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7SSXLIZkM3E. Bottom-Up West Hawaii FRAs.

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2 Bottom-Up West Hawaii FRAs

3 Bottom-Up: American Samoa Community Based Fisheries Management Program (CFMP)

4 Catch Shares: Marriage Between Fisheries and Economics

5 Science 19 September 2008: Vol. 321. no. 5896, pp. 1678 - 1681 Can Catch Shares Prevent Fisheries Collapse? Christopher Costello, Steven D. Gaines, John Lynham “Ecology and economics do not need to collide; win- win solutions have been found.” -Ray Hilborn (Fisheries Scientist) Catch Shares (LAPPs): A Promising Solution “Designed for safety and profit, catch shares also led to environmental gains” The draft NOAA policy encourages well- designed catch share programs to help rebuild fisheries and sustain fishermen, communities and vibrant working waterfronts. The draft policy provides a foundation for facilitating the wide-spread voluntary consideration of catch shares, while empowering local fishermen to be part of the process.


7 Concerns Surrounding Catch Shares Biological/Environmental Safety Economic Social


9 Community Quota Programs in Commercial Fisheries Fishermen granted tradable property rights called Individual Fishing Quotas (IFQs) based on fishing history Favors economically-connected fishermen Fishers from Alaska Native villages statistically more likely to sell/lose and less likely to purchase halibut IFQs (Carothers et al 2010) Since 1995, Old Harbor halibut shares declined by 70% from 642,229 to 186,513 shares, number of shareholders from 15 to 6 (NOAA Fisheries Halibut IFQ Reports) 75% decline in commercial fishing participation in Kodiak Island Alaska Native villages over one generation (Carothers 2008) Commercial Fisheries Privatization and Alaska Natives

10 6 entities supporting 65 communities in Bering Sea allocated quota shares of halibut, groundfish, and crab PROGRAM GOALS: (1)Provide fishing opportunities for western Alaska villages (2)Support economic development in western Alaska (3)Alleviate poverty (4)Achieve sustainable and diversified economies in the region Community Development Quota (CDQ) Program

11 Community Development Quota Strengths: Challenges: Grants communities unalienable fishing rights Increased fishing access and participation in Bering Sea villages Fostered fisheries related economic development and self- reliance in some places Reports that benefits uneven across participating villages Worries fosters overreliance on fisheries Specifically NOT expanded beyond the Bering Sea Concept of “community” not specifically Alaska Native Beneficiaries must be village residents, excluding Alaska Native diaspora or those who move flexibly between villages and urban areas.

12 Community Quota Entity (CQE) Small fishing communities in SE, SW, SC Alaska can form an entity purchase quota and distribute/lease to fishermen from the community 42 eligible communities but only one has purchased quota Old Harbor purchased 151,234 quota shares (value over 3 million dollars) Community board develops standards for allocating shares among fishermen who apply Lease rate 45% of gross earnings Old Harbor

13 Community Quota Entity (CQE) Strengths: Challenges: Allows communities to purchase back fishing rights that had left their community Facilitates space where community boards can distribute fishing rights based on their unique values Provides some additional income and opportunities to village residents and fishermen High cost of purchasing quota very prohibitive Community fishermen have high lease rates that cut profits – just “a little bit extra” To return loans communities must fish all quota every year Eligibility based on “community” residency

14 Privatize Everything in the Universe (by Dan Bacher) We’ll privatize the water, we’ll privatize the air We’ll privatize the oceans, we’ll privatize your hair We’ll privatize the world as we sing this verse, we’ll privatize everything in the universe! We’ll privatize fish in the sea, we’ll privatize the whales We’ll privatize sea turtles, we’ll put ‘em up for sale We’ll privatize the world as we sing this verse, we’ll privatize everything in the universe! We’ll privatize the corn and wheat, we’ll privatize all seeds We’ll privatize all life forms, we’ll privatize all weeds We’ll privatize the world as we sing this verse, we’ll privatize everything in the universe! We’ll privatize the prisons, we’ll privatize the schools We’ll privatize the highways, we’ll privatize car pools We’ll privatize the world as we sing this verse, we’ll privatize everything in the universe! We’ll privatize your secret thoughts, we’ll privatize your genes We’ll privatize your emotions, we’ll privatize your schemes We’ll privatize the world as we sing this verse, we’ll privatize everything in the universe! We’ll privatize the sun so bright, we’ll privatize the moon We’ll privatize the Galaxy, we need more living room We’ll privatize the world as we sing this verse, we’ll privatize everything in the universe! We’ll privatize religion, we’ll privatize all souls Instead of God, we’ll appoint, One Big, Bad CEO! We’ll privatize the world as we sing this verse, we’ll privatize everything in the universe!

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