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1. KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS? 2 3 4 5 Why sell popcorn? 6.

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Presentation on theme: "1. KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS? 2 3 4 5 Why sell popcorn? 6."— Presentation transcript:

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6 Why sell popcorn? 6

7 Our unit can do MORE awesome stuff! * Unit receives 34% of sales * 7 Since 1985, Scouts throughout the Great Trail Council have sold Popcorn to help pay for an ENTIRE YEAR OF PROGRAMMING !

8 YOU CAN WIN PRIZES! 14 levels to choose from! 8 Plus a bunch of other stuff!

9 So are you ready to find out how? Are you ready? No, I mean, are you REALLY ready? 9

10 Here are the Ways to sell…. 10

11 Show and Sell Set the products out to display When the customer places an order, you give them the products right away Don’t forget to tell the customers about the great gift options and the military donation Make sure to wear your uniform so people know who your selling for Let the customers know what the money goes towards Where is your Show and Sell? Place S-n-S orders by September 8th 11

12 Show and Deliver Take the items that are left over from the Show-n-Sell and go door to door selling. Start with your introduction and continue by telling the customer about the variety of products to choose from. Customer receives their order right away Create contacts that you may be able to return to later with your take order. Remember… 12

13 Take - Order Asking is the key to selling! Only 17% of homes are asked Start with your family and friends, then move on to your neighbors Introduce yourself and tell the customer about the wide variety of items to choose from Make sure to wear your uniform Tell the customer what the money goes towards Leave a “Sorry I Missed You” note if the customer is not home with your phone number and when you will be back Remember to keep your Take Order form so you know who to ask next year 13

14 Take – Order Sales Introduction: “Hello! My name is _______...I’m selling popcorn to help with the costs of Scouting events…will you help me? If they are not interested in purchasing any popcorn for themselves, tell them about the great gift options. If they are not interested in purchasing any popcorn as gifts, tell them about how they can support our troops overseas by purchasing a military donation. Don’t forget to thank the customer, even if they did not purchase any popcorn. 14

15 Blitz Days Door to Door sales in neighborhoods Teams will return for lunch Top seller receives a special prize 15 Saturdays in October: October 3 rd, 10 th, 17 th, and 24 th

16 ONLINE SALES Online selling allows Scouts to sell to faraway friends and family. 70% of every purchase goes to the Scout’s unit and council in his name. Why sell online? No deliveries! Pecatonica River ships the product directly to the consumer. Emails sent out each time an order ships so that the unit leader and the Scout can track sales. It’s easy! Scouts register to sell with their unit leader. All online sales starting Sept. 1st through your council’s sale end date are used to determine your prize level. Customer able to choose 1, 2 or 3 flavors from 12 to fill their tin. Also have the ability to buy Military Donations from $10-$100. 16

17 Military Donations Allows people to purchase popcorn for the men and women serving our country and support Scouting at the same time. Donations in increments of $25, $50, $75 & $100 17

18 Great products to sell 18

19 What’s Great in 2015? Same great tasting popcorn! No price increase! New OSU tin! 5 way Chocolate lovers tin $50 19

20 PLUS…. THE RIVALRY CONTINUES! CHOCOLATE COVERED PRETZELS!!! 20 Sell the most of either tin and win a 4 pack of tickets to the game in the home stadium! vs

21 70% of sales come back to Scouts! Unit commission = 34% of sales! 21

22 Okay – So what kind of prizes can we win? 22

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25 More Prize incentives for Scouts! Cash into “Scout Accounts” Cash into Unit Accounts $550/$750 Club for Day at the Q, tickets to Gladiators, Monsters and Canton Charge 13 Prize levels to choose from! 25

26 Top Seller in the Council will win a SUPER awesome prize! 26

27 Field of Dreams! 27 Win this: 2 tickets on the field pre-game Introduction to players Personalized play jersey Throw out the first pitch at the game Call “Play ball” on the field!

28 75% Club If at least 75% of our boys sell, and we sell more than last year, the Council will throw a PIZZA PARTY for us OR our unit can get a full 3’x8’– color parade banner. * 75% of Scouts registered as of October 31, 2015 28

29 $2500 Winner’s Circle Any scouts that sell $2,500 or more can have their choice of prize from Pecatonica River’s “Winner’s Circle”. 29

30 Important dates to remember Popcorn sales are August 12 th to November 2 nd Show & Sell pick up Saturday, September 19 th (you asked for an earlier date, you got it!) Take Orders due November 2 nd Prize orders due November 6 th Popcorn pick up Saturday, November 14 th All money due December 1 st 30

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