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Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System

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1 Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System
Renmin Hospital of Wuhan university Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Luo Ruoyu

2 External genitalia, Vulva
mons pubis labium majus labium minus clitoris The round ligament terminate at its anterior third;contain sebaceous glands,sweat glands and hair follicles Be richly supplied with venous plexus and vessels which may produce hematoma Contain numerous nerve endings Erection function Be richly supplied with nerves,which produce sexual excitement

3 vaginal vestibule major vestibular gland hymen urethral orifice
secretes mucus during sexual activity,becomes cysto or abscess when the duct is blocked varying size and shape,the hymen is usually ruptured at the first sexual experience congenital imperforate hymen paraurethral gland,early be infected

4 External genitalia, Vulva

5 internal genitalia vagina uterus fallopian tube, oviduct ovary
uterine adnexa

6 internal genitalia

7 internal genitalia

8 internal genitalia

9 internal genitalia

10 vagina function position and shape structure sex
the way of menstruation soft birth canal canal,shorter anterior and longer posterior,enough distensibility fornix are formed at the top of vagina due to the projection of the uterine cervix,the posterior one is the deepest, and often be used as drainage point mucous coat muscular layer fibrous coat mucosa: squamous epithelium, having no glands

11 uterus function pregnancy form menstruation soft birth canal

12 position and shape situated in the pelvis between the bladder in front and the rectum behind inverted-pear-shaped,7cm long,5cm wide,3cm thick,volume 5mL parts:fundus、body and cervix,its walls are about cm thick ,when pregnancy,the uterus becomes larger,even reach below the xiphoid process Isthmus (1m) Histological internal os Anatomical internal os

13 uterus fundus cavity isthmus body anatomical internal os
histological internal os cervical canal supravaginal portion vagina fornix external os portion vaginalis vagina coronal section sagittal section Different parts of uterus

14 structure ligament endometrium:functional layer and basal layer
body:3 layers muscle fibres cervix:fibrous connective tissues+smooth muscle fibres round ligament broad ligament cardinal ligament utero-sacral ligament

15 fallopian tube, oviduct
function fertilization place convey to zygote nutrition zygote position and shape paired structions,measuring about 8~14cm long slender muscular tube,one opening communicating with the lateral angle of the uterus,the lateral part is free structure parts:interstitial portion、isthmic portion、ampulla、fimbria

16 ovary function position and shape structures germinal epithelium
reproduction:germ cell maturation,storage and release endocrine:steroidogenesis position and shape oval in shape,volume 4×3×1cm3 structures germinal epithelium medulla cortex

17 histological structures of the ovary
primordial follicles preantral follicle germinal epithelium antral follicle vasa mature follicle corpus albicans medulla corpus luteum ovum histological structures of the ovary

18 vasa、lymphatics and nerves
uterine arteries:supply uterus and surrounding notice the relationship between ureter ovarian veins:pelvic venous congestion syndrome lymphatics nerves vulva:motor nerve and sensory nerve internal genitalia:sympathetic nerve and parasympathetic nerve

19 vasa、lymphatics and nerves
uterus oviduct ovarian vein ureter ovarian artery cervix uterine artery uterine vein uterine arteriovenous and ovarian artery and vein

20 vasa、lymphatics and nerves

21 vasa、lymphatics and nerves

22 pelvis function support trunk protect viscera bony birth canal

23 parts bones joints promontory os coccyx os ilium
os sacrum promontory os coccyx os ilium os coxae(2) os ischium os publis joints public symphysis sacro-iliac joint sacro-coccygeal joint

24 ligament sacrotuberous ligament sacrospinous ligament

25 pelvis

26 pelvis

27 pelvis

28 pelvis

29 pelvis

30 pelvis boundaries superior border of public symphysis-lliopublic edge- superior border of promontory,divided the pelvis into false pelvis (large pelvis):assess the pelvis preliminarily true pelvis (small pelvis):bony birth canal inlet true pelvis outlet cavity

31 types of pelvis gynecoid type platypeloid type anthropoid type
transverse of inlet > anteroposterior intertuberal diameter > 10cm platypeloid type transverse < anteroposterior anthropoid type anteroposterior > transverse android type funnel-shaped,angle of public arch < 900

32 pelvic floor contain multiple layers of muscle and fascia 3 layers:
perineum :soft tissue between vaginal orifice and anus superficial layer:superficial muscles and fascia middle layer:superior and inferior fascia and muscles between them inner layer:pelvic diaphragm,levator ani muscle

33 near organs urethra :short but straight,about 4~5cm,easy be infected
bladder :may prolepses in old female,easy be hurt during operation ureter :notice the relationship with uterine arteries rectum :may prolepses in old female appendix :distinguish with adnexal disease


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