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Test Taking Skills. Study in a comfortable place where you won’t be distracted. Schedule review time. Don’t leave it to the last minute. Write a study.

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Presentation on theme: "Test Taking Skills. Study in a comfortable place where you won’t be distracted. Schedule review time. Don’t leave it to the last minute. Write a study."— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Taking Skills

2 Study in a comfortable place where you won’t be distracted. Schedule review time. Don’t leave it to the last minute. Write a study sheet using your notes, homework and class materials. Check off information you know. Circle information you don’t understand. Ask the teacher for help.

3 Test Taking A good study environment is one where you are comfortable and as free from distractions as possible. It could be a bedroom (with or without music), the kitchen, or perhaps the library. “it’s a matter of personal style”. Have a feeling of confidence. “Don’t tell yourself you can’t do it. You can! If you practice good study skills, you will have the foundation on which to build and will be prepared a lot more for tests than you realize. Listen carefully to the teacher’s instructions when a test is announced, so you will know what is expected of you. Ask the teacher for help if you are not sure what the test will cover or if you don’t understand any of the material. Write up a study sheet to identify the areas where you should concentrate you study time, and study with a friend.

4 Rating My Test-Taking Skills On your own paper answer “yes” or “no” to these questions. As soon as a test is announced, write it in your agenda book. 1)Plan time in your daily schedule to study for the test. 2)Don’t leave all my studying right before the test. 3)Find all your notes, homework assignments, and papers on that class. 4)Notes make sense to you. 5)Ask the teacher if you are unsure what will be covered on the test. 6)Ask the teacher for help a few days before the test if you don’t understand the material. 7)Have a place to study where you are comfortable and not distracted. 8)Take responsibility for yourself. 9)Have confidence in yourself, You can do it!

5 Where Do You Study? A good place to study for one person may be different from that of another person. Think about where you study and answer the questions below. 1)Do you usually study at home? If so, where? 2)Do you study in other places at home? Where? 3)Is there a place outside your home where you study? If so, describe it. 4)What can you see around you where you’re studying? 5)What can you hear around you when you’re studying? 6)Where do you keep your supplies? (books, notes, assignment book, pens and pencils, etc) for studying?

6 Hints for Answering Objective Questions 1)Mulitiple choice : read the question, try to think of the answer before you look at the choices, read the choices, cross out the wrong ones, pick the most logical answer that remains. 2)Matching: do the ones you know first and cross them off, do the best you can with whatever is left. 3)Short answer: if you don’t know the exact answer, write down whatever you do know that’s related-you may get partial credit. 4)True and False: read the statements very carefully. Remember that all parts of a statement must be true for it to be true.

7 Preparing for Open Response Questions In order to answer open response questions easily, it is important to organize your thoughts before you write. Here are some simple steps to follow: First, think about what you want to say about the question. Then, jot down a brief outline of your answer. Then, write you answer.

8 Open Response Questions Key Words 1)Discuss 2)Explain 3)Evaluate 4)Describe 5)Criticize 6)Compare 7)Contrast 8)Summarize

9 Test-Taking Tips 1)Study in a comfortable place where you can concentrate. 2)Include review time in your daily schedule. Don’t leave all of your studying for the last minute. 3)If you don’t know what will be covered on the test, ask the teacher. And Ask for extra help a few days before the test, if you need it. 4)Write a study sheet using your notes, homework, and class material. 5)Put a check next to the information on the sheet that you understand. 6)Put a circle next to the information that you are unsure about. Concentrate your time on that information. 7)Study with a friend. Ask each other questions and discuss the material. 8)Come to the test prepared with whatever supplies are required. 9)If it is an essay question, look at the key word to see what kind of answer is required. 10)If it is an objective question, think about the specific information that will answer the question. Be sure to read the question carefully and remember, there is usually only one correct answer.

10 Have confidence!!! You show us in class you know the content! If you will utilize these tips you will be successful on tests!

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