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Guided Portfolios Models and tools developed on the University of Montréal campus Part I - Overview Jacques Raynauld Professor, HEC MontréalHEC Montréal.

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Presentation on theme: "Guided Portfolios Models and tools developed on the University of Montréal campus Part I - Overview Jacques Raynauld Professor, HEC MontréalHEC Montréal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guided Portfolios Models and tools developed on the University of Montréal campus Part I - Overview Jacques Raynauld Professor, HEC MontréalHEC Montréal Director– MATI MontréalMATI Montréal August 4 2010

2 Outline of the presentation Part 1 MATI Montréal : discussion of our portfolio projects Key buiding blocks – a Model-based approach to portfolios A suite of tools Road-map Part 2 Building a real portfolio using our mock-up 2

3 MATI Montréal MATI Montréal is a research/transfer center on T&L set up by HEC Montréal, École polytechnique and University of Montréal 3

4 MATI Montréal In September 2009, started a strategic initiative on guided-structured-portfolios Numerous projects including : #1 Program based portfolios (Faculty of education – Business School, Engineering School) #2 Communication workshop (Engineering School) #3 Learning portfolios : Master in pedagogy applied to health sciences (School of Medecine) #4 eCurriculum vitae or CV (Business School) 4

5 MATI Montréal Contributed to the development of Open Syllabus / Sakai 2.6 using Google Web Toolkit framework (javascript) Working to generalize the Open Syllabus engine so it could work as well for portfolios and be … …an Open Social gadget with all the nice Web 2.0 features including widgets -Sakai 3 compatible. 5

6 Open Syllabus / Sakai 6

7 Open Syllabus Video Video : Slide share presentation : -syllabus-in-sakai-26-up-and-running -syllabus-in-sakai-26-up-and-running 7

8 Key building blocks – a model-based approach to portfolios The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-based Learning, Boston 20108

9 Key building blocks 1.What are the resources? Types? 2.Assembling the resources: creating modules, tasks and programs. Not discussed in this presentation 3.Creating different views 4.What are the roles? Instructor, tutor, student 5.Taking care of workflow 6.Standards (LEAP2A)

10 1. Resources Text Files (Power Point, PDF, Doc, videos, etc.) URL Forms Comments Widgets 10

11 1. Resources 11 Learning outcomes/competencies 1.Civic knowledge & engagement (local & global) 2.Creative thinking 3.Critical thinking 4.Ethical reasoning & action 5.Foundations & skills for lifelong learning 6.Information literacy 7.Inquiry & analysis 8.Integrative learning 9.Intercultural knowledge & competence 10.Oral communication 11.Problem solving 12.Quantitative literacy 13.Teamwork 14.Written communication Association of American Colleges and Universities

12 1. Resources 12 Rubrics Association of American Colleges and Universities

13 2. Assembling the resources 13 2.Organizing the resources according to a model approach Structure Unit Context Resources Root Structure Unit Context Resource

14 2. Assembling the resources 14 Root Structure Unit Context Resource Module #1 Learning outcomes Learning outcome #1 Readings Raynauld, Jacques (2008), Economic Problems and Policy Analysis, Prentice-Hall. Read Chapter 10. Resources Ministry of the environment website Assignment Link to assignment #1 Course #1 Presentation Contact information Modules Module 1 Module 2 Evaluation Assignment #1 Assignment #2 Final exam

15 2. Assembling the resources 15 Root Structure Unit Context Resource Course #1 Presentation Contact information Modules Module 1 Module 2 Evaluation Assignment #1 Assignment #2 Final exam Assignment #1 Learning outcomes Learning outcome #1 Task Write a 300-word comment to be sent to a newspaper about the environmental impact of offshore drilling. Submit your paper here Upload …. Consult your evaluation sheet here Link …..

16 General model Root Structure Unit UnitStructure UnitContent Context Competencies External Internal RootStructureUnitUnitStructure UnitContent Context Competencies External Internal 16 RESSOURCES Gerbé and Raynauld, An Open Syllabus Model, Ed-Media 2009, Honolulu.

17 Communication workshop Tasks Initial test Illustrative work Summing-up Module : effective communication Module : design of visual display Portfolio Initial test Objective The initial test seeks to establish a diagnosis of your strengths and weaknesses and plan an individual study guide Description of the test After reading the background document, write a 450-word text that includes a reference and a table. Resources ● BackgroundDocument.pdf Resources (student) Upload your test file Detailed feedback sheet My comments on the results of the initial test Communication workshop

18 Tasks Initial test Illustrative work Summing-up Module : effective communication Module : design of visual display Portfolio Initial test Illustrative work Summing-up Initial test Artefact Link to initial test Detailed feedback sheet My comments on the results of the initial test Communication workshop Artefact, feedback sheet and reflexive comments copied to the student institutional portfolio (portfolio the student cannot edit)

19 MPASS program News Module 1 Task 1.1 Task 1.,2 Module 2 Resources library My reflexive approach I specify my goals, my learning outcomes and my workplan Add a comment I find useful resources Add a comment I execute my task Add a comment What I have learned? Add a comment My learning approach My assignments Add an assignment Feedback Resources Add a resource Task 1.1 : Pedagogical reflection and metacognition Description In this reflection task, you first have to assess where you stand and then visualize yourself in the future by formulating your own practice diary, on the one hand, and a planning of your pedagogical development, on the other hand. Pedagogical Justification Explaining your experiences and beliefs will allow yourself to increase your awareness as well as connect these experiences with the learning outcomes that will emerge from this class. Targeted skills The skill that you will enhance is to learn in an autonomous and continuous fashion, notably through planning your professional project and through defining the knowledge areas to acquire as well as the skills to develop. Resources Desgagné, Serge, Récits exemplaires de pratique enseignante : analyse typologique, Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2005, 227 p. Expected work Illustrate your life narrative with a conceptual map and a word document (1000 to 1500 words) that will state your experiences, beliefs, knowledge and competencies. Please upload your map and word document in My Assignments link. Master in pedagogy applied to health sciences

20 OSP cell 20 Year 1 (cell) Learning outcomes Teamwork Guidance These are the instructions Rubric Contributes to Team Meetings Helps the team move forward by articulating the merits of alternative ideas or proposals. Submission form Portfolio Years Year 1 Year 2 Learning outcomes Teamwork Communication This is the rationale Link to an example file Feedback Evaluation form Artefact file submission

21 A suite of tools 21 Requirements gathering Mock-up (building the portfolio XML model) Feed the XML model in the GWT prototype Mock-up is great for community appropriation and discussion. Can be used in a small pilot to test ideas. Creation of specialized views, features, special CSS, etc. XML is an abstract ≠ implementation representation

22 Road-map and questions A complete version of the mock-up should be available by the end of August The GWT/Web 2.0 main prototype will be available in October 2010 Discussion for a possible contribution to Sakai 3 Part II : Mock-up demo 11th Sakai Conference - June 15-17, 201022

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