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Layout.  The arrangement of printed elements on a monitor or sheet. This may include a sketch or finished plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Layout.  The arrangement of printed elements on a monitor or sheet. This may include a sketch or finished plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Layout

2  The arrangement of printed elements on a monitor or sheet. This may include a sketch or finished plan

3 Elements of Layout  Body Type  Display Type  Illustrations  White Space

4 Body Type  The printed type that makes up the text in a layout.  Must be chosen to represent the intent of the message  Must be clear and relate to the topic  Not the focal point, but contains the message

5 Display Type  The type that contains the main message of the layout.  Intended to draw attention Draw the reader to other information  Must correspond to the visual messages This includes Illustrations and Body Type

6 Illustrations  Includes the ornamentation, photographs and artwork Can be used with Display Type to capture attention “A picture is worth a thousand words”

7 White Space  The area of the layout that is void of printed images Includes being void of print itself  Too much clutter isn’t good for the audience Meaning of the design gets confusing  Too much white space isn’t good for the audience Meaning of the design can be lost

8 Display Type Body Type Illustration White Space

9 Display Type Illustrations


11 Developing a Layout  Project Objective  Product Message  Style and Format  Layout Requirements  Printing Requirements

12 Project Objective  Statement that describes the intent or purpose of an end product Reason why you are creating the graphic communication Helps plan for the rest of the project

13 Product Message  Provides the audience a direction for the communication Created for a specific audience Determines mood or tone  Happy, informative, somber





18 Style and Format  Style includes the text, display and illustrations  Format includes the style, size, spacing, number of pages, margins, and printing requirements (if the job is printed)

19 Layout Requirements  Number and format of the different versions Sketch Rough Layout Comprehensive

20 Printing Requirements  What the final outcome will look like Size of the sheet Color Number of pages Type of paper

21 Layout Methods  Thumbnail Sketches  Rough Layout  Comprehensive Layout

22 Thumbnail Sketch  Simple, rapidly drawn design of a layout Rough idea of a final version – puts the plan in place


24 Rough Layout  A redrawn version of a thumbnail sketch, closely resembling the final layout Refined layout – a redrawn version of the rough draft that is closer to the final layout


26 Comprehensive Layout  Detailed Layout showing how the printed piece will look when finished Very close to the final layout


28 Specifications  The overall layout guidelines relating to such information as type style, type size, line width, color use and page orientation


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