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June 15, 2009GITB Open Meeting, Brussels 1 TestBATN: Testing Business, Application, Transport and Network Layers Tuncay Namlı and Prof. Dr. Asuman Dogac.

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Presentation on theme: "June 15, 2009GITB Open Meeting, Brussels 1 TestBATN: Testing Business, Application, Transport and Network Layers Tuncay Namlı and Prof. Dr. Asuman Dogac."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 15, 2009GITB Open Meeting, Brussels 1 TestBATN: Testing Business, Application, Transport and Network Layers Tuncay Namlı and Prof. Dr. Asuman Dogac SRDC Ltd. Ankara, Turkey

2 June 15, 2009 GITB Open Meeting, Brussels 2 TestBATN Framework TestBATN Framework is  Generic  Web-based  Modular with Pluggable Adaptors  Capable of testing all the layers in the Interoperability Stack, namely, Business layer, Application Layer and Transport and the Network Layers  Both Conformance and Interoperability can be tested  Using TestBATN, the scenarios for HL7 and NESUBL are already developed  TestBATN is being used in industry to test the conformity of Hospital Information Systems (HIS) to the National Health Information System (NHIS) of Turkey based on HL7 v3 CDA for more than a year now  It can be used test conformance and interoperability of any standard like OAGIS, GS1 eCOM, CIDX, RosettaNet, etc.

3 June 15, 2009 GITB Open Meeting, Brussels 3 TestBATN Features TestBATNTest Execution Model consisting of high level test constructs Provides functionalities to handle or simulate different parts or layers of the interoperability stack Can automate the whole testing process  Messaging Capabilities (Sending, Receiving, Listening)  Data Processing Capabilities  Test Assertions  Configuration Management  User Interaction (set/show scenario requirements, test questions, monitoring test execution)

4 June 15, 2009 GITB Open Meeting, Brussels 4 TestBATN Test Description Language A computer interpretable XML-based test description language which provides  Flexibility  To design, Modify, Maintain and Extend the test functionality  In contrast to a priori designed and hard coded test cases Provides a graphical environment  Where a test designer can assemble the reusable test constructs to design a test scenario

5 June 15, 2009 GITB Open Meeting, Brussels 5 TestBATN-Conformance Testing

6 June 15, 2009 GITB Open Meeting, Brussels 6 TestBATN Interoperability Testing

7 June 15, 2009 GITB Open Meeting, Brussels 7 Modular Approach Messaging Interface  Transport/Communication Adaptor Interface: To receive, send or listen to messages in different protocols like TCP, HTTP, SMTP, etc.  Packaging Adaptor Interface: To pack or unpack messages according to higher layer messaging protocols such as SOAP or ebMS Test Adaptor Interface  Validation Adaptor Interface: To validate a content according a given schema and to generate a verdict and a structured test report (XML Schema Validator or Schematron Validator)  Verification Adaptor Interface: To perform complex tests on any content and to generate a verdict and a structured test report for the performed tests (XPATH Verifier, Regular Expression Verifier, other special purpose test tools) Value Initiator Adaptor Interface: To generate or to chose random values from a specific value list Function Library Interface: To facilitate the definition and implementation of functions to be used in TestBATN TDL expressions as auxiliary data processing entities Data Model Interface: To define specific data models for the content formats that are not XML based

8 June 15, 2009 GITB Open Meeting, Brussels 8 Test Scenario List

9 June 15, 2009 GITB Open Meeting, Brussels 9 Configuration

10 June 15, 2009 GITB Open Meeting, Brussels 10 Preliminary Data

11 June 15, 2009 GITB Open Meeting, Brussels 11 Scenario Execution

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