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AP English Language Agenda for August 20/21, 2014 Daily Objective: Students will understand the basic rules for success in an AP class. Academic Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "AP English Language Agenda for August 20/21, 2014 Daily Objective: Students will understand the basic rules for success in an AP class. Academic Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP English Language Agenda for August 20/21, 2014 Daily Objective: Students will understand the basic rules for success in an AP class. Academic Vocabulary for Week: connotation, denotation Daily Activities and Assessment: Turn in highlighted summer reading packet Pass out Rosey’s Guidebook for Success and go over Go over homework summer reading packet questions Take summer reading quiz (worth 75 points); you will be timed for 45 minutes on this Go over Jar of Hearts analysis (p. 105) Bring Thank You for Arguing next class period (and—if time—begin doing group activities on p. 133)

2 AP English Language Agenda for August 22/25, 2014 Daily Objectives: 1. Students will become comfortable with speaking in class through informal and formal presentations? 2. Students will learn the scoring rubric for AP essays. Academic Vocabulary for Week: connotation, denotation Daily Activities and Assessment: Watch short video on Stephen Fry’s “Typography” and discuss Read and score Kincaid essay in guidebook (p. 108-109) Assign and work on Thank You for Arguing group activity (p. 133) WARNING #1: Your JQV#1 is due Friday, August 29, to! WARNING #2: We will write our first in-class AP essay during the end of the second/beginning of 3 rd week; it will be worth 50 points.

3 Sample excerpt from Frederick Douglass: “I did not, when a slave, understand the deep meaning of those rude and apparently incoherent songs. I was myself within the circle; so that I neither saw nor heard as those without might see and hear. They told a tale of woe which was then altogether beyond my feeble comprehension; they were tones loud, long, and deep; they breathed the prayer and complaint of souls boiling over with the bitterest anguish. Every tone was a testimony against slavery, and a prayer to God for deliverance from chains. The hearing of those wild notes always depressed my spirit, and filled me with ineffable sadness. I have frequently found myself in tears while hearing them. The mere recurrence to those songs, even now, afflicts me; and while I am writing these lines, an expression of feeling has already found its way down my cheek. To those songs I trace my first glimmering conception of the dehumanizing character of slavery. I can never get rid of that conception. Those songs still follow me, to deepen my hatred of slavery, and quicken my sympathies for my brethren in bonds”(Douglass 14).

4 AP English Language Agenda for August 26/27, 2014 Daily Objectives: 1. Understand how language shapes our world. 2. Understand the key rhetorical concepts in DIDST. Daily Activities and Assessment: Watch video at on donuts to analyze for imagery and details. As you watch this two minute clip, write down every image you think is significant. In a group, pick out the three most significant images you would analyze in a rhetorical analysis essay and how you would analyze them using the template formulas on p. 33. Continue working on Thank You for Arguing Group Activities Finish going over Kincaid essay scoring If time, work on PACAW chart on Kincaid essay (p. 98) Warning: Your first AP essay will be done in class on September 2/3

5 AP Agenda for August 28/29, 2014 Daily Objectives: Understand how to analyze imagery Understand the purpose of satire Daily Activities and Assessment: Watch “A Love Story in 22 Photos” and do analysis of it for details Do reading of additional picture Read through p. 30-59d for some tips on success in an AP English class as people turn in their project Go over another rhetorical analysis essay based on an article from The Onion (starting on p. 118); we will brainstorm ideas for how to write this and read sample papers to prepare us for next class’ REAL AP essay Continue Argument Lab Activities from Jay Heinrich

6 AP Agenda for Sept. 2/3 Daily Objectives: Understand how to write a successful rhetorical analysis essay Understand how to engage in college-level discussion Daily Assessments: Watch “People Are Awesome” video Complete AP Essay #1 (worth 50 points); be sure to annotate on the essay question itself (which will be worth 10 points) Do Thank You for Arguing Activities with group Read “College Pressures” in Patterns for College Writing in our Circle of Love and Understanding

7 AP Agenda for Sept 4/5 Daily Objectives: Understand how to write a successful rhetorical analysis essay Understand how to engage in college-level discussion Daily Assessments: Watch “The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore” and analyze, discuss (p. 104) Do AP MC Practice #1 and go over Measure Reading Rate Continue Thank You for Arguing Group Activities

