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Objective: I will be able to explain the three steps of the Engineering Design Process.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: I will be able to explain the three steps of the Engineering Design Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: I will be able to explain the three steps of the Engineering Design Process.

2 1. What does an engineer do? 2. Name two types of engineers.  Video Video

3 1. One thing I thought was interesting or that I learned about the Guest Speaker’s job was: 2. One thing I still have a question about is: 3. How did this Guest Speaker’s job or career relate to STEM?


5  Design is a creative planning process that leads to useful products and systems.  There is no perfect design.  Requirements of a design are made up of criteria and constraints.

6  The design process is a purposeful method of planning practical solutions to problems.  The design process is never final; there are always multiple solutions to a problem.  The design process is influenced by requirements called criteria and constraints.

7 The Engineering Design Process 7

8 Define the Problem 8 Defining the problem is like conducting detective work. You must examine the evidence and form some conclusions. Examples: Design a vehicle that can communicate with other vehicles to prevent accidents. Design an athletic shoe that decreases the amount of sprained ankles when worn on hardwood gym floors.

9 Brainstorm Brainstorming involves bringing a group of people together to generate many different ideas. Examples: “Make the athletic shoe out of plastic.” “The shoe needs to grip the floor; the bottom should be made of rubber.” “The ankle support should be stiff.” “Don’t forget the air vents.” All ideas are considered – none are criticized!

10 Turn and Talk How did your team “Define the Problem” during the Pillage Plunder Challenge? Answer questions 1 & 2 on your paper.

11 Develop Solutions Develop multiple solutions that will solve the problem and meet the requirements. The alternatives may all be quite diverse. Criteria: How will the solution actually work? What materials should I use? What should the product look like so that people will buy it? Constraints: Will it be completed by the deadline? What size should it be?

12 Research Research may require going to the library, using computer databases, writing letters, performing experiments, and asking questions. Examples: Read books and magazines View films or videos Search the Internet Ask questions of the “experts” Create and analyze a survey

13 Choose Best Idea Decide on an idea that best meets the criteria, fits within the constraints, and has the least amount of negative characteristics. List the strengths and weaknesses of each alternative. Optimization – Making improvements to the design idea for better performance or increased safety Trade-off – Giving up one desirable trait for another (i.e., giving up on using a certain material so that the object is more affordable)

14 Turn and Talk How did your team “Develop a Solution” during the Pillage Plunder Challenge? Answer question 3 on your paper.

15 Model or Prototype Model building is used to gather additional information and test design ideas. Examples: Realistic drawings or renderings help you visualize what the solution will look like in real life. Scale models or mock-ups are small, accurate representations of the final product. 3D CAD (computer aided designs) can show objects in action. A prototype is a working model; it looks and functions just like the finished product.

16 Test and Evaluate Models of design solutions must be tested and important questions must be answered during the evaluation. 9 Communicate Results Design Process 2 Brainstorm 3 4 Research Develop Ideas 6 Model or Prototype Test and Evaluate 8 Improve Design 1 Define the Problem 5 Choose Best Idea Is it safe for people and the environment? Is it comfortable? Is it affordable? Is it aesthetically pleasing (does it look good)? Will it last as long as it needs to? Does it meet the criteria and constraints? Does it work?

17 Optimize Design After studying all test data and evaluating design solutions, you may need to make changes. What were your failure points? WHAT did not work? What can you improve in your design? During the improve design phase, you may consider new ideas.

18 Turn and Talk How did your team “Optimize” during the Pillage Plunder Challenge? Answer questions 4 & 5 on your paper.

19 Communicate Results Share your design ideas with others to prove the design is worthy of manufacturing. Examples: Poster Drawings Charts Prototypes PowerPoint presentation Reports Discussion

20 Let’s Apply What We Know… Cain's Arcade How does Cain: –Define the Problem? –What are his criteria/constraints? –Develop Solutions? –Optimize his design?

21 The Engineering Design Process Cain's Arcade

22 Let’s talk about Industrial Engineers What would you need to open a pizza shop? –Ingredients (flour, cheese, etc) –Pay your employees –Rent –Advertising Costs

23 Let’s talk about Industrial Engineers They organize the people, materials, and equipment involved in production Improve systems by breaking big jobs into smaller chunks and studying how to make tasks easier. This helps save costs and keeps companies in business.

24 Engineering Challenge #2!!!

25 BAG THIS!!! You are living out your lifelong dream of working in a candy factory. Your boss is upset because you and your team is not performing up to standard. You are moving TOO SLOWWWW!!!

26 Your job is producing this snack pack:

27 Worried that you will lose your job and your lifelong dream will go down the drain, you devise a plan to improve the process. Using what you’ve learned about the engineering design process, discuss with your fellow candy coworkers how you could make the process more efficient.

28 A complete snack bag must contain: 1 small bag with 12 M&M’s and 4 Gummi Bears, 1 small bag with 8 Goldfish Crackers; 1 small bag with two cookie sandwiches; 1 note (any shape) from Mom that says “Have a good day” or “Love from Mom.”

29 Constraints 2 minute time limit Only completed sets/bags count You may only use the four (three) people in your group.

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