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Learn with Primary Sources Workshop Series Workshop One

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1 Learn with Primary Sources Workshop Series Workshop One

2 Portfolio: Introduction Survey

3 Workshop Agenda Understanding Goal Primary sources challenge and inspire our memory, reason, and imagination.

4 Investigative Question How do primary sources inspire new discoveries that challenge, confirm, and sometimes change our thinking?

5 Introduction: Images Draw You In Choose an image that: relates to something that you teach, connects to a personal experience, or inspires questions.

6 Introduction: Images Draw You In 1.Add a question that would draw students into discussing the image. 2. Share your name, image, why you chose the image, and the question.

7 Introduction: Images Draw You In 3.Connect your image and question to a large scale understanding goal. Best Practice: Teaching for Understanding 4. Consider Best Practice: Differentiated Instruction Content – Library resource Process – student investigation actions Product – student outcome

8 Introduction: Images Draw You In Activity Maker 1.Go to 2.Create or log into your portfolio. 3.Go to home page. 4.Click on Activity Maker. 5.Follow directions to create a pdf file.

9 Investigation: Search Strategy Exploration 1: Purpose for Using Resource Understanding Goal Library patrons use different materials for different reasons. Investigative Question Why do people go to Patron Actions: 1. Brainstorm reasons why people go to the library on a written list. 2. Compare the list of reasons for going to the library with the links on the home page at 3. Discuss reasons why people are patrons at

10 Investigation: Search Strategy Exploration 1: Purpose for Using Resource Investigative Question Why do people go to Patron Actions: 1. Brainstorm reasons why people go to the library on a written list.

11 Investigation: Search Strategy Exploration 1: Purpose for Using Resource Understanding Goal Library patrons use different materials for different reasons. Investigative Question Why do people go to Patron Actions: 2. Compare the list of reasons for going to the library with the links on the home page at to answer the questions, "Where would you click to go to the things normally found at a library?" and "What on this home page is not normally found at the library?" 3. Discuss reasons why people are patrons at, the world’s largest library. What might this tell you about the organization of the Library’s Web site?

12 Practice Searching Choose an Orientation Activity that interests you: 1.Scavenger Hunts (recommended if is new to you) 2.Visitor Search Guide 3.Quick Reference Guide 4.Research Center Overview

13 Formal Assessment: Using Primary Sources in the Classroom Search for useful Learning Experiences

14 Exit Card Use this workshop series as an opportunity to renovate a segment of one of the lessons that you currently teach using Library of Congress primary sources in this workshop series. 1.Consider your best lessons that could be even better, lessons that you would like to spend some time improving, or lessons that need resources to generate student curiosity. 2.Brainstorm a list of possible lesson topics to work on. 3.Circle two possible lesson topics as your potential focus for this Workshop Series.

15 Follow-Up Visit the Library of Congress Web site and practice using the skills learned in today’s workshop. Submit a Field-Test Use Activity Maker

16 Discussion and Questions

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