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TB2004 DAQ Code Development Status & Prospect. July 1, 2004TB2004 DAQ Code Development2 Contents 1.TB status –run control –peripheral/FED crate –DAQ column.

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1 TB2004 DAQ Code Development Status & Prospect

2 July 1, 2004TB2004 DAQ Code Development2 Contents 1.TB status –run control –peripheral/FED crate –DAQ column 2.HCAL integration prospect –idem

3 July 1, 2004TB2004 DAQ Code Development3 1: Emu RunControl RunControl TTC control PC/FED control TF control RU/BU dBase a.k.a TrackFinder GUI XDAQ v2 framework fully operational and tested

4 July 1, 2004TB2004 DAQ Code Development4 1: PC/FED Control Status new CCB, new TMB, various firmware upgrades (TMB, DMB, MPC) 4 chamber + 1 RPC readout single/multiple crate configuration updates fed back to DCS (new hardware) DCS integration initiated –communication protocol between DCS and PC-control TMB timing tools, derived from PC-lib

5 July 1, 2004TB2004 DAQ Code Development5 1: EmuDAQ Column BU: EventBuilder RU EmuFED DDU RU SpFED VME (DDU) EVBOut CMS DAQ structure XDAQ v2 platform EVBOut/BU/RU/EmuFED column fully operational & tested

6 July 1, 2004TB2004 DAQ Code Development6 1: EmuDAQ Column (cont’d) EventBuilder –adaptation by Ichiro Suzuki –prototype for CMS, used by HCAL too. Full EmuDAQ column tested –No more time for SPFED column integration SPFED has still VME-based readout (as opposed to DDU) DDU-to-BigPhysArea kernel module issue –most likely an SMP kernel problem, resulting in BigPhysArea data corruption issue solved for EmuFED-standalone and EmuDAQ-column data. –provisional fix (memory leak in return) however, eth_hook still capable of hanging a (random?) process resulting in 100% cpu-usage on one of the 4 CPUs.

7 July 1, 2004TB2004 DAQ Code Development7 1: EmuDAQ TB2004 Data 130Gb of data collected in various DAQ modes –raw reader from bigphysarea device debugging purposes –EmuFED-based standalone reader debugging purposes –EventBuilder based EVB output official output data sample sizes: –ddudumper (raw reader): 64Gb –hardwareDumper: 57.4Gb –EVBOutput: 11Gb –SPFed data: 0.5Gb

8 July 1, 2004TB2004 DAQ Code Development8 2: HCAL+EMU integration prospect Continue integration TF+FED event building –hook-up the SPFED DAQ column (DDU or VME?) Integrate with HCAL EventBuilder –make sure we are still on the same track Continue to investigate DDU-to-BigPhysArea Fully integrate DCS and PC-control: –have both use the same library prevents out-of-phase and parallel development of software for the same hardware allows easier solutions for PC access control –DCS-control of PC access Continue to enhance existing and develop new features for (Emu) RunControl –configuration and conditions dBase updates Start actively documenting all relevant modules. –doxygnize the code

9 July 1, 2004TB2004 DAQ Code Development9 2: HCAL+EMU Fall Test Questions Dynatem-360 replacement? –API is needed well ahead of time significant effect on DCS and PC-control –HAL based? New DDU/DCC –API is needed, preferably ahead of time –SP readout through DDU?

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