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Physical Fitness and Academic Success Physical Education.

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1 Physical Fitness and Academic Success Physical Education

2 In Physical Education the students will learn how to: assess their health and fitness levels; live a healthy & physically fit lifestyle; and participate in a wide variety of activities that are health-related, skill- related, and individual and/or team oriented.

3 PHYSICAL EDUCATION INSTRUCTORS Christine Ahern Lisa Bruno Marty Watson

4 GRADE COMPONENTS RESPONSIBILITY: The DeLaura Physical Education Uniform is required as well as white socks and sneakers with laces. Students are required to dress out for P.E. every day and to sit in squad order. COGNITIVE: Quizzes and Assignments.

5 GRADE COMPONENTS PERFORMANCE / ENGAGEMENT: Students are required to do their best in ALL class activities, participate the ENTIRE class, and contribute to class discussions. Students will abide by all safety rules. Students are responsible for making up any fitness testing, class work, assignments, and quizzes on days they are absent.

6 MODIFIED ACTIVITIES If the student has an injury or medical problem, a parent/guardian note is needed. If it exceeds 3 days, a Doctor’s note is required. Students will still dress out for class and will participate in MODIFIED activities.

7 FITNESS ASSESSMENT Fitness Assessment Test measures the components of health-related fitness: Aerobic Capacity/Cardiovascular Fitness –Pacer - 20 meter shuttle run Flexibility – Backsaver Sit and Reach Muscular Strength and Endurance –Curl Up Test –Trunk Lift –Push Up Test Pre- and Post-Tests and Periodic Assessments

8 Students will benefit from several activities including: Fitness Assessment Team Sports SPARK Physical Education Individual Sports Nutrition and Health Health Related Activities Skill Related Activities Pedometers

9 PHYSICAL EDUCATION LOCKERS Each student is assigned a P.E. locker and lock. The cost is $2 and is nonrefundable. There is NO sharing of lockers and students are NOT to give their combination to anyone else. Each student is to make sure their locker is locked before leaving the locker room. The School and P.E. Staff are not responsible for missing and/or stolen items There is a $5 replacement fee for lost or stolen locks.

10 Physical Education

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