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VENOM ENERGY STRIPS Melinda Wade, Seth Crocker, Danny Soueid, Stephanie Higinbotham.

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Presentation on theme: "VENOM ENERGY STRIPS Melinda Wade, Seth Crocker, Danny Soueid, Stephanie Higinbotham."— Presentation transcript:

1 VENOM ENERGY STRIPS Melinda Wade, Seth Crocker, Danny Soueid, Stephanie Higinbotham

2 INTRODUCTION  What are we? A flavorful dissolvable strip you put on your tongue that will give you energy  Who do we want to help? College students who are in need of a boost to get everything done  Our mission To help energize college students more conveniently at an affordable price

3 PROBLEM AND SOLUTION  Students run out of energy during the day and need a boost to stay awake during classes and late at night to complete homework  Not everyone wants to have an entire drink for various reasons  Therefore, venom energy strips are a quick and affordable way to accomplish the tasks needed with no bad side affects

4 STRENGTHS/ WEAKNESSES  There aren’t many products like venom energy strips  They are very convenient, quick acting, affordable, and don’t have any bad side affects like energy drinks  However, this is a billion dollar industry with a lot of competition  It can be dangerous if one doesn’t read the warning label and takes too many

5 COMPETITIVE FORCES  Competitors  Supplier  Buyers  Alternatives  Five hour energy  Red bull  Dr Pepper Snapple  College students  Five hour energy  Coffee

6 SEGMENTATION AND TARGETING  Target Market ~ college students  Need for product~ gain energy in an efficient way instead of having to take a full drink to get energy  Where to get product~ on various college campuses and drug stores such as CVS and Walgreens

7 MARKETING MIX  Product  Energy strip  Made with natural ingredients  Contains four flavors (cherry, apple, grape, and watermelon)  Price –  $4.99 for package of 20 strips  $12.99 for bundle pack, includes 3 packs of 20 strips

8  Place  Grocery stores  CVS and Walgreens  College Campus bookstores  Promotion  Conducted surveys  Social media  Advertisements  Free samples

9 OUR SUPPLIER  Dr. Pepper Snapple Company  Over 50 different brands of beverages  2008 it became a stand-alone publically-traded company on the NY stock exchange  They have 6 of the top 10 non-cola soft drinks, and 9 of their 12 leading brands are No. 1 in their flavor categories

10 WHY WE CHOOSE OUR SUPPLIER  Dr. Pepper Snapple Company is an enterprising company that is on a rise to become the No. 1 soft drink company in America  They currently have an energy drink but it is one that isn’t as popular as their competitors  With our product we allow them a new way to penetrate the market  We believe that with our product, we exemplify the company’s image of variation

11 FOCUS GROUP STATISTICS  Students need more sleep and more energy  Students spend a large amount of their energy on work and classes  Many students are not energized enough for the tasks that they day consist of  People spend a wide range of money on varying energy supplements and drinks  Students are generally worried on how not attaining enough sleep will affect their GPA  people need the most energy in the morning and when they get home



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