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Marketing Management The creation of a curbside restaurant selling rice balls. Professor :張力元 Student :朱雲弘 9631520.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing Management The creation of a curbside restaurant selling rice balls. Professor :張力元 Student :朱雲弘 9631520."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing Management The creation of a curbside restaurant selling rice balls. Professor :張力元 Student :朱雲弘 9631520

2 Outline 1. Product and Price Review 2. Revenue, Variable Cost, Fix Cost, and Condition 3. Breakeven-point (every month) 4. One year net income 5. Future Develop and Profit Anticipated 6. The name brand of the high quality ingredients 7. The key aspect of the project 8. Store Design and Uniform

3 1. Product and Price Review The menu consists of rice balls (two varieties) and drinks. (three types – coffee, tea, soy bean milk) For the coffee and tea, there is an option to add milk. The price is $50NT for rice ball and a drink. (combo) The price is $25NT for rice ball. The price is $25NT for a drink.

4 2. Revenue, Variable Cost, Fix Cost, and Condition Revenue : Rice balls : @$25NT Drinks : @$25NT Combo : @$50NT VC : Rice : @$5NT Pickles : @$5NT Egg : @$5NT Powdered meat and Fried bread stick : @$5NT Coffee, tea, soybean milk : @$5NT

5 2. Revenue, Variable Cost, Fix Cost, and Condition FC : Roadside stand : $10,000NT Signage : $2,000 NT Gas bottle lighting : $2,000 NT License : $2,000 NT Uniform : $4,000 NT Cooking equipment : $5,000 NT TFC = $25,000 NT

6 2. Revenue, Variable Cost, Fix Cost, and Condition Condition : (1) Interest rate : 5 %, TFC = 25,000*(1+5%) = 26,250 (2) 6 days a week, including 5 bad days and 1 good day (3) Bad days sell 50 units, and good days sell 100 units. (4) Everyday sells 50% rice balls or drinks and 50% combo.

7 3. Breakeven-point (every month) TR = @50*1/2Q + @25*1/2Q TVC = @25*1/2Q + @20*1/2Q TFC = 26,250 (every month = 26,250/12 = 2,187.5) TR = TVC+TFC => @50*1/2Q + @25*1/2Q = @25*1/2Q + @20*1/2Q + 26,250/12 => Q ≒ 146

8 Figure 1 : Breakeven-point (every month) 5,475 146 58.3 97.2 0 2,187.5 TFC Q P TR TC TVC Breakeven-point

9 4. One year net income One year including 260 bad days and 52 good days TR = 260*(@50*25+@25*25) + 52*(@50*50+@25*50) = 682,500 TC = 260*(@25*25+@20*25) + 52*(@25*50+@20*50) + 26,250 = 435,750 NI = 682,500 - 435,750 = 246,750 (Net Income Ratio = 246,750/682,500 = 36.15%)

10 5. Future Develop and Profit Anticipated Let the customer have more choices. change the curbside sale to the shop sale ten rice ball shops in the fifth year's end If the net income ratio will be increase to 50% in the fifth year, the net income is 7,076,160 in the fifth year.

11 From 1 : The turnover, net income ratio, and net income year-to-year

12 Figure 2 : The turnover and net income year-to-year

13 6. The name brand of the high quality ingredients Picture 1 : Chi-Shang rice Picture 2 : Hakka pickles Picture 3 : organic chicken egg Picture 4 : Hsin Dong Yang powdered meat

14 6. The name brand of the high quality ingredients Picture 5 : fresh fried bread stick Picture 6 : Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee Picture 7 : Assam black tea Picture 8 : Lin Fong Ying milk

15 7. The key aspect of the project use the high quality ingredients to output the rice ball has a sanitation certificate give the best rice ball to customers

16 8. Store Design and Uniform Store Design : Rice Ball & Drink Mr. Delicious

17 8. Store Design and Uniform Uniform :

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