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Introduction to the Cell

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1 Introduction to the Cell

2 Cell Theory All living things are composed of 1 or more cells.
In organisms, cells are the basic unit of structure & function Cells are produced only from existing cells.

3 MICROSCOPES Light Microscope Electron Microscope (1950’s)
Transmission Electron Microscope Scanning Electron Microscope

4 Light Microscope works by passing visible light through a thin section of specimen and then through glass lenses resolving power = 0.2 µm (size of small bacteria) magnification about 1000x


6 Advantages of using Light Microscope:
Color image instead of monochrome Larger field of view Easily prepared sample material Possible to observe living material & observe movement

7 Electron Microscope (1950’s)
uses electron beams which have shorter wavelengths of light resolving power = 0.2 nm (most cell structures) magnification up to 40,000x Advantages

8 Electron Microscope Transmission Electron Microscope
electrons transmitted through specimen are focused and image is magnified using electromagnets used to study internal cell structure Scanning Electron Microscope electron beam scans the surface of a spec. useful for studying the surface of specimen in 3-D.

9 IMAGES PINHEAD Moth wing scales; Madagascan moon moth, Argema mittrei

10 Disadvantages to EM… can only view dead cells (elaborate preparation)
very expensive zooxanthellae cells cultured from coral Aiptasia pulchella in a Scanning Electron Microscope

Cell Fractionation = disrupting cells to separate out cell organelles Centrifugation = spinning mixtures of cells and their parts at very high speeds; separates the components

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