Reinforce company name Highlight that the company understands prospects needs and can solve their problems Encourage visitors to contact a sales rep for more info 15Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

16 16 Types of Web Sites (continued) B2B (Business to Business) (continued) –To reach their goals, B2B sites develop sites with specific features: Use more copy and specific info more frequently than graphics and animation Emphasize case studies and client testimonials to illustrate benefits Make white papers, brochures and catalogues available for download Include info about the company and its executive staff, along with newsroom for updated news 16Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

17 17 Types of Web Sites (continued) Figure 2-6: A typical B2B site, with important features pointed out 17Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

18 18 Types of Web Sites (continued) B2C (Business to Consumer) –Online, B2C is most often done through e-commerce –B2C companies typically try to reach a wide audience Less personal interaction between company and customer Shorter sales cycles 18Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

19 19 Types of Web Sites (continued) B2C (Business to Consumer) (continued) –B2C sites have specific goals: Building consumer loyalty Differentiating their product or service from competitors Making consumers’ decision making process quick and easy Maximizing dollars spent per purchase Creating a positive shopping experience 19Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

20 20 Types of Web Sites (continued) B2C (Business to Consumer) (continued) –To reach their goals, B2B sites develop sites with specific features: Uses imagery and product photography more frequently than long bodies of copy Personalize site for individual users Features more popular products on Home page Allows customers to leave and read product reviews Shopping cart and check-out functionality to make purchases as easy as possible 20Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

21 21 Types of Web Sites (continued) C2C (Consumer to Consumer) –Consumer sites sell products or pass information on from one consumer to another directly eBay Craigslist 21Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

22 22 Types of Web Sites (continued) Figure 2-7: Craigslist is a C2C site 22Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

23 23 Types of Web Sites (continued) C2C (Consumer to Consumer) (continued) –Benefits of C2C sites: Lower prices due to little if any mark-up Practically limitless selection –Drawbacks include: Rely on consumers trusting other consumers Increased chance the purchased items won’t be it good shape upon delivery 23Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

24 24 Types of Web Sites (continued) B2E (Business to Employee) –Companies often need to communicate to their employees Large number of employees Employees spread out across many locations –B2E sites can provide information, such as: Corporate announcements Online training Access to personal info including benefits statements, insurance, information, etc. 24Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

25 25 Types of Web Sites (continued) Social Networking –Facilitate connections among people –Have helped turn Web into global, ongoing, and ever-changing conversation –Most social networks derive revenue through advertising rather than selling products directly Few, but not many, derive revenue by selling memberships 25Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

26 26 Types of Web Sites (continued) Informational –Primary purpose is to provide information on one or more topics, rather than sell products –In order to generate revenue, they need to draw enough visitors so that they can sell advertising 26Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

27 27 Types of Web Sites (continued) Figure 2-10: is an informational site that gives content about movies 27Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

28 28 Types of Web Sites (continued) Figure 2-11: is an informational site that gives content about health issues 28Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

29 29 Types of Web Sites (continued) Informational (continued) –To generate higher traffic, informational sites take specific steps Provide content that is interesting to their market Present information in attractive layout, with an easy- to-use navigation Update content regularly Aggressive and ongoing marketing campaigns 29Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

30 30 Types of Web Sites (continued) Entertainment –Exist specifically to provide an entertainment outlet to visitors Games Videos (amateur and professional) –Have significantly grown in popularity, in large part due to YouTube –Require new and updated content regularly –Marketers can use entertainment sites to relay messages and promote their name 30Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

31 31 Types of Web Sites (continued) Figure 2-12: HP uses YouTube to showcase their printers and provide how-to demos 31Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

32 32 Types of Web Sites (continued) Figure 2-14: Denny’s has created an online game to help promote its brand 32Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

33 33 Summary For most business-related sites, a teams of people is needed to create it Site development requires various needs and skills, including: –Financial –Creative –Programming –Organizational –Marketing and communication Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

34 34 Summary (continued) Sites fall into a variety of categories, including: –Portals –B2B (business to business) –B2C (business to consumer - e-commerce) –B2E (business to employee) –Social networking –Informational –Entertainment Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

35 35 Summary (continued) Each type of site has a different set of challenges, goals and needs, for example: –B2B sites focus on gaining users’ trust and encouraging them to contact the company to establish a relationship –B2C sites focus on heightening user experiences, and encouraging visitors to make immediate purchases –B2E sites focus on getting company info to their employees Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

36 36 Summary (continued) –Social networks, information-based sites and entertainment sites focus on maximizing audiences through updated, relevant content in order to sell advertising. 36Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers

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