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Reproductive System Final organ system of study this semester – 

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1 Reproductive System Final organ system of study this semester – 
Only organ system which is not “vital” to the body Defective reproduction organs do not threaten vital functions (with the exception of cancer) Function of the Reproductive System: To produce sex hormones To produce gametes To promote fertilization of gametes To protect and nurture developing fetus (female) Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

2 Reproductive System Study of the Reproductive System
General anatomy: male vs. female Development of gametes Role of sex hormones Process of sexual intercourse Fertilization of the egg Pregnancy and development birth Begin with general anatomy… Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

3 Reproductive System – General Anatomy
Main types of structure in the reproductive system: Gonads Produce gametes (haploid cells) via meiosis Produce hormones Ducts: Tubes that carry/transport gametes Accessory glands: Secrete fluids to help the process of fertilization & gamete contact External genitalia: Helps in sexual response These 4 general types of structures are found in males & females (actual structure is very different) Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

4 General Anatomy - Males
Gonads Testes produce gametes called spermatozoa (=sperm) Ducts Epididymus Ductus Deferens/vas deferens Ejaculatory duct Urethra Accessory Glands Seminal vesicles Prostate gland Bulborethral gland All of these work to produce semen mixed with sperm Bile capillaries, macrophages Fig. 26.1 4/13/08

5 General Anatomy - Males
External Genitalia: Scrotum – protects the testes & alters it’s position Penis – erectile organ through which semen is released Bile capillaries, macrophages Fig. 26.3 4/13/08

6 General Anatomy - Females
Gonads Ovaries = Small almond-shaped structures that produce oocytes (oocyte matures into the egg) Ducts Uterine tubes - Holds egg Vagina - Holds sperm & not egg Accessory Glands Small glands in the vagina External genitalia Labia Mons Pubis Clitoris Bile capillaries, macrophages Fig 4/13/08

7 General Anatomy - Females
Females have additional structures for: Implantation Development Nurturing of child Uterus Mammary glands Bile capillaries, macrophages Fig 4/13/08

8 Reproductive System Take a closer look at the positions and features of these structures Testes A pair of egg-shaped structures suspended below the abdominal cavity The testes are enclosed in a pouch of skin = the scrotum In development Testes are placed against the abdominal wall connected by connective tissue fibers As the body develops, the testes are lowered = descent They are moved into the scrotum by birth Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

9 Testes Descent Bile capillaries, macrophages Fig. 26.2 4/13/08

10 Reproductive System Testes are supported by spermatic cords = fascia & muscles These enclose the testes ducts and blood vessels Spermatic cords extend from the abdominal cavity These extend out via the deep inguinal canal to the testes The inguinal canal weakens the lower abdominal wall b/c of spermatic cords can = inguinal hernia Bile capillaries, macrophages Fig. 26.3 4/13/08

11 Reproductive System Cross section through testes Fig. 26.4 4/13/08
Bile capillaries, macrophages Fig. 26.4 4/13/08

12 Reproductive System Cross section through testes Scrotum
Outside skin layer (epidermis & dermis) Important muscles Cremaster muscle – skeletal muscle deep in dermis Contraction & relaxation moves testes towards or away from the body Importance: sperm development occurs at temperatures lower than body temperature This movement allows testes to adjust to temp outside Also involved in sexual arousal Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

13 Reproductive System Cross section through testes Tunica vaginalis
Just underneath the skin of the scrotum = membrane Function: reduce friction between layers Tunica albuginea Layer of membrane that covers the actual testes Extends into testes to make the partition = septa Septa compartments = lobules The lobules contain tightly coiled seminiferous tubules This is where meiosis takes place Androgens are secreted Location of spermatogenensis Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

14 Reproductive System Seminiferous tubules connect together to form the epididymis Epididymis carries sperm (7 meters long!) along it’s coils Adjusts fluid of seminiferous tubules Recycles damaged spermatozoa Stores sperm during maturation Goes into… Ductus deferens Goes up through inguinal canal curves around the urinary bladder Has smooth muscle – which helps movement of sperm Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

15 Reproductive System Ductus deferens joins the ejaculatory duct and empties its contents into the urethra The urethra goes from the bladder to the tip of the penis It is a common conduit for the urinary & reproductive systems Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

16 Reproductive System Chapter 26 – Day 2 4/13/08

17 Reproductive Structures - Male
Accessory Structures Seminal vesicles Between the bladder & the rectum As the sperm are entering the ejaculatory duct, the seminal vesicles secrete 60% of fluid that ends up in semen Fructose – energy Prostaglandins – muscle contraction (expels fluids) Fibrinogen – temporary clot in vagina Prostate Gland Small, muscular rounded organ – near beginning of urethra 20-30% of semen = prostatic fluid – slightly basic with enzymes - help to prevent urinary infection PSA – prostate specific antigen (↑ with prostate cancer) Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

18 Reproductive Structures - Male
Accessory Structures Prostate gland (continued…) Inflammation of prostate – prostatis Bacterial infection or other factors can lead to inflammation Site for prostate cancer Bulbourethral glands (Cowper’s gland) Located at the base of the penis – contain mucous glands These lubricate the tip of the penis Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