8 AP Agenda for Sept. 8/9 Daily Objective/s: To understand and articulate the elements that make an effective argument Daily Assignments: Work on Thank You for Arguing Group Activities #10 (together as a class), #11-#18 (will be assigned two on own, then share with group I choose), # 19 (with partner/group you choose) Measure Reading Rate If time, we will do Thank You for Arguing group activity #20 on to the end of the period

9 AP Agenda for Sept. 10/11 Daily Objective/s: To understand what makes an effective AP essay To understand and articulate the elements that make an effective argument Daily Assignments: AP MC Practice #2 Return AP Essay #1 and go over Finish working on Thank You for Arguing Group activities; remember your test is next class period You should bring your Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass book next class period

10 AP Agenda for Sept. 12/15 Daily Objective/s: To understand and articulate the elements that make an effective argument To understand how to analyze a work of non-fiction from the 1800s Daily Assignments: Take Test on Templates/Thank You for Arguing (45 minutes) When finished, complete Crayonout poem using page from Frederick Douglass and instructions on p. 138 (Note: You can download and print page you “crayonout” at home if you are worried you will not have that page.) Work on your own on “Making Meanings” questions on p. 139, 142, 145; choose 5 per page to complete (for a total of 15); do on a separate piece of paper and turn it in when finished or it is homework Last 15 minutes—work with a partner on “Reading Strategies “questions on p. 140 and 145 (cross out the follow-up)

11 Daily Objective: Understand a work of nonfiction from the 1800s Daily Assignments: Note: You should turn in questions on p. 139, 142, 144 if you did not last class period Complete Plot Point Game (p. 147) with group of no more than four in 30 minutes Complete Rhetorical Analysis Essay Question Prompt (p. 148) in 15 minutes on own, with partner, or in group of no more than four (1A, 4A); as a whole class activity (2B, 3B) due to early release Complete DIDST Graphic Organizers on own, with partner, or in group according to my directions (Warning for Overachievers: You do not have to complete all of them; you will be doing only some of them.) Next class period: We will be doing 10 Writing “Battles” to compete for best group on Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. Make sure you bring your book! AP Agenda for Sept. 16/17

12 Daily Objective: Understand a work of nonfiction from the 1800s Understand how to work in a cooperative learning group Daily Assignments: After being placed into groups, we are going to complete the ten topics under Frederick Douglass battles listed on p. 160. The overall winners will get five stickers per person in group. If time, complete Kobald’s Bag Activity (p. 161) AP Agenda for Sept. 18/19

13 DE ENC 1101 Agenda for August 20/21, 2014 Daily Objectives: 1. Students will understand the expectations for success in a college level class. 2. Students will work cohesively in a cooperative learning group to achieve a common goal. Academic vocabulary for this week: illustrative/exemplification essay Daily Activities and Assessment: Reminder: You should turn in your summer reading journal by 11:59 pm tonight to worth 50 points Go over syllabus/notebook/journal/Whoops Pass Assign homework on The Last Lecture (p. 46) and reading on Wadsworth book Take summer reading quiz- worth 75 points Complete “paper clip” cooperative learning activity on The Last Lecture (described on p. 46) Note: We will work in-class on an essay on The Last Lecture next class period. It is described in your Guidebook on p. 53. If time, we will begin brainstorming ideas today.

14 DE ENC 1101 Agenda for August 22/25, 2014 Daily Question: 1. Students will understand what makes an effective paragraph. 2. Students will understand makes a strong illustrative/exemplification essay. Academic Vocabulary for Week: illustrative/exemplification essay Daily Activities and Assessment: Hang up and share homework on The Last Lecture Wadsworth: Do ex. 2B on p. 81 and ex. 8 on p. 91 with a partner; do handout on paragraphs on own Work on rough draft of Short Essay #1 on The Last Lecture in Rm. 213

15 DE ENC 1101 Agenda for August 26/27, 2014 Daily Objective: Students will understand become comfortable with speaking in class through informal and formal presentations Academic vocabulary for this week: illustrative/exemplification essay Daily Activities and Assessment: Reminder: Your rough draft of essay on The Last Lecture is due August 27 at 11:59 pm; your journal is due August 29 Watch short excerpt from end of The Last Lecture Read through articles on The Last Lecture in packet Begin discussion of The Last Lecture

