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Reproductive System By: Stephanie Piser. Male Reproductive System Produces sperm cells and provides a mechanism for delivering them to the female’s body.

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Presentation on theme: "Reproductive System By: Stephanie Piser. Male Reproductive System Produces sperm cells and provides a mechanism for delivering them to the female’s body."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reproductive System By: Stephanie Piser

2 Male Reproductive System Produces sperm cells and provides a mechanism for delivering them to the female’s body Parts: -Scrotum -Testes -Epididymus -Ductus deferens -Accessory glands -Urethra -Penis

3 Male Reproduction Parts Scrotum the sac (pouch) that contains the testes, blood vessels, and part of the spermatic cord Temperature sensitive Testes Produce sperm cells Divided into compartments that contain seminiferous tubules

4 Male Reproductive System Epididymus Upper part of the testes Secretes and stores semen Provides passageway for sperm Ductus Deferens Carries sperm from the epidiymis through the pelvic region to the urethra Accessory Glands Seminal vesicles- nourishment Prostate gland- motility Bulbourethral Glands- protection

5 Male Reproductive System Urethra Passes through the penis to the outside of the body Urine and ejaculate Penis Male sex organ


7 Female Reproductive System Produces the female egg cells and hormones Provides for conception and pregnancy Parts: - Ovary -Fallopian tubes -Uterus -Cervix -Vagina -Vulva -Mammary glands

8 Parts Ovaries Pair of almond shaped organs located in the caudal abdomen Where egg cells are stored Produces estrogen and progesterone Fallopian Tubes Pair of tubes attached to the uterus Provides a passageway for ovum to move from the ovary to uterus Infindibulum: catches egg released from ovaries Fertilization occurs here

9 PARTS Uterus Pear shaped muscular organ located in the pelvic cavity Functions: menstruation, pregnancy and labor Tissue layers: -Endometrium -Myometrium -Perimetrium Cervix Narrow lower portion of uterus Composed of sphincters – tightly shut

10 Female Repro. Parts Vagina Tube that connects the uterus to the outside of the body Vulva External genitals that surround the vagina Common sign of pregnancy and estrus Mammary Glands Produce milk Shape, placement and number are dependent upon species - teats & offspring



13 Common Diseases Dystocia- difficult birth Epididymitis- inflammation of the epididymus Pyometra- pus in the uterus Sterility- inability to reproduce Mastitis- inflammation of the mammary glands

14 Common Procedures Hysterectomy- surgical removal of the uterus Neuter- sexual altering of males Fetotomy- cutting apart of a fetus to enable removal from the uterus

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