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Towards an Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme: Interlinkages and Common Challenges Integrated Correspondence Group Meeting on Monitoring 30.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards an Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme: Interlinkages and Common Challenges Integrated Correspondence Group Meeting on Monitoring 30."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards an Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme: Interlinkages and Common Challenges Integrated Correspondence Group Meeting on Monitoring 30 March- 1 April

2 Interlinkages and common challenges Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme aims to Undertake monitoring and assessment in an interlinking manner; To ensure adequate view on GES status and cost-efficiency In order to ensure the above, there is a need to further discuss: 1.Possible further integration of common indicators, especially in relation to biodiversity related indicators; 2.Address interlinkages in between the achievement of GES under the differing ecological objectives and on the whole; 3.Address further possibilities to align with other regional practices, when available; 4.Address scales of assessment 5.Other specific issues?

3 Interlinkages and common challenges: Integration Regarding state based indicators: -How to deal with (some of) same species and habitats, noting that they collectively represent marine ecosystems and GES; Regarding pressure based indicators: - How to address impacts on ecosystem state from the pressure Need to assess impact for particular ecosystem elements (e.g. plankton, seabed, mammals) + How to take into account cumulative impacts (from differing pressures) during assessment of status of ecosystem?

4 Address interlinkages in between the achievement of GES under the differing ecological objectives and on the whole Difference between state and pressure indicators; Can the non-achievement of GES under one ecological objective determine the achievement of GES under other ecological objectives? Is aggregation possible in between common indicators and/or Ecological Objectives? How can we better translate the interlinkages in between the various Ecological Objectives and cumultative impacts, multiple pressures into an integrated assessment of GES of the Mediterranean Sea? Is there a need to further analyze interlinkages between pressures and impacts in order to further specify monitoring and assessment needs?

5 Address further possibilities to align with other regional practices, when available Need to ensure no double-obligation for Contracting Parties who are undertaking monitoring under different regimes (other RSC regimes and EU MSFD); How can we further ensure that we are in aligned with other regional practices? In which areas do we need to pay specific attention to Mediterranean specifics?

6 Scales of assessment Need for a defined (nested) system of areas for assessment and reporting, e.g. Region Sub-regions Sub-divisions National part of sub-divisions Need to defined scale for each assessment topic, e.g. Region – large cetaceans Sub-region – small cetaceans, offshore birds, seals, turtles, most fish, noise, NIS? Sub-division – habitats, physical loss/damage National part – eutrophication, litter, contaminants

7 Contact: Gyorgyi Gurban EcAp-MED Project Officer: Tatiana Hema MED POL Programme Officer (EO 5, 9, 10): Gabino Gonzalez REMPEC Programme Officer (EO 9, 10): Daniel Cebrian RAC/SPA Programme Officer (EO 1, 2, 3): Marko Prem PAP/RAC Programme Officer (EO 7, 8): THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! United Nations Environment Programme Coordinating Unit for the Mediterranean Action Plan Vassileos Konstantinou 48 Athens 11635 Greece

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