16 DE ENC 1101 Agenda for Aug. 28/29 Daily Objectives: To participate fully in a college level classroom discussion To successfully complete an illustration/exemplification essay Daily Activities and Assessments: Assign books and pass out syllabus with page numbers for our books Finish The Last Lecture discussion Readings for Writers Selections/Assignment/Discussion: “Guidelines for Critical Reading” 3-10 (in class), Chapter 2: “What is Rhetoric?” 16-40; “What—and How—to Write When You Have No Time to Write,” 41; “Have a Cigar,” 52; “How to Say Nothing in 500 Words” 65; “Assignment 1: The Research Paper,” 691-729; Chapter 10: “Illustration and Exemplification” 332-337; “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…” 350; “Don’t Legalize Drugs” 358; “Drug Use: The Continuing Epidemic,” 365

17 ENC 1101 Agenda for Sept. 2/3 Daily Objectives: Understand how to write a successful illustration/exemplification essay Understand how to engage in college-level discussion Daily Assessments: Complete final draft of The Last Lecture essay; due Tuesday night at 11:59 pm Reading time for The Last Lecture articles; we will create Cornell notes on main points of each article Discussion of articles when finished Bring Wadsworth next class period

18 ENC 1101 Agenda for Sept. 4/5 Daily Objectives: Understand how to write outlines Understand how to engage in college-level discussion Daily Assessments: Complete the following activities in Wadsworth book: “Constructing an Informal Outline,” 44-46; Chapter 54 “Using Semicolons” 652-658; In-class do ex. 2 (p. 653), ex. 3(p. 654), ex. 5 (p. 656) on own; do ex. 6 (p. 658) with a partner; In-class we will create an informal outline on our research paper essay Read “You Are Not Special” and do activity on it

19 ENC 1101 Agenda for Sept. 8/9 Daily Objective/s: To add to a classroom discussion To understand what a causal analysis essay is Daily Assignments: Assign causal analysis essay (p. 54); we will work on the rough draft next period Go over Readings for Writers selections, including: On own during first half of class—”Causal Analysis,” p. 497-502 (which you should pay particular attention to as your next essay is a causal analysis); “What is a Thesis?” p. 97-111; “How do I Organize?” p. 133-145; “The Editing Booth” p. 667-689 Together during second half of class (it is homework what you do not finish)—”Rules for Aging” p. 153-; “The New Feminism” p. 537-; “Bricklayer’s Boy” p. 514-520

20 ENC 1101 Agenda for Sept. 10/11 Daily Objective/s: To write a causal analysis essay Daily Assignments: Work on rough draft of causal analysis essay; it is due September 11 at 11:59 pm We will work on rough draft in class in Room 213 all period; you will also be able to view my comments on your previous final draft at that time We will work on peer editing in Room 213 on Friday, Sept. 12 (A day)/ the classroom on Monday, Sept. 15 (B day) We will work on the final draft in the classroom on Sept. 18 (A)/ 19 (B); it is due Sept. 19; I am working on getting permission for your own laptops to be able to be brought in, as I only have 16 laptops available in class (and I have 20 of you on B day.

21 ENC 1101 Agenda for Sept. 12/15 Daily Objective/s: To effectively peer edit a causal analysis essay To analyze a great work on English literature Daily Assignments: Assign The Canterbury Tales Prologue Reading and Index Assignment—due October 7 at 11:59 pm to Turnitin; Quiz on Prologue is October 8 (A)/October 9 (B) Complete peer editing of causal analysis essay; due Sept. 15 at 11:59 pm; in Room 213 for A Day; in classroom for B day Read “The Life and Times of Chaucer” p. 271 in The Cantebury Tales and write a list of Top 10 Reasons You Are Happy You Did Not Live in Chaucer’s Time, using examples from article to back up the points you make

22 Daily Objective: Understand what makes for an effective tone Understand what makes for a strong division/classification essay Daily Assignments: Warm Up Tone Activity: “What are you doing?” and “Well, that’s nice.” Readings for Writers selections: Read to skim: “What is a Writer’s Voice?”; “Tone: The Writer’s Voice in the Reader’s Mind”; Division/Classification; Read on own in-depth: “The Waltz” Read together: “Move Over Teams”; “Incidents with White People”; “Warriors Don’t Cry” When finished, you might have time to read from The Canterbury Tales ENC 1101 Agenda for Sept. 16/17

23 Daily Objective: Understand how to write a causal analysis essay Daily Assignments: Pass out Midmidterm Study Guide; test will be Sept. 24 (A)/25 (B); we will study in-class on Monday/Tuesday Work on final draft of Causal Analysis essay; due on Sept. 19 at 11:59 pm If you finish early, work on The Canterbury Tales index ENC 1101 Agenda for Sept. 18/19

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