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In the beginning… Diseases were thought to be caused by “supernatural spirits” and “curses”

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Presentation on theme: "In the beginning… Diseases were thought to be caused by “supernatural spirits” and “curses”"— Presentation transcript:

0 Instruments used to magnify & view objects
Microscopes Instruments used to magnify & view objects

1 In the beginning… Diseases were thought to be caused by “supernatural spirits” and “curses”

2 Anton van Leeuwenhoek 1600’s 1st view of “animalcules”
AKA cells & bacteria Simple Light Microscope, only 1 lens

3 Robert Hooke English scientist Compound light microscope
2 or more lenses Looked at cork (dead cells on oak bark) Saw small geometric shapes, named them CELLS Cells-> are the basic units of all living things

4 What did he see?

5 Then What? 1830’s More scientists used Hooke’s ideas to explore the natural world Matthias Shleiden, a german Plants are composed of cells Theodor Schwann Animals are composed of cells Summarized in the Cell Theory

6 Cell Theory

7 The Cell Theory: All organisms are composed of 1 or more cells.
3 Main Ideas: All organisms are composed of 1 or more cells. The cell is the basic unit of structure & organization of organisms. All cells come from preexisting cells.

8 Types of Microscopes

9 Types of Microscopes Light Microscope: what we use in lab
Uses light to magnify Used to look at living cells Magnify: up to 1500x Electron Microscope: ( ) Uses beams of electrons Magnify: up to 500,000x See inside of cells, look at structures 2 types

10 Scanning Electron Microscope: (SEM)
Scan surfaces of cells, look at 3D shape

11 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
Look at structures within the cell

12 New Technology New models & helpful techniques all the time
Example: Scanning Tunneling Microscope Uses flow of electrons to create computer images of atoms on the surface of a molecule

13 The Cell: With better microscopes, discovered that cells contain small specialized structures called organelles Each organelle has a specific function within a cell

14 Types of Cells: 2 broad groups:
Eukaryotes: contain membrane-bounded organelles (ex. nucleus) Most multi-cellular organisms & some unicellular ones, like algae Complex cells Prokaryotes: do not contain membrane-bound organelles (ex. No nucleus, but nucleoid region when chromatin is stored). Example: bacteria Less complex Many functions occur on cell membrane

15 What do they look like?

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