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Fact 1: You can buy a Coca-Cola virtually anywhere in the World. Even in developing countries.

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Presentation on theme: "Fact 1: You can buy a Coca-Cola virtually anywhere in the World. Even in developing countries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fact 1: You can buy a Coca-Cola virtually anywhere in the World. Even in developing countries.

2 Fact 2: 1 in 7 children in developing counties die before their 5th birthday.






8 Diarrhea-Related Dehydration Still a Top-Killer of Children in Developing World 8 Over 1.5 million children still dying from diarrhoea-related illness each year More children die from diarrhea related illness than Malaria, HIV/AIDS and Measles combined

9 No real progress in the last 25 years Fact 3:

10 Why the Emphasis on ORS? MDG # 4 - Time is Running Out! Millenium Development Goal #4: Reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the mortality rate of children under 5 innovation needed Mortality dropped 1.8% per year (1990-2008) Mortality must decrease 10.5% per year 2008-2015 to reach goal 199020082015 100 72 33 incremental improvement

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