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Athens, 28th June 2005 Antonella Fresa MINERVA and MICHAEL Technical Coordinator Ministerial NEtwoRk for Valorising Activities in digitisation.

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Presentation on theme: "Athens, 28th June 2005 Antonella Fresa MINERVA and MICHAEL Technical Coordinator Ministerial NEtwoRk for Valorising Activities in digitisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Athens, 28th June 2005 Antonella Fresa MINERVA and MICHAEL Technical Coordinator Ministerial NEtwoRk for Valorising Activities in digitisation

2 Athens, 28th June 2005 1999: eEurope > the EC fostered the creation of coordination mechanism in the field of digitisation of cultural heritage 2001: The National Representatives Group, the Lund Principles, the Lund Action Plan 2002: MINERVA project launched to support the NRG in implementing the LAP 2004: MINERVA Plus enlarges the network to the new EU Member States 2005: i2010 The European framework for the digitisation of the cultural heritage and the creation of culture portals

3 Athens, 28th June 2005 National Representatives Group The NRG meets every 6 months to share national experiences under the aegis of the presidency in turn: Lund, Alicante, Copenhagen, Corfu, Rome, NEXT: Bristol, November 2005 Salisburg, June 2006 Just passed Luxembourg June 2005 The Hague, September 2004 Dublin, June 2004

4 Athens, 28th June 2005 The current debate: awareness about the importance of digitisation is increasing at all levels the Member States Chiracs message: Paris, 17 March 2005 un vaste mouvement de numérisation des savoirs est engagé à travers le monde. Riches d'un exceptionnel patrimoine culturel, la France et l'Europe doivent y prendre une part déterminante the European Commission Readings communication: Brussels, 3 May 2005 Improving and extending the use of ICT to make the most of Europes cultural and audiovisual heritage Readings speech: Luxembourg, 21 June 2005 Reinforcing synergies between culture and technologies To improve visibility and accessibility to European cultural content on line To continue and to reinforce coordination among Member States and with the research

5 Athens, 28th June 2005 IST supported network, involving the 25 European Ministries of Culture, plus Russia and Israel. Active since 2002, under the Italian coordination. The following products have been realised to date, through the MINERVA working groups: –Strategic documents –Technical guidelines –Prototype –Information material –Training –Website: MINERVA

6 Athens, 28th June 2005 Progress Reports 2002-2003-2004 Progress Report 2002 Printed copies: 3,000 (en) url: globalreport/globalrep2002.htm Progress Report 2003 Printed copies: 4,500 (en) url: globalreport/globalrep2003.htm Progress Report 2004 (just printed, June 2005)

7 Athens, 28th June 2005 Charter of Parma Printed copies 3,000 (en/it/fr) Online version: de - en - fr - he - it - sk Url: documents/charterparma031119final.htm

8 Athens, 28th June 2005 A shared and common platform of reports, guidelines & recommendations: Technical Guidelines Best Practices Quality of cultural websites Still under development:IPR Multilingualism Cost reduction The MINERVA Knowledge Base: and the national MINERVA websites Training Technical products

9 Athens, 28th June 2005 Technical Guidelines for Digital Cultural Content Creation Programme Printed version: under preparation (en - fr - it) Online version: en - fr Url: guidelines.htm Downloaded files: 8,000 (on MINERVA website) 11,000 (on French Ministry of Culture website)

10 Athens, 28th June 2005 Good Practice Handbook Printed copies: 3,000 (en) + 1,000 (fr) + 1,000 (it) Online version: de – en – el - fr – it – pt – sk Url: /workinggroups/goodpract/document/goodpra ctices1_3.htm Downloaded files: 25,000 (on MINERVA website) 5,000 (on French Ministry of Culture website)

11 Athens, 28th June 2005 Handbook for quality in Cultural Web sites Printed copies 500 (en) + 3000 (it) Online versions: en - it Url: ualitycriteria.htm Downloaded files: 35,000 (on MINERVA website)

12 Athens, 28th June 2005 Cultural Website Quality Principles - Poster Printed copies: 500 url: immagini/cwqp.jpg Downloaded files: 1,800 (on MINERVA website)

13 Athens, 28th June 2005 Cultural Website Quality Principles – Postcards Printed copies: 1000 x 5 (de - en - fr - it - nl) url: publications/tenqualityprinciples.h tm

14 Athens, 28th June 2005 Quality Principles for Cultural Website: a handbook Printed copies: 4,000 (en) it+fr under preparation Online version: en - el - hu url: ions/ qualitycommentary_en.htm

15 Athens, 28th June 2005 Museum & Web Planning Kit for a good quality website for Small and Medium Sized Museums based on the Handbook for Quality in Cultural Web Sites and the European principles for quality in a cultural Web site Italian and English versions available online: needs/prototipo/museoweb_e.html

16 Athens, 28th June 2005

17 Information Brochure Printed copies 3,000 (en) + 3,000 (it) url: ns/ minervabooklet-e.pdf Printed copies 5,000 (en) + 3.000 (it) url: ns/ minervabooklet2003-2004-e.pdf

18 Athens, 28th June 2005 Newsletter Total of published issues: 8 First issue published in June 2003 Languages: English and Italian Total of subscriptions: 2901

19 Athens, 28th June 2005 The MINERVA project is going to develop a set ofeducational materials, using an eLearning approach, starting from the products of its working groups. The first application concerns the Technical Guidelines issued at the beginning of 2005, and soon available as an educational tool at the MINERVA Web site. We are also signing agreements with individual universities and trans-European networks of Higher Education institutions, with the objective to facilitate the re-use of the outputs developed by the project for educational purposes. Education and Training

20 Athens, 28th June 2005 UNESCO-IFAP Preparatory actions: MINERVA and NRG introduced at the Information for All Programme conferences in Russia (Petropavlovsk- Kamchatsky September 2003 and Saint-Petersburg June 2004); Official inviation at the formal meeting of the IFAP board in Paris in October 2004. May 2005: MEDCULT project approved by UNESCO for funding, to spread MINERVA products through Mediterranean Arab countries, in cooperation with the STRABON network.

21 Athens, 28th June 2005 UNESCO-ROSTE The Regional Bureau for Science in Europe ROSTE of UNESCO asked the support of MINERVA for organising the Ohrid conference (17-20 March 2005) in order to introduce the coordination mechanisms and MINERVA products to the South-eastern Europe countries. MINERVA SPACE project submitted to the Marie Curie EC programme

22 Athens, 28th June 2005 Cooperation with other EU projects Presto SpaceAudiovisual BricksSemantics & Ontologies DelosDigital Libraries CalimeraBest practices ErpanetDigital Preservation EuridiceCultural contents for eLearning

23 Athens, 28th June 2005 What remains still to be done In addition to the natural continuation of the political, technical and international coordination, MINERVA has the following priorities that will be carried out in the continuation of the work of the network: –To agree on common content selection criteria to avoid duplications and to better represent the cultural European diversity; –To enhance the involvement of the cultural institutions, also at regional and local levels; –To reinforce the relationship with stakeholders, to help exchanges and cooperation between the private sector and the public cultural institutions.

24 Athens, 28th June 2005 MICHAEL Multilingual Inventory of Cultural Heritage in Europe supported by eTEN to establish an international online service, to search, browse and examine multiple national cultural portals from a single point of access, based on open source software. towards the European portal of culture

25 Athens, 28th June 2005 MICHAEL MINERVA spin off The presentation continues Antonella.MICHAEL.28.06.05.Athens.ppt

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