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Science Unit 1 Vocabulary. Observation To view or notice an occurrence for some scientific or other special purpose.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Unit 1 Vocabulary. Observation To view or notice an occurrence for some scientific or other special purpose."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Unit 1 Vocabulary

2 Observation To view or notice an occurrence for some scientific or other special purpose.

3 Questions A way of asking someone in order to gain more information.

4 Record A way of keeping track of evidence.

5 Investigate To examine or study something in an attempt to learn the facts about it.

6 Survey To take an account of something to get a number value.

7 Hypothesis An explanation or a guess based on background knowledge.

8 Empirical Evidence The source of knowledge gained by observations and experimentation.

9 Infer To make a conclusion based on the facts you know and background knowledge.

10 Inquiry To seek answers or knowledge through investigation.

11 Conclusion The end, final part, or summarizing using all the facts known.

12 Technology The use of technical knowledge to solve problems.

13 Model A representation of something that is usually much bigger.

14 Illustration A picture or an example that is drawn.

15 Charts A graphic representation of data.

16 Bar Graphs Uses parallel bars to represent set values.

17 Tools An instrument that is used manually.

18 Data Individual facts or items of information.

19 Safety The act of being responsible and decreasing the occurrence of risk or injury.

20 Unit of Measure The physical quantity can be expressed through a standardized system of meaurement.

21 Sight The ability to see or observe something with your eyes.

22 Touch To come in physical contact with some type of object.

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