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Minerva Plus Ministry of Culture the Czech Republic, Prague Zuzana Bauerová Project Coordinator Department of Movable Cultural Heritage Preservation, Museum.

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Presentation on theme: "Minerva Plus Ministry of Culture the Czech Republic, Prague Zuzana Bauerová Project Coordinator Department of Movable Cultural Heritage Preservation, Museum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minerva Plus Ministry of Culture the Czech Republic, Prague Zuzana Bauerová Project Coordinator Department of Movable Cultural Heritage Preservation, Museum and Galleries

2 General Policy Cultural Policy of the Ministry of Culture Concept of More Effective Care of Movable Cultural Heritage in the Czech Republic in 2003 – 2008

3 State policy to ensure the stabile conditions for the care of movable CH Digitization = national and regional levels is introduced as improvement of the quality of dissamination of the information related to the museum collections and movable CH Enhancement of the accessibility of the information to both professional and general public More effective investements in digitizing of all sources of CH in accordance with the long-term contribution to the knowledge society primarly through application of IT

4 State policy Support of a multilingual and publicly accessible cathalogue of collection items, shared databasis AML, Internet, publications Encouradgement of the popularisation of AML through Internet, participation in international cooperation and programmes (IST programmes, virtual presentations, etc.) Museums and tourism Instruments

5 Central Register of Collections (CRC) Publicly available through and information system Aim is to increase information awareness of museums collections and museums themselves Basic conditions for CH preservation

6 Integrated Movable CH Protection System Description of endagered CH objects, documentation, improvement of the quality of the on-going documentation of all collection items

7 Integrated Movable CH Protection System 5 sub-projects Information Network – ISO B: According to the proposals and guidelines of MinervaPlus and other European projects Technical improvement and central coordination of documentation and digitization of CH Using Internet network as an instrument for the faster transfer of pictorial and textual information between oarticipant wokplaces Enlarging and popularisation of Internet among employees of our cultural institutions and public Impovement of the present state of documentation of CH and its presentation to the public Enhancement the data accessibility to users Increasement of the efficiency of the entire system of required information, including security, protection against of certain climatic conditions, etc. International legal cooperation on illegal export of the CH





12 Centre for Information Technologies Database system (DEMUS) General standards, guidelines, software tools, technical assistance

13 Museological Centre Cultural websites network Project Czech Museums Implemented through a public available information system and common Internet portal for CH : Connecting present sets of data of the Central Register of Collections with the data of the servers of the Czech museums recently run by the professional organisation Association of Czech, Moravian and Silesion Museums Virtual presentation of the museums, their collections and activities national, regional and international levels International standards, AML cooperation – Cooperation with National Library, idea dissemination

14 Minerva Plus AML cooperation (dissemination of guidelines, quality principles; CALIMER) = technical equipment, substantial investment into the human capital, encouraging continuting education, dissemination of information, training and intellectual support WP 3 (National Technical Museums) international conferences: Collections in Computers Archives, Libraries and Museums in Digital Era 2004




18 Thank you very much for your attention.

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