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The University Library as Publisher Case Study: University of Edinburgh Angela Laurins, Library Learning Services Manager

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1 The University Library as Publisher Case Study: University of Edinburgh Angela Laurins, Library Learning Services Manager


3 University of Edinburgh Journal Hosting Service Managed by Library Learning Services Support from the Digital Library Development team. Single installation (test/live sites) LAMP set up (Linux, Apache, MySql and Php) v.2.4.2 Cost: Negligible Staff: No dedicated resource. Estimate 3 days per journal + ongoing support


5 Current journals Journal Title Academic -led Student- led Previously in print Born Digital On test Concept Conervation|Architecture|Urbanism Forum Hydra Journal of Lithic Studies Lifespans and Styles Res Medica e-JECAR The South Asianist The Unfamiliar The Edinburgh Sinologist

6 Pilot project 2009

7 Developing the hosting service First issue: May 2012First issue: June 2012

8 (Organic) Evolution of a service Sept 2012: Discussions begin re digitising back issues of Res Medica Dec 2012: Pilot journal, Critical African Studies moves to Taylor & Francis April 2013: Library registers with CrossRef July 2013: Digital Curation Centre’s OJS journal, IJDC migrates to UoE hosting service Oct 2013: Res Medica publishes first batch of digitised back issues Dec 2013: Online journal Forum migrates to OJS Feb 2014: Academic-led Journal of Lithic Studies Studies publishes

9 Journal Hosting Service overview Journal Hosting service at UoE is Free

10 Provides basic design using CSS Journals have the default URL – (with exceptions… of course)

11 Insist on default policies and page footer

12 Journal Hosting Service overview Provides training and support Library applies for the ISSN Library manages DOI exports Registers journal with DOAJ Add Google Analytics ID

13 The Journal Hosting Service doesn’t 1.Advise on peer review 2.Proof read or copyedit 3.Check copyright 4.Intervene if (some) advice is not taken 5.Quality control any new journals 6.Monitor or quality check published content

14 New journal process Discuss requirements Outline service Managing expectations Set timescales Design brief Test set up Training & support Design finalised on test 5 step set up complete on test Copy set up and design to live ISSN application Publish when ready Register with DOAJ Provide ongoing support

15 Statistics COUNTER STATS – OJS plugin measures downloads Google Analytics – Added to each journal via plugin

16 COUNTER STATS: PDF Downloads 2014

17 Next steps Formalise the service – Introduce formal application & acceptance criteria – Manage increase in demand – Reinforce journals’ commitment Clarify policies Encourage succession planning Survey journal publishers Attract more academics to service

18 University Library as publisher Hosting service v publisher- what’s in a name? It’s not broken - keep delivering journals to happy editorial groups Allow users to continue to shape the service No over thinking (at this stage)

19 Thinking about using OJS? Define your service Manage expectations Be prepared for the unexpected Learn from experience Go for it!

20 Please get in touch if you have any questions

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