19 Reproductive Structures - Male
Penis anatomy Rood – connects the penis to the body wall Body/shaft – tubular portion Glans – tip surrounds urethral opening Prepuce – fold of skin, surrounds tip of penis Secretes smegma (waxy material) – can be a source of bacterial growth Is the portion removed in circumcision Inside the penis Corpora cavernosa – cylindrical masses of erectile tissue Blood vessels Corpus spongiosum – surrounds ureters Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

20 Reproductive Structures - Male
Bile capillaries, macrophages Fig 4/13/08

21 Reproductive Structures - Female
Located within the pelvic cavity – posterior & superior to the bladder Ovaries Uterine tubes Uterus Vagina External genetalia A mesentery holds the ovaries, uterine tubes & uterus together – broad ligament (protects & supports) Mesovarium = mesentery that supports the ovaries Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

22 Reproductive System - Female
Bile capillaries, macrophages Fig 4/13/08

23 Reproductive Structures - Female
Ovaries Pair – on lateral sides of the pelvic cavity Almond-shaped structures Produces oocytes & sex hormones Each ovary is held in place by Suspensory ligament – to the pelvic wall Ovarian ligament – to uterus Cut open an ovary = different from testes Tunica albuginea = connective tissue layer Outer cortex, inner medulla Cortex contains follicle cells (we’ll look at these later) Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

24 Reproductive Structures - Female
Uterine tubes Each tube = hollow, muscular tube connects with ovary 3 parts Infundibulum with fimbrae Funnel-shaped, close to ovary Fimbrae = finger-like projections aid egg toward uterine tube Lining of fimbrae = cilia beating toward ampulla Ampulla Middle of tube = thicker muscle Isthmus Leads into uterus Fertilization takes place at junction of ampulla & isthmus Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

25 Reproductive Structures - Female
Uterus Pear shaped organ Tilts anteriorly = anteflexion Held in place by ligaments Uterus is divided into: Body – wide part of the organ Isthmus – tapering bottom Cervix – opening into vagina External part of the cervix is rounded – surrounds an opening called the cervical os Cervical canal – passageway into the uterus Wall of the uterus = uterine wall Important for implantation of embryo & for contractions during labor (it’s about 1.5cm thick in women who haven’t had children) Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

26 Reproductive Structures - Female
Uterus Uterine wall has 3 layers Perimetrium – serous membrane covers outside Myometrium – thick, muscular layer = 90% of wall, muscles are arranged in different orientations Endometrium – innermost layer – epithelial cells Provides nutrients to embryo Contains uterine glands Blood vessels that enter the uterus enter the endometrium Divided into functional & basilar zones Functional zone – open to uterine cavity, gets sloughed off during menstruation due to changes in hormone levels Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

27 Reproductive Structures - Female
Vagina Elastic, muscular tube extending from the cervix Fornix – recess surrouning protruding cervix Contains blood vessels, smooth muscle Hymen – elastic epithelial fold covers entrance to vagina Rugae – folds in relaxed vagina The vagina contains bacteria – secretes acidic fluids which helps restrict the growth of other pathogens, but also inhibits sperm So, the semen must contain buffers…recall from earlier… Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

28 Reproductive Structures - Female
External genitalia Area containing female genitalia = vulva 2 folds of skin surrounding the vagina Labia majora Labia minora These serve as boundaries to the vestibule Vestibule contains urethral opening & vaginal entrance Clitoris – erectile tissue equivalent to the penis Located anterior to the vestibule Glans & Prepuce Engorges with blood during sexual arousal Vestibular glands – produce mucous secretions to keep area moist (located in vestibule) Mammary glands – come back to when discussing pregnancy Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

29 Gametogenesis Production of gametes = haploid “sexual reproduction” cells Testes = _______ Ovaries = _______ Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

30 Spermatogenesis Takes place in the _______ _______
Between the tubules there is _______ tissue With _______ cells = _______ of _______ These cells produce _______ including _______ _______ stimulates spermatogenesis Seminiferous tubules have several layers of cells around a central _______ which is filled with fluid in the center Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

31 Spermatogenesis Bile capillaries, macrophages Fig. 26.5 4/13/08

32 Spermatogenesis Bile capillaries, macrophages Fig. 26.5 4/13/08

33 Spermatogenesis Bile capillaries, macrophages Fig. 26.6 4/13/08

34 Spermatogenesis Bile capillaries, macrophages Fig. 26.7 4/13/08

35 Spermatogenesis Bile capillaries, macrophages Fig. 26.8 4/13/08

36 Spermatogenesis Bile capillaries, macrophages Fig 4/13/08

37 Gametogenesis The _______ are the site for _______
_______ begins before birth in females Ovaries contain _______ these go through _______ to make _______ _______ Development is _______ until _______ Many get disintegrated – a fixed number remain Every month after _______ - the development of one _______ _______ takes place Bile capillaries, macrophages 4/13/08

38 Oogenesis Bile capillaries, macrophages Fig 4/13/08

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